Mission #053: Seasonal Research
Start Location Tehl Town, Lab Assistant’s House – rightmost Scientist
Unlock Requirements
  • Complete the main story missions up until Polder Town
Objectives Show a Scientist all four seasonal forms of Sawsbuck
Reward Service: Free Change of Nature

In the Lab Assistant’s house in Tehl Town, there’s a scientist who wants to see all four seasonal variants of Sawsbuck. If you do that, he’ll offer to change a Pokémon’s Nature for free.

After completing this mission, the same NPC will then charge for all subsequent Nature changes.

Starting the Mission

The Lab Assistant house in Tehl Town / Pokémon Unbound
The Lab Assistant house in Tehl Town

The western house in Tehl Town is home to a couple of lab assistants to Professor Log.

Speak to the scientist on the right-hand side of the living room and he’ll give you the mission:

He wants to see all four seasonal forms of Sawsbuck.

How to Complete

Looking for Deerling / Pokémon Unbound
Looking for Deerling

The Scientist will ask for the four seasonal forms in this order:

  1. Spring
  2. Summer
  3. Autumn
  4. Winter

Sawsbuck cannot be found in the wild, but its pre-evolution Deerling can. And they have the same seasonal forms.

Deerling Locations
Spring Form Deerling
Route 6
Long Grass
Summer Form Deerling
Route 12
Long Grass
Autumn Form Deerling
Route 9
Long Grass
Winter Form Deerling
Route 8
Long Grass

Deerling evolve into Sawsbuck at Lv.34. The levels of the Deerling caught in the various routes will be well below that, so training all four of them will take some time.

The fastest way to do it is to go to the Day-Care Center on Route 5, deposit two, and then train the other two in your Pokémon party alongside high level Pokémon in a high level area such as Victory Road.

Changing Natures / Pokémon Unbound
Changing Natures

The reward for the mission is a little complicated.

This Scientist can change the Nature attribute of any of your Pokémon, which affects their capabilities in each stat.

Note: Changing a Pokémon’s Nature resets its relationship with you in terms of happiness.

The first Nature change is free, and must be accepted to complete the mission. You may wish to do this to one of the Sawsbuck if you don’t want to change the Natures of your actual party Pokémon.

Every other Nature change after the first one requires a fee of P50,000.

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