Mission #072: The Strongest There Is
Start Location Dehara City, Developer House – Girl upstairs
Unlock Requirements
  • Become Pokémon Champion
Objectives Defeat all the Unbound Developer Trainers on the same day
Reward Item: Master Ball

After you’ve become Pokémon Champion, there’s an extra challenge available for you to take.

The house next to the Double Battle House in Dehara City houses the Pokémon Unbound Developers.

Speak to the girl upstairs and she’ll give you a mission to defeat all 5 of them in a single day. Succeed, and you’ll get a Master Ball.

Starting the Mission

North of the Dehara City Gym moat are two houses. The one on the west is the Double Battle House, and the one on the right is nicknamed Developer House.

The Developer House / Pokémon Unbound
The Developer House

Head inside Developer House and go upstairs.

The girl living in the upstairs apartment says that the people downstairs say that the world is a game and they’re the developers of it.

The mission to beat them / Pokémon Unbound
The mission to beat them

She wants you to beat these people, the developers of Pokémon Unbound, in five separate Pokémon battles.

How to Complete

The developers / Pokémon Unbound
The developers

The five devs you need to beat are the four around the table and the one with white hair wandering around near it.

They’re extremely tough, so this is best left as a final challenge run. They each have a team of Lv.100 Pokémon that changes with each playthrough.

If you manage to beat them, return to the girl upstairs and she’ll reward you with a Master Ball.

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