Mission #047: One Purple Balloon
Start Location Crystal Peak, exterior cliffs – lady near 1F entrance
Unlock Requirements
Objectives Find the little Tuber girl and the Drifloon on the outside cliffs of Crystal Peak, multiple times
Reward Item: Quick Powder

The strange mother and daughter from the Fallshore HQ Mission are on vacation on Crystal Peak. Unfortunately, the daughter has been picked up by a Drifloon and you’ll need to track them down multiple times to earn a Quick Powder.

Starting the Mission

Crystal Peak entrance in Cootes Bog / Pokémon Unbound
Crystal Peak entrance in Cootes Bog

If you’ve completed Mission #005: Abandonment Issues and become Pokémon Champion, then fly to Crystal Peak.

You’ll end up at the Cootes Bog entrance.

Head inside / Pokémon Unbound
Head inside

Go inside the cavern entrance and turn right, past the healing Chansey.

Smash one of the rocks blocking the passage and climb down the ladder to B1F.

The ladder to B1F / Pokémon Unbound
The ladder to B1F
Crystal Peak B1F / Pokémon Unbound
Crystal Peak B1F

From the ladder, go south, and then surf east across the pond.

Don’t touch these totems - make sure they’re all pushed down / Pokémon Unbound
Don’t touch these totems – make sure they’re all pushed down

After becoming Champion, Crystal Peak’s crystal totems will become accessible, and they’re mainly used for Mission #014: Blazing Emerald.

If you’re in the middle of doing that mission as well (or have already completed it), make sure that all the totems are deactivated (no crystals pushed up).

You’ll need all three colors of crystals to climb the exterior of Crystal Peak.

If all the totems are pushed down, continue east to the ladder up to 1F.

Climb to 1F / Pokémon Unbound
Climb to 1F
Climb down the blue crystals / Pokémon Unbound
Climb down the blue crystals

Once you’ve gone up the ladder, head south down the blue crystals and walk west to the cliff face there.

Climb up these yellow crystals / Pokémon Unbound
Climb up these yellow crystals

Climb the cliff face by using the yellow crystals and turn south, following the upper path along the edge of the cavern.

Continue along this path / Pokémon Unbound
Continue along this path

Keep going south, past the trainer on a Bike.

At the intersection, go southeast / Pokémon Unbound
At the intersection, go southeast

When you hit a junction, climb the yellow crystals down and then walk south.

The entrance to the exterior / Pokémon Unbound
The entrance to the exterior

Pass through the large crystals partially blocking the way through until you come to a cave exit. This will lead out to the exterior of Crystal Peak.

Another rescue mission / Pokémon Unbound
Another rescue mission

You’ll see the mother from the Fallshore City rescue mission immediately – she needs your help tracking down her daughter.

She’s been taken by a Drifloon to somewhere else out on these cliffs, and you’ve got to track her down.

How to Complete

The first location of the girl / Pokémon Unbound
The first location of the girl

Just like the mission in Fallshore, you’ll need to find the girl multiple times around the same zone.

There are five locations, and the last one is right where you accepted the mission.

All Daughter Locations
First Spot
At the southwest corner of the exterior area
Second Spot
Just south of the entrance to Crystal Peak 2F, at the northeast corner
Third Spot
At the dead end in the north section of the route, accessible from the northwest platform
Fourth Spot
Just west of the Crystal Peak 1F entrance, at the first crystal intersection
Final Spot
Back at the mother, in front of the Crystal Peak 1F entrance
The mother turns into a Ditto / Pokémon Unbound
The mother turns into a Ditto

When you find the daughter for the last time, her mother transforms into a Ditto and fights you.

After you beat it, it’ll be picked up by the Drifloon and you’ll get your Quick Powder reward for the mission.

Your reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward
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