Mission #056: Statue of Regi
Start Location Tehl Town, Central Plaza – Worker
Unlock Requirements
Objectives Capture Regigigas and show it to the Worker
Reward Service: Amulet Coin Upgrades

After becoming Pokémon Champion and exploring the Tomb of Borrius, speak to a Worker in Tehl Town who wants to build a statue of Regigigas but needs you to bring him the real thing first.

Do so, and he’ll be able to upgrade the coin multiplier of Amulet Coins with Big Nuggets.

Starting the Mission

Fly to Tehl Town and you’ll see a Worker in the middle of town, just north of the town sign.

The sculptor needs a model / Pokémon Unbound
The sculptor needs a model

He’s the guy who built the other statues of Legendary Pokémon in towns across Borrius, and he wants to build one in Tehl Town. However, he needs inspiration first.

You’ll need to bring him the Pokémon that is in Icy Hole under Bellin Town, which is Regigigas. However, it can only be awakened if you have Regice, Registeel and Regirock in your party.

How to Complete


First, we’ll track down Regice.

Fly to Blizzard City and head east, passing by Route 9.

Frozen Forest entrance / Pokémon Unbound
Frozen Forest entrance

You’ll see the entrance to Frozen Forest. Head on inside.

Inside the forest / Pokémon Unbound
Inside the forest

From the entrance, go west through the long grass.

Pass the Crabominable lair / Pokémon Unbound
Pass the Crabominable lair

You’ll pass some Cut trees that lead into the lair of the Crabominable – keep going west past them, following the only viable path along. It will turn north, then east.

Go south from this intersection / Pokémon Unbound
Go south from this intersection

You’ll eventually get to a fork in the road. Go south and you’ll be led along to an ice puzzle.

The starting position / Pokémon Unbound
The starting position

To get to the other side of this puzzle, follow these directions:

Step 1: Step onto the southernmost tile and slide to the east.

After the first move / Pokémon Unbound
After the first move

Step 2: Slide to the north.

After the second move / Pokémon Unbound
After the second move

Step 3: Slide to the west.

After the third move / Pokémon Unbound
After the third move

Step 4: Slide to the south.

After the fourth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the fourth move

Step 5: Slide to the east.

After the fifth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the fifth move

Step 6: Slide to the south.

After the sixth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the sixth move

Step 7: Slide to the west, then slide to the south.

After the seventh and eighth moves / Pokémon Unbound
After the seventh and eighth moves

Step 8: Slide to the east.

After the final move / Pokémon Unbound
After the final move

You’ll then be right in front of the exit to this area. Head down to exit.

Go inside the clearing and head east until you see an ice path leading north.

Follow the ice / Pokémon Unbound
Follow the ice

Slide on it, and you’ll find yourself in the resting place of Regice.

The Tomb of Regice / Pokémon Unbound
The Tomb of Regice

The puzzle to get to Regice requires you to walk on the ice in a particular shape.

Regice Ice Puzzle

The cracked ice puzzle / Pokémon Unbound
The cracked ice puzzle

Here’s the solution.

Step 1: Go to the north side of the tiles, specifically the northern tile second from the left. Then, step onto the ice south one tile.

After the first move / Pokémon Unbound
After the first move

Step 2: Walk west two tiles.

After the second move / Pokémon Unbound
After the second move

Step 3: Walk south two tiles.

After the third move / Pokémon Unbound
After the third move

Step 4: Walk east two tiles.

After the fourth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the fourth move

Step 5: Step south off the ice, and then from the south edge of the tiles, walk on the tile that is third from the right. Check the photo below to confirm.

After the fifth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the fifth move

Step 6: Walk east two tiles.

After the sixth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the sixth move

Step 7: Walk north two tiles.

After the seventh move / Pokémon Unbound
After the seventh move

Step 8: Walk west two tiles.

After the final move / Pokémon Unbound
After the final move

This will complete the pattern, and the cavern will shake.

You’ll then be able to proceed north to the chamber where Regice sleeps at level 50.

Regice / Pokémon Unbound


Once you have Regice, the next one to get is Registeel. Fly to the Victory Road Fly point and surf south into the water.

Victory Road Fly point / Pokémon Unbound
Victory Road Fly point
Down the waterfall / Pokémon Unbound
Down the waterfall

Go down the waterfall, and at the bottom, go south and then southwest, into a gap between some rocks.

Southwest through the rocks / Pokémon Unbound
Southwest through the rocks

Keep surfing through the rocks and you’ll eventually see an island.

The Tomb of Registeel / Pokémon Unbound
The Tomb of Registeel

This is where Registeel lies, so head on inside.

The interior / Pokémon Unbound
The interior

There are a bunch of colored crystals in this cavern, and this is the puzzle you’ll need to solve to get to Registeel.

The colored rocks / Pokémon Unbound
The colored rocks

You’ll need to get all seven to be the same color, and then the chamber will open. There are a few ways of doing this, but here’s one simple method.

Start by going to the northeast crystal.

Registeel Puzzle

The starting position / Pokémon Unbound
The starting position

Step 1: Activate the northeast crystal.

After the first move / Pokémon Unbound
After the first move

Step 2: Activate the northeast crystal again.

After the second move / Pokémon Unbound
After the second move

Step 3: Walk to the southeast crystal and activate it.

The southeast crystal activated / Pokémon Unbound
The southeast crystal activated

Step 4: Walk to the western-most crystal and activate it.

After the fourth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the fourth move

The chamber will now be open, so you can head on in to catch Registeel.

After the final move / Pokémon Unbound
After the final move
Registeel / Pokémon Unbound


Gurun Town / Pokémon Unbound
Gurun Town

To get Regirock, fly to Gurun Town, then head west across the bridge into the Great Desert.

Keep going until you see a cactus – then, veer southwest slightly until you see a familiar-looking rock formation poking out of the sand.

West into the desert / Pokémon Unbound
West into the desert
The Tomb of Regirock / Pokémon Unbound
The Tomb of Regirock

The third and final Regi titan is located here.

The starting position / Pokémon Unbound
The starting position

Regirock Boulder Puzzle

Regirock is sealed off by a boulder puzzle. Here’s a quick way to solve it:

Step 1: Push the southern center boulder north three times.

After the first move / Pokémon Unbound
After the first move

Step 2: Walk to the middle of the north boulders and push it east three times.

After the second move / Pokémon Unbound
After the second move

Step 3: Push the northmost boulder west three times.

After the third move / Pokémon Unbound
After the third move

Step 4: Push the same boulder north once.

After the fourth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the fourth move

Step 5: Push the northeast boulder north twice.

After the fifth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the fifth move

Step 6: Push the boulder that is on the southern side, second from the right, north twice. Then push this same boulder east once.

After the sixth  move / Pokémon Unbound
After the sixth move

Step 7: Push the boulder that is on the south side, second from the left, north twice.

After the seventh move / Pokémon Unbound
After the seventh move

Step 8: Push the same boulder west once.

After the eighth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the eighth move

Step 9: Push the southwest boulder east once. Then push this same boulder south once.

After the ninth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the ninth move
Pushing the same boulder south / Pokémon Unbound
Pushing the same boulder south

Step 10: Push the southeast boulder west once. Then push this same boulder south once.

After the tenth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the tenth move
The final boulder push / Pokémon Unbound
The final boulder push

This will complete the pattern and open the tomb up.

After the final move / Pokémon Unbound
After the final move
Regirock / Pokémon Unbound

Catch the third and final Regi titan, and your collection will be complete – enough to catch Regigigas, anyway.


Return to the nearest PC and arrange things so you only have the three Regi titans in your party, and they must be in the following order: Regirock, then Regice, then Registeel.

Then fly to Bellin Town and climb down the southern rock face to Icy Hole.

Head to Icy Hole / Pokémon Unbound
Head to Icy Hole

Once inside, walk and slide east until you see the ladder down to the lower level, then take it.

Head down the ladder / Pokémon Unbound
Head down the ladder

Speak to the Regigigas and it will wake up – if you’ve got the right order of Pokémon in your party, that is.

Time to catch Regigigas / Pokémon Unbound
Time to catch Regigigas

It’s especially difficult to catch, and using a Master Ball on it is not a halfway bad idea, if you’ve got one to spare.

After Catching Regigigas

The Worker is pleased / Pokémon Unbound
The Worker is pleased

Return to Tehl Town with the Regigigas in your party, and the Worker will be very pleased.

Your reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward

He’ll build the statue right there and then, and offer to upgrade any Amulet Coins you may have.

Each upgrade will cost Big Nuggets, and it will increase the multiplier of coins you get after each battle.

Upgrading costs Big Nuggets / Pokémon Unbound
Upgrading costs Big Nuggets
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