Mission #052: Pyukumuku Chucker
Start Location Dehara City, northwest house in the four-house intersection – fisherman on second floor
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Dehara City
Objectives Throw all Pyukumuku back in the ocean from Dehara Beach
Reward Item: Power Band

A fisherman in Dehara City has noticed a problem with poisonous Pyukumuku creeping their way on Dehara beach. If you throw them all back in the ocean, he’ll give you a Power Band.

Starting the Mission

The block of four / Pokémon Unbound
The block of four

In the east section of Dehara City is an intersection with four accessible houses on it.

Head into the northwest house.

There are pesky Pokemon showing up on the beach / Pokémon Unbound
There are pesky Pokemon showing up on the beach

The fisherman inside on the second floor gives you a mission to throw any Pyukumuku you might find on the beach back in the ocean, because they’re a hazard to beachgoers.

How to Complete

Go to the northern beach and remove all the Pyukumuku you can find until it tells you to return.

A pesky Pyukumuku / Pokémon Unbound
A pesky Pyukumuku

No need to battle them, you’ll just need to examine them and they’ll leave.

When all Pyukumuku are gone / Pokémon Unbound
When all Pyukumuku are gone

Once you’ve managed to get rid of all of them, you’ll get a message confirming it.

For cleaning up the beach, you’ll be given a Power Band.

Your reward for the beach cleanup / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward for the beach cleanup
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