Mission #077: Too Much TV
Start Location Polder Town, southwest house – man inside
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Polder Town
Objectives Assist a Scientist in the Dream Research Lab to find all five TV-afflicted kids in Borrius
Reward Pokémon: Rotom

A man in Polder Town has a terrifying problem – his daughter has lost her mind to television and needs help from the Dream Research Lab. If you solve the issue, you’ll get the Electric Ghost Pokémon Rotom.

Starting the Mission

The child inside here has a problem / Pokémon Unbound
The child inside here has a problem

There’s a family in the southwest house of Polder Town that needs your help.

Help save this little girl / Pokémon Unbound
Help save this little girl

A little girl has lost her mind to watching TV, and her worried father wants you to help. He sends you to find a scientist that knows all about brain waves, and there’s one particular place you’ve been that has a whole institute devoted to it – Tarmigan Town.

How to Complete

Fly to Tarmigan Town and head to the Dream Research Lab, which is in the northwest.

The Dream Research Lab in Tarmigan Town / Pokémon Unbound
The Dream Research Lab in Tarmigan Town
The clown of the sand / Pokémon Unbound
The clown of the sand

The scientist you need is in the northwest corner of the building. According to him, there are five children around Borrius that have this condition, and you need to scan the brains of the remaining four.

You may have seen them in your prior explorations, but here they are as a reminder:

TV Children to Scan
Bellin Town
Southwest house
Blizzard City
2F, house next to KBT Expressway entrance
Crater Town
Central south house, same kid that gives you Swarm info
Seaport City
1F, Alolan Starter Pokemon and landlord rescue mission building
After the scans, the Scientist does the legwork / Pokémon Unbound
After the scans, the Scientist does the legwork

When you’ve finished the brain scans, return to the Lab and the Scientist will go off and cure the children. Apparently it was all because of a strange Pokémon.

Return to the house in Polder Town.

The father is grateful / Pokémon Unbound
The father is grateful

The man who gave you the mission is grateful that his daughter is now cured, and says he caught a Pokémon leaving her body when the Scientist was curing her.

If you have an empty spot in your party, he’ll give you a Rotom.

Reward Pokémon
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