Mission #082: Weed Whacker
Start Location Grim Woods – man west of east entrance
Unlock Requirements
  • Defeat the Dehara City Gym
Objectives Cut down all the grass in Grim Woods
Reward Item: Beedrillite

There’s a rich man in Grim Woods who wants all the grass cut down so he can build something. If you assist, he’ll give you a Beedrillite mega stone.

Starting the Mission

Grim Woods entrance from the Dresco Town side / Pokémon Unbound
Grim Woods entrance from the Dresco Town side

Grim Woods can be accessed from Dresco Town by heading across the southwest bridge.

The man only appears after the Dehara Gym / Pokémon Unbound
The man only appears after the Dehara Gym

After acquiring Surf and defeating the Dehara City Gym, a rich man will appear in the middle of Grim Woods with a mission for you.

He wants you to Cut down all the long grass in Grim Woods.

How to Complete

Cutting down long grass / Pokémon Unbound
Cutting down long grass

A Pokémon who can use Cut just needs to be in your party for you to be able to use it, if you’ve got the HM. You just need to activate it from the Pokémon team menu.

There is a lot of long grass in Grim Woods, and it will take some considerable time to cut it all down, considering you can only do it in a 3×3 grid at one time.

If you manage to do it though, the rich man will give you the Beedrillite.

The reward for cutting all that grass / Pokémon Unbound
The reward for cutting all that grass
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