Mission #080: Ultimate Pie
Start Location Blizzard City, Northeast House – Piemaker inside kitchen
Unlock Requirements
Objectives Give the Piemaker 10 Sitrus Berries, 10 Lum Berries, 2 Kee Berries, 2 Marang Berries, 5 Moomoo Milks
Reward Item: 3 Gold Bottle Caps

An elderly woman in Blizzard City loves making pies, and she needs the ingredients for a third and final pie. If you give her 10 Sitrus Berries, 10 Lum Berries, 2 Kee Berries, 2 Marang Berries, and 5 Moomoo Milks, she’ll give you 3 Gold Bottle Caps.

Starting the Mission

The Piemaker lives right next to the entrance to the KBT Expressway in Blizzard City, in the northeast corner of town.

The Piemaker’s house / Pokémon Unbound
The Piemaker’s house

You’ll have received this mission immediately after completing Mission #35: Juicy Pie.

The ingredients for the final pie / Pokémon Unbound
The ingredients for the final pie

The final pie the Piemaker wants to bake needs 10 Sitrus Berries, 10 Lum Berries, 2 Kee Berries, 2 Marang Berries, and 5 Moomoo Milks.

How to Complete

This time, the Berries are not so easily found.

The only ones available in any regular sense are Sitrus Berries, found as a rare drop from Pokémon such as Audino on Route 9.

Using daily Berry-giving events such as the Breeder in Flower Paradise and the Chef in the Tarmigan Mansion Kitchen may also help, though the Berries they give are random and cannot be predicted.

Lum Berries, Kee Berries, and Marang Berries only reliably drop from Dynamax Pokémon in Raid Dens, and some Pokémon drop these specific ones more than others. So you’ll mostly be grinding Raid Dens for these berries as a reliable option.

Gold Bottle Caps are very useful / Pokémon Unbound
Gold Bottle Caps are very useful

For giving her the ingredients for the final pie, the Piemaker will give you 3 Gold Bottle Caps, and this mission chain will be complete.

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