Mission #075: The Wayward Kid
Start Location Thundercap Mountain, 4F Maze Chamber – Milo the Pikachu-suited kid
Unlock Requirements
  • Complete the main story missions up until Great Desert
  • Have the Surf HM
Objectives Help a lost Pikachu-suited kid to the exit in an area of 4F
Reward Item: TM73 Thunder Wave

A kid is lost in the 4F Maze Chamber of Thundercap Mountain. Lead him to the exit successfully and he’ll give you TM73 Thunder Wave.

Starting the Mission

Thundercap Mountain entrance / Pokémon Unbound
Thundercap Mountain entrance

Head to Thundercap Mountain, east of Epidimy Town.

Go through the 1F cavern and climb the ladder up to 2F.

The ladder you need / Pokémon Unbound
The ladder you need

Once you get to that level, head to a ladder in the middle of the cavern that leads up to a section of 3F that isn’t the water-filled cave.

Make sure you’ve defeated Marlon at the summit of Thundercap, because if you haven’t, a Shadow Grunt will be sleeping here, blocking your access.

The ladder in the north / Pokémon Unbound
The ladder in the north

Once in the Tablet Chamber, go to the north ladder. It will take you to a new area of 4F – the Maze Chamber.

First steps in the Maze Chamber / Pokémon Unbound
First steps in the Maze Chamber

When you arrive in the chamber, cross the pond to the east with Surf.

Then, continue on east until you hit a corner area.

The corner area / Pokémon Unbound
The corner area

From here, head north until you see an intersection.

The intersection / Pokémon Unbound
The intersection

Then, head east.

The T-junction / Pokémon Unbound
The T-junction

You’ll come to another T-junction. Go north and follow that tunnel around until you see a boy in a Pikachu outfit.

Milo needs rescuing / Pokémon Unbound
Milo needs rescuing

It’s Milo, and he’s stuck in this cave waiting for someone to lead him the way out.

Agree, and he’ll start following you.

Tip: You will only be able to use your first three Pokémon in battle, and he will battle alongside you in Double Battles with his two Pikachu. It’s also worth noting you can’t Surf while he is following you, so you can’t simply go back across the pond.

How to Complete

(Click for full-size)
The most efficient path to the exit is marked by the red line

Follow the map above to reach the ladder leading out of the cave.

When Milo sees the ladder, that means your time escorting him is at an end and the mission is complete.

Milo is saved / Pokémon Unbound
Milo is saved

He’ll thank you for your help with TM73 Thunder Wave.

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