Mission #043: Nine Tales of Snow
Start Location Blizzard City, house nearest Poke Mart – woman in ground floor apartment
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Blizzard City
Objectives Hunt down a thief into Frozen Forest and return a woman’s Alolan Ninetales
Reward Item: Alolan Vulpix Egg

The Alolan Ninetales belonging to a woman in Blizzard City has been kidnapped, and you’ll need to rescue it from Frozen Forest. Do so and she’ll give you an Alolan Vulpix Egg.

Starting the Mission

The house nearest the Poke Mart / Pokémon Unbound
The house nearest the Poke Mart

In Blizzard City, head inside the house on the right side of the middle row of houses (near the Poke Mart).

A stolen Pokemon / Pokémon Unbound
A stolen Pokemon

On the ground floor you’ll find a woman who has had her Pokémon stolen.

Leave the house, and you’ll get a big clue on where to start looking.

How to Complete

Walking south towards the town entrance will reveal a shady man in a black hat leaving to go east to a deep forest.

The burglar heads east of the city entrance / Pokémon Unbound
The burglar heads east of the city entrance

Follow him, and you’ll find the way to Frozen Forest.

The overcast and foreboding Frozen Forest / Pokémon Unbound
The overcast and foreboding Frozen Forest

There’s not much to do here except follow the path, with a couple of exceptions.

The lair of a fierce Pokemon / Pokémon Unbound
The lair of a fierce Pokemon

Just to the north of the entrance is a strange sight – the lair of a giant scary Crabominable, which you can get into by using Cut on the small trees. It’s asleep though, for now.

Following the path around / Pokémon Unbound
Following the path around

The only thing to do here to progress is take the west path and circle it around. There aren’t any trainers waiting to challenge you, just the occasional patch of long grass.

Frozen Forest Ice Puzzle

The Frozen Forest Ice Puzzle / Pokémon Unbound
The Frozen Forest Ice Puzzle

Continue until you see a large patch of ice – this is an ice sliding puzzle.

Follow the instructions below to get to the other side:

  1. From the southernmost land tile, slide east onto the ice.
  2. Slide down.
  3. Slide right.
  4. Slide up off the ice.
  5. Obtain the Ice Stone.
  6. Slide down back onto the ice.
  7. Slide left.
  8. Slide up.
  9. Slide left.
  10. Slide down.
  11. Slide left.
  12. Slide down.
  13. Slide right.
  14. Slide down and off the ice.
The destination of the ice puzzle / Pokémon Unbound
The destination of the ice puzzle

You will land near the entrance to a clearing – this is where the missing Pokémon is.

The Missing Pokémon

Confronting the Burglar / Pokémon Unbound
Confronting the Burglar

As soon as you arrive in the clearing, the Burglar confronts you with the woman’s missing Alolan Ninetales, as well as his other Pokémon.

Burglar Jett
Alolan Ninetales

After you beat him though, there’s a problem – the Crabominable has woken up and has decided to attack you!

Pokémon Encounter
(Lv. 32)

The Crabominable can be caught, and this is the only opportunity in this game for you to get one.

When you return to Blizzard City with the woman’s Alolan Ninetales, she gives you one of its Eggs as a reward. It will eventually hatch into an Alolan Vulpix.

The woman is grateful / Pokémon Unbound
The woman is grateful
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