Mission #076: Tomb Raider | |
Start Location | Great Desert, Tomb of Borrius 1F – Ruin Maniac at slide puzzle |
Unlock Requirements |
Objectives | Explore the Tomb of Borrius |
Reward | Item: Psychium Z |
An archaeologist is trying to get into the Tomb of Borrius. Take him to the treasure chamber and he’ll give you a Psychium Z.
Starting the Mission
Fly to Dehara City and head east out of the gate. You’ll end up in the Great Desert.

From there, hug the cliff wall to the south and walk east until you find two canyon entrances to the south, each with a cactus in front of them.

Take the canyon entrance behind the smaller cactus – the other one is blocked.
Head south until you reach an open area, and then hug the north wall walking east.
You’ll see the entrance to the Tomb of Borrius immediately, on the east side of that little valley.

Head inside to the entrance chamber and you’ll see a Ruin Maniac in front of a puzzle.

If you’re Pokémon Champion, he steps aside to let you solve it.
It’s a tile puzzle depicting a Ho-Oh, and you’ll need to rearrange the tiles to their intended positions to continue. Below is the completed puzzle solution:

When you do this, a hole opens up beneath you and you drop multiple floors before landing in B4F.

The Ruin Maniac throws down a ladder so you’re not trapped down there, and comes down himself to investigate.
Your mission is to find the burial chamber and then escape with any treasure you may find.
How to Complete
B4F – Dusknoir Boulder Puzzle

The first obstacle you’ll need to clear is a boulder puzzle, with a slight twist. There are multiple Dusknoir on this floor whose line of sight needs to be blocked.
If they see you, you’ll be sent back to the ladder.
The quickest way to solve the puzzle is as follows:
Step 1: Break the southernmost rock with Rock Smash.

Step 2: Push the southernmost boulder east to the wall.

Step 3: Push the boulder all the way north along the eastern wall until it hits a rock you can smash.

Step 4: Smash the bottom rock with Rock Smash.

Step 5: Push the boulder north one space. Then push it all the way east to the button. This will disable the wall of fire.

Step 6: Walk down to the remaining boulder.

Step 7: Push this boulder east to the eastern wall, and then push it south until it is one tile away from the southern wall (not touching the wall).

Step 8: Push the boulder all the way east until it blocks the vision of the Dusknoir.

Step 9: Walk east and follow the passage up until you see two boulders and a rock blocking the way forward.

Step 10: Push the leftmost boulder north until it is directly east of the next button.

Step 11: Push the boulder west onto the button. This will make the Dusknoir ahead turn to face the wall.

Step 12: Walk back down to the southern side of the boulder that’s next to the smashable rock.

Step 13: Push the boulder north one space.

Step 14: Push the boulder west to the wall.

Step 15: Push the boulder north twice so it is on the same horizontal line as the boulder on the button.

Step 16: Push the boulder all the way north so it blocks the vision of the final Dusknoir next to the ladder.

With that, you’re free to proceed around the Dusknoir and get to the ladder.

Climb it and you’ll end up on B3F.
B3F – Lava Stepping Stone Puzzle

You’ll end up on a floor almost completely covered in lava. To get around, you’ll need to navigate on a series of stepping stones.
From the ladder platform, go south until you step on the first stepping stone.

Then, follow them east.

You’ll get to a junction of stones almost immediately. Jump onto the southern path.

From there, go down and then take the path that starts from the western stone.

This path of stepping stones will snake around until it eventually starts heading northeast.

You’ll reach a junction that looks like a square – head for the path leading from the northeast stone.

From there, follow it generally north as it snakes around the lava.

You’ll eventually pass a junction whose western path leads to an item – continue on past it and the stones will lead east.
Continue until you see another junction (pictured below). Take the northern path here to an island.

There’s a rock on the island that acts as a switch when activated.

When you activate the switch, there will be a rumbling, and some paths will have shifted.
Go back to the junction you were just at, and this time head east.
There will soon be another junction – take the southern path and you’ll see that the path leads to an island with an item on it. Follow it through.

Pass over that island until you get to a four-way junction of stones. Take the eastern path here until you get to another island with a rock on it.

Activate the second rock and the paths will shift again – a new path will appear to the north.

Take the new path west until you get to the same island that had an item on it.

The paths leading from this island have now changed – you want to take the southern path here and follow it along.

Keep going south and west until you reach an island with a rock on it.

This rock doesn’t have a switch, though. Ignore it and take the southwest path.
Follow the stones west, past the junction, and the path will turn south.

Keep following them until you get to another junction of stones.

Go south from this junction and land on the island with the item on it.

Then take the west path and you’ll find yourself near another rock switch.

Touch this rock switch to change the paths again.
Then take the new south path to follow it south and east.

Keep going along the southern wall, passing the chance to go north to an island. Keep going northeast.

This path leads to a small island – cross it and continue north along the stones.

You’ll get to the first rock switch again. Activate it one more time, then head exactly back the way you came until you get to the small island.

From the small island, take the path leading east.

You’ll finally make it to the ladder to the next floor, and you can leave all that lava behind.
B2F – Dusknoir Haze Puzzle

When you get to B2F, you’ll notice that your vision gets more and more blurry with each step.
Here’s how to complete this puzzle:
From the ladder, head north.
Tip: There are Dusknoir on this floor who will teleport you back to the ladder if they see you. They’re stationary, but they shift around. They will also immediately spot you if you’re running, so if you have always running enabled, hold the B button so you move at a walking pace.

You’ll get to a T-junction. Take the west path.

Take the first northern path at the first opportunity so you can get behind the Dusknoir and follow that way west.

Keep on going west until you can’t go any further.
It will become even harder and harder to see, so you’ll need to make your way by “feeling” for the walls by bumping them.

When you can’t go west any further, turn south and follow the path of least resistance.

You’ll hit another wall, which is your cue to start moving east.

Again, keep going until you can’t go further in that direction, being mindful of Dusknoir.
Head south when you can, making sure not to run.

You’ll reach a point where you can head west again – here you’ll want to head to the southwest corner of the room.

From the western wall, follow the path north.

The blurry object in the northwest corner of the room is your way off this floor & it’s the completion of this puzzle.
B1F – Cracked Floor Puzzle
You’ll arrive on B1F, and encounter probably one of the most difficult and frustrating puzzles in the game.

The floor all around here is cracked, and if you linger too long on a cracked floor, you’ll be sent to the ladder on the floor below.
However, running isn’t fast enough. Not even riding on the Motorcycle is fast enough – except if you use turbo mode, which you can by holding B. You’ll need to ride your Motorcycle holding B across all of the gaps, and one wrong move will send you back to the very beginning of the puzzle.
From the left-hand tile, race south onto a patch of solid ground. Then, continue east until you hit a 2×2 square.

From the top right tile of that square, head south across the cracks.

Then turn east and race along another patch until you hit a pillar.

From the pillar, race across the cracks to the north.

Then race east until you see a platform near a ladder.

Charge on through, and eventually you’ll make it to the northeast corner of the floor and to the final ladder in the tomb.
Burial Chamber

You’ll finally arrive in the burial chamber of the Tomb of Borrius, and there’s a lot of treasure for you to pick up.
Take all the Relic items on the long tables before attempting to reach the item on the large coffin. This will activate the security system!

It’s a Magearna, and the only one in the game. It will inflate to Dynamax size, so you’ll need to defeat it with two Pokémon.
After defeating it, you’ll get the option to capture it.
Dynamax Battle | |
Dynamax Magearna Steel/Fairy (Lv.50) |
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For braving the dangers of the Tomb of Borrius, you’ll get the Psychium Z.
In addition, all those Relic items you may have picked up in the tomb will sell for a hefty price at Gurun Town.
Once you complete this mission, Mission #079: Treasure Hunter becomes available.