Mission #079: Treasure Hunter
Start Location Gurun Town, house south of Regi statue – Psychic
Unlock Requirements
Objectives Find all the hidden items in the Tomb of Borrius
Reward Pokémon: Larvesta Egg

A Psychic wants you to collect all of the hidden items in the Tomb of Borrius, and in return he’ll give you a Larvesta Egg.

Starting the Mission

After you have explored the Tomb of Borrius, head to Gurun Town and enter the house near the bridge to the Great Desert.

The entrance to the Psychic’s house / Pokémon Unbound
The entrance to the Psychic’s house
The Psychic recognizes you / Pokémon Unbound
The Psychic recognizes you

Speak to the Psychic in the living room and he’ll recognize you as the one who has been to the Tomb of Borrius burial chamber.

The task / Pokémon Unbound
The task

There are a number of hidden items in the Tomb of Borrius that you may have missed on the way through. He wants you to go back and collect all of them.

How to Complete

Using the Dowsing Machine in the cracked floor puzzle / Pokémon Unbound
Using the Dowsing Machine in the cracked floor puzzle

There are a total of 11 hidden items in the Tomb of Borrius, and you’ll need to collect all of them to complete the mission.

Make sure you have the Dowsing Machine to pinpoint the items, as it makes things a lot easier.

Hidden Item Locations
Relic Copper 1F Entrance Chamber
Behind the pillar east of the sliding puzzle
Relic Copper B4F Boulder Puzzle
South of the final Dusknoir, near the ladder up to B3F
Relic Silver B3F Volcano
West of the ladder down to B4F
Relic Silver B2F Dusknoir Maze
At the northwest corner of the maze, accessed by going north at the first junction from the ladder down to B3F
Relic Silver B2F Dusknoir Maze
At the southwest corner of the maze, best accessed by going southeast from the ladder up to B1F
Relic Vase B1F Cracked Floors
Southwest corner of the cracked floors, at a dead end
Relic Gold B1F Cracked Floors
Northwest corner of the cracked floors, at a dead end
Relic Silver B1F Cracked Floors
North side of the cracked floors, at a dead end
Relic Gold B1F Cracked Floors
On the way to the ladder up to the burial chamber, in front of the final pillar
Relic Band B1F Cracked Floors
In the southeast corner of the cracked floors, accessed from a path near the burial chamber ladder
Relic Vase Burial Chamber
Behind the northwest pillar in the burial chamber

Once you’ve got all the hidden items, return to the Psychic and he’ll reward you with a Pokémon Egg containing Larvesta.

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