Mission #044: Numbskull
Start Location Redwood Forest, near Cube Corp. entrance in final glade area – man near log
Unlock Requirements
  • Become Pokémon Champion
Objectives Use Headbutt on trees in Redwood Village and Redwood Forest 50 times
Reward Item: Pinsirite

Deep in the Redwood Forest is a man who wants you to use Headbutt on trees in the Redwood Village and Forest areas to battle Pokémon. Do this 50 times, and you’ll get the Pinsirite mega stone.

Starting the Mission

If you’ve defeated the Pokémon League, head south from Redwood Village and you’ll find yourself in Redwood Forest.

The Redwood Forest entrance / Pokémon Unbound
The Redwood Forest entrance

You’ll first need to defeat a Snorlax that is blocking the way, but once that’s done you’re free to travel anywhere in the forest.

You’ll be in the first of many nearly-identical clearings in the forest, and the way forward can be confusing and counter-intuitive. It’s the Lost Woods of Pokémon Unbound.

Head through the west exit.

Most clearings of the forest have four exits / Pokémon Unbound
Most clearings of the forest have four exits

You’ll then end up in the second clearing (pictured below).

The second clearing / Pokémon Unbound
The second clearing

From here, head through the west exit.

Take the west exit again / Pokémon Unbound
Take the west exit again

You’ll get to the third clearing, which has a Trainer Tips sign and a couple of trainers to defeat in it.

The third clearing / Pokémon Unbound
The third clearing

Explore it if you like, but to progress towards starting the mission you should go through the south exit.

The south exit / Pokémon Unbound
The south exit

It will take you to the second clearing again.

The second clearing again / Pokémon Unbound
The second clearing again

Don’t move far though – because from here, you want to just go back the way you came.

If you did this correctly, you’ll be in the fourth clearing.

The fourth clearing / Pokémon Unbound
The fourth clearing

From the fourth clearing, take the west exit and you’ll be in the fifth.

The west exit / Pokémon Unbound
The west exit
The fifth clearing, with a pond and Medium Ruth / Pokémon Unbound
The fifth clearing, with a pond and Medium Ruth

There’s a trainer here, Medium Ruth, and a pond you can surf across.

Go down and take the south exit.

The south exit / Pokémon Unbound
The south exit

You’ll see the sixth clearing here, and a Bug Maniac waiting to ambush you at the entrance.

The sixth clearing / Pokémon Unbound
The sixth clearing

But you don’t need to fight him to continue – just walk back the way you came, and you’ll be in the final clearing.

The final clearing / Pokémon Unbound
The final clearing

This is the last clearing, and it’s where this mission starts.

Tip: The entrance to Cube Corp. is to the south, so head there first to mark it as a Fly point if this is your first time through.

The man you need for starting this mission is to the west here, near a log.

The mission giver / Pokémon Unbound
The mission giver

He wants you to use Headbutt on trees around here no less than 50 times, and he’ll give you a reward for it.

How to Complete

To complete the mission, you first need a Pokémon with the move Headbutt.

There are a lot of Pokémon that can learn it at different levels, but the easiest and quickest option is to go to Route 7 and search the tall grass for a Drowzee. It will need to be at night time, after 8pm.

The Drowzee you catch should have Headbutt already learned – if not, try to catch another one until you find one that does know it, or use a Move Tutor.

Headbutt works in trees in Redwood Village and Redwood Forest / Pokémon Unbound
Headbutt works in trees in Redwood Village and Redwood Forest

Then Fly back to Redwood Village and use Headbutt on the trees around the village.

It can be any tree, and it is as easy as pressing A in front of one.

As soon as you use Headbutt, you’ll be confronted by an angry Pokémon.

Because of the number of Headbutts required, this mission could take a while, unless you run from every battle. However it might be worth capturing every Pokémon you see, because this mission would be more efficient when done alongside Mission #049: Population Control.

Headbutt Pokémon

Once you’ve Headbutted trees in Redwood 50 times, return to the man and he’ll give you the Pinsirite.

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