Mission #074: The Trash-Man
Start Location Fallshore City, Mission HQ 2F – Worker near trashcan
Unlock Requirements
  • Become Pokemon Champion
Objectives Search trash cans across Borrius and find 7 random items
Reward Pokemon: Shiny Gigantamax Garbodor

In the Fallshore Mission HQ, the Trash-Man wants you to search trash cans in homes all over Borrius until you receive 7 items at random. If you complete the mission, he’ll give you a Shiny Garbodor with Gigantamax capability.

Starting the Mission

The Fallshore City Mission HQ / Pokémon Unbound
The Fallshore City Mission HQ

The Mission HQ is on the west side of Fallshore City just above the Marketplace.

Go to the second floor and talk to the worker looking at the red trash can.

The Trash-Man wants you to dive around in trash / Pokémon Unbound
The Trash-Man wants you to dive around in trash

He calls himself the Trash-Man, and he wants you to rummage through trash cans in various houses to find at least seven random items.

How to Complete

The house east of the Gym in Fallshore City / Pokémon Unbound
The house east of the Gym in Fallshore City

Trash cans can typically be found in every two-story house in Borrius, in big cities such as Fallshore City, Blizzard City, Dehara City and Seaport City.

Searching any of these trash cans has the random chance for you to find an item, usually a Berry, and you can do this as many times as you wish – so long as you reload the room by entering and leaving.

One of the best houses to do this at is the one east of the Gym in Fallshore City.

The trashcan upstairs / Pokémon Unbound
The trashcan upstairs

There are two trash cans here, one upstairs and one downstairs, and they’re not far from one another.

The best strategy is to start on one floor, search the trash can, then go to the other floor and search the other one.

You’ll be resetting each floor as you go, so it’s the easiest way of getting seven random items in a reasonable timeframe.

Tip: The Mission Log will keep track of how many items you’ve managed to find so far, and once you find seven, return to the Trash-Man for your reward.
Trash for trash / Pokémon Unbound
Trash for trash

He’ll give you a Shiny Garbodor with a Gigantamax form that activates in Raid Dens.

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