Mission #055: Splishy Splash
Start Location Redwood Village, Northeast House – Fisherman inside
Unlock Requirements
  • Complete the main story missions up until Redwood Village
  • Join the Hip Waders in Seaport City
Objectives Catch 30 Magikarp and put them all in the same Box
Reward Pokémon: Shiny Magikarp

In Redwood Village, there’s a Fisherman NPC who wants you to catch 30 Magikarp and put them all in the same Box.

When the mission is complete, the Fisherman will give you a Shiny Magikarp.

Starting the Mission

The Hip Waders club / Pokémon Unbound
The Hip Waders club

Before accepting the mission, you’ll need to be a member of the Hip Waders club.

You can join by speaking to the Fisherman in the house next to the Battleground in Seaport City.

The southeast house in Redwood Village / Pokémon Unbound
The southeast house in Redwood Village

After you’ve done so, head to Redwood Village.

The house in the southeast corner of Redwood Village has a member of the Hip Waders in it, and he offers a mission to fellow members.

Catch Magikarp / Pokémon Unbound
Catch Magikarp

The Fisherman wants you to catch a total of 30 Magikarp and place them within the same Box in the Pokémon Storage System.

How to Complete

Fishing in Dresco Town / Pokémon Unbound
Fishing in Dresco Town

Magikarp are caught by using the Old Rod in most bodies of water, though there are some areas where other fish can be caught with the Old Rod as well.

For maximum efficiency, using an Old Rod over and over again in a place like Dresco Town is the best way of catching 30 Magikarp in a row very quickly. Be sure to stock up on Poke balls first.

Filling the Box / Pokémon Unbound
Filling the Box

When you’ve caught 30 Magikarp, go to a PC or a Porygon to make sure they have ended up in the same Box. You can easily move them around if not.

The Shiny Magikarp reward / Pokémon Unbound
The Shiny Magikarp reward

When you return to the Fisherman, he will take all 30 Magikarp out of your Box and give you a Shiny Magikarp.

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