Mission #062: The West Borrius Pokedex
Start Location Frozen Heights, Professor Log’s Lab – Professor Log
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Icicle Cave
Objectives See all 498 Pokémon in the Borrius Pokedex
Reward Item: Catching Charm

After getting the Pokedex and doing a favor for Professor Log, he’ll ask you to fill out that Pokedex by seeing (not capturing) every Pokémon in the Borrius list – all 498 of them.

If you do this, you’ll get a Catching Charm.

Starting the Mission

Professor Log’s lab is on the west side of Frozen Heights, and is the biggest building in town.

Professor Log’s laboratory / Pokémon Unbound
Professor Log’s laboratory

At the beginning of your Pokémon journey, after getting the Pokedex and before you set out to Icicle Cave, Professor Log will give you some tasks.

One of them is to see every Pokémon listed in the Borrius Pokedex.

Another favor for Log / Pokémon Unbound
Another favor for Log

How to Complete

You can access the Pokedex at any time from the main menu, and it keeps track of every Pokémon you’ve seen and captured.

The main screen / Pokémon Unbound
The main screen

There are two lists in the Pokedex – the Borrius Pokedex and the National Pokedex.

The one you’ll need to worry about for this mission is the Borrius Pokedex, which contains 498 Pokémon.

You don’t need to capture them – you just need to encounter them in battle.

Note: For info on where to find each one, check out our Pokémon Locations List.

If you manage to see all 498, return to Professor Log and he’ll give you the Catching Charm.

Tip: After completing this mission, you can go on to complete the related Mission #069: The National Pokedex.
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