Mission #054: Shark Bait
Start Location Seaport City, Pokémon Center – Policeman outside
Unlock Requirements
Objectives Defeat 20 Sharpedo and a Mega Sharpedo on the sea floor of Route 17
Reward Item: Sharpedonite

If you’ve captured the Terror Granbull in Route 10 and tracked down the missing Electivire, after you’re Pokemon Champion you can speak to a policeman in front of the Seaport City Pokémon Center.

He’ll give you a mission to defeat a pack of Sharpedo underwater in Route 17, and for your trouble he’ll reward you with a Sharpedonite.

Starting the Mission

The Policeman returns / Pokémon Unbound
The Policeman returns

Once you’ve become Pokémon Champion, fly to Seaport City.

If you’ve helped out the Policeman to catch the Terror Granbull in Route 10, as well as found the missing Electivire, the Policeman will be out in front of the Pokémon Center to give you another mission.

Sharpedo on the loose / Pokémon Unbound
Sharpedo on the loose

You’ll be directed to go to the sea floor of Route 17, and to do that you’ll need to get the ADM from Seaport Shipyard if you haven’t already.

How to Complete

Heading west / Pokémon Unbound
Heading west

Go west out of Seaport City and you’ll be on Route 17 and just keep going West.

Go through the long grass / Pokémon Unbound
Go through the long grass

Make your way through the long grass and then turn south when you see the stairs west to the beach.

Continuing along / Pokémon Unbound
Continuing along

Then go towards the west when you run out of island, and you’ll come to some long grass in front of a bridge leading north.

Go north / Pokémon Unbound
Go north

Go through the grass and across the bridge and you’ll end up on the other island.

Head up / Pokémon Unbound
Head up

Once you’re there, go up the stairs and head west past the Pokémon Ranger and the Berry picker trapped behind a boulder.

Almost there / Pokémon Unbound
Almost there

When you see stairs leading south, take them down and walk to the southwest corner of the island.

The way down to the beach / Pokémon Unbound
The way down to the beach

You’ll see a rock wall here you can climb down to the beach.

The Dive spot / Pokémon Unbound
The Dive spot

Go down it and you’ll see a deep patch of water just off the shore. With the ADM, you’ll be able to dive underneath to the depths of Route 17.

Note: Be aware that you will not be able to surface until all Sharpedo are taken care of, otherwise your progress will be reset. Make sure to bring a lot of healing items.

Sharpedo #1-2

When you arrive on the sea floor, head east into the tunnel entrance.

The Sharpedo await / Pokémon Unbound
The Sharpedo await

You’ll immediately get seen by the first of 20 Sharpedo you need to defeat in this area.

The first Sharpedo / Pokémon Unbound
The first Sharpedo

It’s a tough challenge, especially considering they increase a random stat whenever you encounter them.

Sharpedo Encounters
(Lv. 75)
The second Sharpedo / Pokémon Unbound
The second Sharpedo

The second Sharpedo is to the east of the first one.

Sharpedo #3-5

Head north / Pokémon Unbound
Head north

When they’re both defeated, go through the cave entrance just north of the one you exited.

The third and fourth Sharpedos / Pokémon Unbound
The third and fourth Sharpedos

There are two Sharpedo here swimming right by the entrance.

The fifth Sharpedo / Pokémon Unbound
The fifth Sharpedo

The fifth Sharpedo is swimming in a constant circle around the center of the room, and he can be easily taken care of.

Sharpedo #6-7

Go back the way you came / Pokémon Unbound
Go back the way you came

Head back to the entrance you came through and back to the tunnel where the first and second Sharpedo were.

The east entrance / Pokémon Unbound
The east entrance

This time, go east to the end of the passage and you’ll see another entrance.

The sixth and seventh Sharpedo / Pokémon Unbound
The sixth and seventh Sharpedo

You’ll see the sixth and seventh Sharpedo swimming around the tunnel here.

Sharpedo #8

Continue east / Pokémon Unbound
Continue east

When they’re finished, take the east entrance out of this passage into another one.

The eighth Sharpedo / Pokémon Unbound
The eighth Sharpedo

You’ll see the next Sharpedo as soon as you come through the tunnel.

Sharpedo #9

Keep going east / Pokémon Unbound
Keep going east

Then, go east through the tunnel entrance there.

The ninth Sharpedo / Pokémon Unbound
The ninth Sharpedo

The ninth Sharpedo will be waiting for you here.

Sharpedo #10-16

Follow the tunnel north / Pokémon Unbound
Follow the tunnel north

After that, follow the tunnel along until it turns north and leads into another cavern.

The tenth Sharpedo / Pokémon Unbound
The tenth Sharpedo

The tenth Sharpedo is near where you arrive.

From there, go west.

The eleventh and twelfth Sharpedo / Pokémon Unbound
The eleventh and twelfth Sharpedo

You’ll soon see two Sharpedo swimming around in this part of the cavern.

Patrol this area a bit more and you’ll spot others.

The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth Sharpedo / Pokémon Unbound
The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth Sharpedo

There will be three more swimming around here somewhere, and when you’ve got all six in this area it’s time to move on.

Sharpedo #17-18

Go south to the opening of a small alcove.

The opening / Pokémon Unbound
The opening

Enter it and you’ll see that there are two Sharpedo teaming up together here.

The seventeenth and eighteenth Sharpedo / Pokémon Unbound
The seventeenth and eighteenth Sharpedo

You’ll need to defeat them in a Double Battle.

Sharpedo #19

Head back to the open cavern area and find the northwest tunnel.

Go through the northwest tunnel / Pokémon Unbound
Go through the northwest tunnel

Go through it and keep heading west until you see another tunnel entrance in front of you – head through that one as well.

Keep going west / Pokémon Unbound
Keep going west

You’ll see the penultimate Sharpedo along this passage.

The nineteenth Sharpedo / Pokémon Unbound
The nineteenth Sharpedo

When it’s defeated, continue along to find the last one, through a southern tunnel.

Sharpedo #20

The last Sharpedo / Pokémon Unbound
The last Sharpedo

Take down the last Sharpedo, and you’re in for a bit of a surprise.

Dynamax Mega Sharpedo

The final boss / Pokémon Unbound
The final boss

As soon as all twenty Sharpedo are defeated, you’ll see a shadow approaching you – the last predator in the trench.

The final challenge / Pokémon Unbound
The final challenge

It’s a Dynamax Mega Sharpedo, and it’s pretty tough. It scales to your level and has a lot of moves to really ruin any type matchup you may have.

Dynamax Encounter
Mega Sharpedo

(level scales)
You’re free to go back to the surface / Pokémon Unbound
You’re free to go back to the surface

Now that you’ve taken care of all those Sharpedo, return to the Policeman in Seaport City and he’ll give you the Sharpedonite as a reward.

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