Mission #063: The Capitalist Revolution
Start Location Fallshore City, Mission HQ 2F – Mart employee
Unlock Requirements
  • Become Pokémon Champion
Objectives Purchase 300 items from Poke Marts
Reward Item: 200 Premier Balls

In the Fallshore Mission HQ, a Mart employee wants you to spread the message of capitalism by buying 300 items from Poke Marts. If you do so, you’ll get 200 Premier Balls.

Starting the Mission

The Mission HQ is on the west side of Fallshore City just north of the Marketplace.

The Fallshore City Mission HQ / Pokémon Unbound
The Fallshore City Mission HQ

Go to the second floor, and the woman in the living room wants you to make 300 purchases from a Poke Mart, or any other shop or stall.

The Mart employee wants you to shop / Pokémon Unbound
The Mart employee wants you to shop

How to Complete

Buying from the Mart / Pokémon Unbound
Buying from the Mart

Completing this mission can take some time.

It’s not just 300 items you need to purchase, but 300 individual purchases. Meaning you can’t just buy 300 Poke Balls all at once in one transaction.

The quickest and cheapest way of doing this mission is purchasing 1 Poke Ball, one at a time, for P200, over and over again until you hit 300 total purchases.

The turbo button on your controller or emulator may make this easier.

200 Premier Balls for your service / Pokémon Unbound
200 Premier Balls for your service

Once you do that, you can return to the Mart employee in Mission HQ and she’ll reward you with 200 Premier Balls. If you sell them along with the Poke Balls you bought, you’ll more than likely make a profit as well.

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