Mission #046: Odd Odd Docks
Start Location Antisis City, Black Emboar HQ – goon riding around on ground floor
Unlock Requirements
Objectives Participate in a smuggling mission at the Antisis Port
Reward Item: Dream Mist

A goon riding a bike indoors in the Black Emboar HQ wants to recruit you on a smuggling mission at the Antisis Port after dark. He’ll give you a Dream Mist in return.

Starting the Mission

The Black Emboar HQ in Antisis City / Pokémon Unbound
The Black Emboar HQ in Antisis City

You’ll need to first complete the mission #061: The Black Emboar in Crater Town.

You’ll also need to have assisted the policeman in Fallshore City Mission HQ with his task to hunt down the Terror Granbull in and near Route 10.

If you’ve done all that, go to the Black Emboar HQ next to the Poke Mart in Antisis City.

A smuggling mission / Pokémon Unbound
A smuggling mission

The goon riding his bike on the ground floor is looking for a person to help smuggle goods through Antisis Port, which is pretty much the only place in town with any law and order.

Tip: You’ll have to go there after 8PM, but you don’t have to wait for the real world time to match up. Just change your system clock accordingly – an old trick, but a good one.

Antisis Port can be accessed through the southeastern gatehouse in Antisis City.

How to Complete

On your way through the gatehouse, you’ll be asked to show some ID, which you’ve got. The port is crawling with guards waiting for the excuse to catch criminals.

The port is well-guarded / Pokémon Unbound
The port is well-guarded
Tip: During the day, the three guards will ignore you, but at night they’ll challenge you to a battle.

Head to the northeast pier and you’ll find your contact waiting for you.

The contact at the docks / Pokémon Unbound
The contact at the docks

Apparently you’re waiting for some ‘Rose Incense’.

After a little bit of waiting, a ship arrives, along with a familiar face.

Mirskle hands over the goods / Pokémon Unbound
Mirskle hands over the goods

The Dresco Gym leader and mysterious Fog lover Mirskle gives you the shipment, then quickly sails off.

Unfortunately, you’re caught by some members of the Black Ferrothorn who want to curry favor with the guards.

Port Battle
Black Ferrothorn Goon A
Black Ferrothorn Goon A
The tables get turned / Pokémon Unbound
The tables get turned

While you were busy battling the goons, your contact went to alert the guard and get the Ferrothorn arrested instead, which caps things off nicely.

He hid the package – revealed to be illegal Oddish Leaves – on the western side of the crate area, opposite the lighthouse.

The hidden leaves / Pokémon Unbound
The hidden leaves

Pick up the package and attempt to go through the gatehouse.

The guard is suspicious, because he can smell something, but he lets you pass eventually.

Your reward for the smuggling / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward for the smuggling

When you get back to the gang HQ, your contact rewards you with Dream Mist and tells you that Mirskle in Dresco Town will make you more if you give him any Oddish you’ve caught.

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