Mission #064: The Communist Revolution
Start Location Fallshore City, Mission HQ 1F – Woman in the hallway
Unlock Requirements
  • Become Pokémon Champion
Objectives Heal at Pokémon Centers 300 times
Reward Item: 10 PP Maxes

In the Fallshore Mission HQ, a Nurse wants you to spread the message of communism by healing at Pokémon Centers 300 times. If you do so, you’ll get 10 PP Maxes.

Starting the Mission

The Mission HQ is on the west side of Fallshore City just north of the Marketplace.

The Fallshore City Mission HQ / Pokémon Unbound
The Fallshore City Mission HQ

The lady in the ground floor hallway wants you to heal at Pokémon Centers 300 times.

Note: The Pokémon Center in Antisis City doesn’t count, because it isn’t free.
The lady wants you to heal / Pokémon Unbound
The lady wants you to heal

How to Complete

Healing up / Pokémon Unbound
Healing up

Completing this mission is simple: just heal over and over at the same Pokémon Center until you hit 300. If you hold down the up arrow while you mash A, you’ll be able to talk to the nurse continuously.

Tip: Activating turbo mode on your controller or emulator may make things a lot faster as well.
Your reward for healing / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward for healing

If you manage to heal for all those times, return to the woman in the Mission HQ and she’ll give you 10 PP Maxes.

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