Mission #058: Sweet Pie
Start Location Blizzard City, Northeast House – Piemaker inside kitchen
Unlock Requirements
  • Complete the main story missions up until Blizzard City
Objectives Give the Piemaker 1 Pecha Berry, 1 Qualot Berry and 1 Fresh Water.
Reward Item: 5 Hyper Potions

An elderly woman in Blizzard City loves making pies, and she needs the ingredients to make one for a birthday party. If you give her a Pecha Berry, a Qualot Berry, and a Fresh Water, she’ll give you 5 Hyper Potions. This also leads to more pie quests.

Starting the Mission

Go to the house right next to the entrance to the KBT Expressway in Blizzard City, in the northeast corner of town.

The Piemaker’s house / Pokémon Unbound
The Piemaker’s house
The ingredients for the first pie / Pokémon Unbound
The ingredients for the first pie

The old lady inside this house is the Piemaker, and she wants to make a series of three pies, with a mission for each one.

The first pie she wants to bake requires:

  • 1 Pecha Berry
  • 1 Qualot Berry
  • 1 Fresh Water

How to Complete

The Berry Pouch / Pokémon Unbound
The Berry Pouch

The ingredients can be found all over Borrius, but you can check our berries page if you wanted more.

Repeatable and reliable sources for these specific items are listed below:

Ingredient Sources
Pecha Berry Route 7
Pecha Berries can be found as held items from Buneary caught on Route 7 – use Thief, Knock Off, Covet, or just capture the Buneary.
Qualot Berry Fallshore City
Qualot Berries can be bought at the northeast stall of the Fallshore City Market
Fresh Water Dehara City
The “human vending machine” on 6F of the Dehara City Department Store sells Fresh Water.

For giving her the ingredients for the first pie, the Piemaker gives you 5 Hyper Potions.

You’ll get the next mission in the series automatically – Mission #035: Juicy Pie.

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