Mission #078: Trader Traitor
Start Location Vivill Town, Pokémon Center – man at counter
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Vivill Town
Objectives Complete all 6 Pokémon Trades in Borrius
Reward Item: 10 Link Stones

There’s a man who wants to prove that Pokémon are property, so he wants you to trade as many Pokémon as possible in Borrius. Your reward will be 10 Link Stones.

Starting the Mission

The Vivill Town Pokemon Center / Pokémon Unbound
The Vivill Town Pokemon Center

Head to the Pokémon Center in Vivill Town, and you’ll see a mission available from the man at the counter.

The trader mission / Pokémon Unbound
The trader mission

This man wants you to trade Pokémon at every opportunity. There are six in Pokémon Unbound, and you’ll need to do all of them to complete the mission.

How to Complete

First Trade – Dresco Town

The first trade is here / Pokémon Unbound
The first trade is here

This house on the west side of Dresco Town, north of Jax and Arthur’s house, is the residence of Edmund, the first trainer you’ll need to meet.

Edmund has a Ducklett with Defog that he is willing to trade for. All he wants in return is an Alolan Form Sandshrew, which you can catch in the lair within Icicle Cave.

Edmund offers:
(holding a Quick Claw)
You offer:
(Alolan Form)


found in Icicle Cave 4F

Second Trade – Blizzard City

The Gym Leader’s house / Pokémon Unbound
The Gym Leader’s house

The next trade you’ll need to make is in the Blizzard City Gym Leader’s house, which is on the northwest side of the middle ring of houses.

Alicia will offer to trade / Pokémon Unbound
Alicia will offer to trade

Alicia, the daughter of Gym Leader Alice, will offer to trade us an Electrode holding an Amulet Coin for an Onix. You can catch Onix in Frost Mountain.

Alicia offers:
(holding an Amulet Coin)
You offer:

found in Frost Mountain

Third Trade – Epidimy Town

The house near the entrance to town / Pokémon Unbound
The house near the entrance to town

As soon as you enter Epidimy Town from Route 11, go to the first house you see.

The Battle Girl wants to trade / Pokémon Unbound
The Battle Girl wants to trade

The woman in here would like to trade a Hitmontop for a Lickitung. You can catch a Lickitung on Route 5.

Saige offers:
(holding Protect Pads)
You offer:

found on Route 5

Fourth Trade – Tarmigan Town

The house on the left has a trade in it / Pokémon Unbound
The house on the left has a trade in it

The fourth trade is in Tarmigan Town, in the leftmost of the two twin houses near the entrance.

Tim wants to trade / Pokémon Unbound
Tim wants to trade

The man in this house will offer you a Pachirisu if you trade him a Manectric.

Tim offers:
(holding Old Gateau)
You offer:

evolved from Electrike, found on Route 2

Fifth Trade – Vivill Town

The trade house in Vivill Town / Pokémon Unbound
The trade house in Vivill Town

The trade you need to make in Vivill Town is in a small house right near the town entrance.

The trader in Vivill Town / Pokémon Unbound
The trader in Vivill Town

In Vivill Woods, there’s a Pokémon in a Poke Ball in the northwest of the route. Depending on your Trainer ID, it will be either a Foongus or a Morelull.

Evolve the Foongus or Morelull with a Rare Candy (or level it up once) and Shroomu will offer you the evolved form of the other for it.

Shroomu offers:
or Shiinotic
You offer:

evolves from Morelull
or Amoonguss

evolves from Foonguss
Note: Foonguss or Morelull can be found in a Pokeball in Vivill Woods; it is random which one you receive, and this trader will ask for the evolved form of it in exchange for the evolved form of the other.

Sixth Trade – Redwood Village

Redwood Village Pokemon Center / Pokémon Unbound
Redwood Village Pokemon Center

Go to the Pokémon Center in Redwood Village, which is right near the village entrance.

Balogna, the NPC sitting at the table on the right-hand side, wants a Zweilous in exchange for a Lampent.

The final trade / Pokémon Unbound
The final trade

You can catch wild Zweilous in Crystal Peak for this trade.

Balogna offers:
You offer:

found in Crystal Peak

Collecting the Reward

You’ll get 10 Link Stones for completing all six trades. Link Stones can be used on any Pokémon that would ordinarily need a trade to evolve, such as Graveler into Golem.

10 Link Stones / Pokémon Unbound
10 Link Stones
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