Mission #073: The Terror Granbull
Start Location Fallshore City, Mission HQ – policeman on the ground floor
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Fallshore City
Objectives Find all the Terror Granbull Goons on Route 10 and in a part of Auburn Waterway and Route 9
Reward Item: TM106 Smart Strike

A policeman in the Mission HQ wants to capture the Terror Granbull Goons terrorizing the landscape west of Fallshore City. Once you round them all up, you’ll get TM106 Smart Strike.

Starting the Mission

One of Fallshore City’s most important buildings is the Mission HQ, which is on the west side of town just north of the Marketplace.

The Fallshore City Mission HQ / Pokémon Unbound
The Fallshore City Mission HQ

In the lobby, sitting on a bench, is a policeman who wants you to help kick the Terror Granbull gang out of Route 10.

The policeman wants the Terror Granbull gone / Pokémon Unbound
The policeman wants the Terror Granbull gone

How to Complete

Route 10 begins here / Pokémon Unbound
Route 10 begins here

When you exit Fallshore City to the west, the rain continues but the season has changed.

There is a large group of Terror Granbull goons to the south, so go ahead and confront them.

The policeman intervenes / Pokémon Unbound
The policeman intervenes

Just when it looks like you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, the policeman who gave you the mission steps in and tries to arrest the group of goons. They take the opportunity here to run away.

You’ll have to track them down in order to finish the mission.

Goon #1

Once they’re gone, go west along the bridge and you’ll find yourself in Route 10 proper.

Head west / Pokémon Unbound
Head west

Keep going along the path here.

Past Camper Chris / Pokémon Unbound
Past Camper Chris

You’ll eventually come to a river with some stones in it.

Cross the stones / Pokémon Unbound
Cross the stones

You can jump across the stones to the other side no problem.

Once you’re there, walk north, and you’ll transition into a small part of the neighboring route, Auburn Waterway.

On the very tip of this little peninsula is the first Terror Granbull Goon you have to defeat.

The first Goon is here / Pokémon Unbound
The first Goon is here
Terror Granbull Goon #1

As soon as you do, the policeman shows up to take him away to jail.

Goon #2

When he’s been caught, head south back into Route 10 proper and cross the bridge.

Crossing the bridge / Pokémon Unbound
Crossing the bridge

You’ll be turned around to the west to cross another bridge.

After crossing the next bridge, go north / Pokémon Unbound
After crossing the next bridge, go north

After this bridge, the north path leads towards the other Terror Granbull Goons you need to capture.

The entrance to a small side section of two routes / Pokémon Unbound
The entrance to a small side section of two routes

Walking north will again put you in Auburn Waterway. But follow the tree line once it appears, and follow it until you see a path through to the west.

Continue west and then south / Pokémon Unbound
Continue west and then south

Follow the only route you can here, west and then south, until you see two small trees that need to be cut down.

The trees mark the transition into Route 9 / Pokémon Unbound
The trees mark the transition into Route 9

When you move past them, you’ll be notified that you’re in Route 9.

Keep going west and then north until you see the opportunity to jump off a ledge to the east.

Jump off one ledge to get to the second Goon / Pokémon Unbound
Jump off one ledge to get to the second Goon

When you do, you’ll see the next Goon you need to capture just to the north. The policeman will show up just like last time to take him to jail.

Goon #3

After that’s done, jump one ledge to the east and head through the long grass to the north.

Follow the long grass until you see a curvy fork in the road (pictured below).

The curvy fork in the road / Pokémon Unbound
The curvy fork in the road

Take the left path.

The third goon / Pokémon Unbound
The third goon

This fork leads straight to the next Goon to defeat, and the policeman will come and collect him as well.

Just one more to find in this area.

Goon #4

After that fight, go back south, ignoring the other forks until you get to the west-east corridor with the ledges you came from (pictured below).

Jump two ledges to the east until you see a north-south corridor through the trees.

More ledge jumping / Pokémon Unbound
More ledge jumping

Follow the long grass north and then east and you’ll see the final Goon.

The final Goon is caught / Pokémon Unbound
The final Goon is caught

The policeman will show up one last time after you’ve beaten the Goon to tell you to meet him back on Route 10, where you first broke up the gang.

Granbull Boss Battle

The boss is pretty mad / Pokémon Unbound
The boss is pretty mad

When you arrive, the boss of the gang shows up to teach you a lesson.

Terror Granbull Boss Gruff
Your reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward

When you beat Gruff, he’ll make a run for it and head to Seaport City, with the policeman promising to follow him.

Your reward for cleaning up this whole mess is TM106 Smart Strike.

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