Mission #048: Pangs of Hunger
Start Location Seaport City, house east of Poke Mart – woman in kitchen
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Seaport City
Objectives Show a woman a Pyukumuku and then a Probopass
Reward Item: 3 Balm Mushrooms

There’s a woman in Seaport City who has weird hunger pangs. Satisfy them by showing her a Pyukumuku and then a Probopass. In return, she’ll give you 3 Balm Mushrooms.

Starting the Mission

From the Pokémon Center of Seaport City, head east past the Poke Mart to the house that is just next to the mart.

The house next to the Poke Mart in Seaport City / Pokémon Unbound
The house next to the Poke Mart in Seaport City
This lady wants to look at a sea cucumber Pokémon / Pokémon Unbound
This lady wants to look at a sea cucumber Pokémon

Speak to the lady in the kitchen in this house and she’ll tell you about her odd hunger pains.

To alleviate them, she asks to see a Pokémon that looks like a sea cucumber.

How to Complete

Dehara City beach / Pokémon Unbound
Dehara City beach

The only thing that fits her description is a Pyukumuku. After that, she’ll want to see a Probopass.

The locations of both Pokémon are below:

Pokémon Locations
Dehara City
Surfing north of Dehara City beach
Thundercap Mt. 2F
Probopass are not available to be caught, but Nosepass are.

Once you catch a Nosepass in Thundercap Mountain, level it up once within the area and it will evolve into a Probopass.

The reward for satisfying the weird hunger pangs of the woman in Seaport City is 3 Balm Mushrooms.

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