Raid Dens, also known as Battle Pokémon Dens, were not created back when Pokémon FireRed came out – but they exist in Pokémon Unbound.

These Raid Dens will pit you against Dynamax Pokémon as you join hands with a partner in a Max Raid Battle to acquire various rewards upon victory. There are a total of 32 Raid Dens in Pokémon Unbound, and this page has a list of all of them.

Star Levels

Each Raid Den’s Pokémon pool is based around how many available star levels/difficulty levels you have unlocked. The table below summarizes how you can unlock different star levels on all raid dens.

Game Progress Available Raid Difficulties
0 badges N/A
1 badge 1-star
2 badges 1-star, 2-star
3 badges 2-star
4 badges 2-star, 3-star
5 badges 3-star
6 badges 3-star, 4-star
7 badges 4-star
8 badges 4-star, 5-star
Elite Four Victory 4-star, 5-star, 6-star

List of All Raid Dens

Raid Den Location Screenshot
Route 3 In the gap between trees east of the Flower Paradise entrance.
Route 4 West of Grim Woods between two trees before reaching the Cinder Volcano entrance.
Route 5 In the gap between two trees just before the path leading to Crater Town.
Route 6 In the gap between two trees on the east side of the route, next to the Pokeball containing an Ether.
Route 7 Reached by interacting with two trees to the player’s north on the path from Route 6 to Route 7.
Route 8 Found by interacting with the gap between two trees in a dead end near the east side of the Route.
Route 9 Found by interacting with the gap between two trees located in the northwest side of the central lake area.
Route 10 Found by interacting with the gap between two trees west of the waterfall with the stones players can jump on.
Route 11 Found by interacting with the gap between two trees on the small island north of the wooden bridge.
Route 12 Found by interacting with the gap between two trees in the southwest corner of the route.
Route 14 Found in the gap between two trees directly east of Route 6.
Route 16 Found in the gap between two trees on the small southeast island on the route.
Route 17 Located in the gap between two trees on the west side of the route behind a Pokeball containing a Max Revive.
Route 18 Located in the gap between two trees directly west of the route’s Pokemon Center.
Icicle Cave Found behind the giant stone tablet in Icicle Cave’s hidden area.
Icy Hole Found by using Rock Climb to enter the cave south of Bellin Town and reach its end.
Grim Woods The den is found in the upper-left corner of the woods.
Cinder Volcano Found behind the Braille Tablet in Cinder Volcano 2F.
KBT Expressway Found inside a cave players can access using the ADM Gear and charging it with three Light Clay.
Valley Cave Found behind the cave’s giant stone tablet after solving the puzzle.
Frost Mountain Found on the mountain’s 1F behind the area’s giant stone tablet.
Thundercap Mountain The den is accessed behind the giant stone tablet which can be removed by solving the puzzle.
Tarmigan Town Found after interacting with a narrow opening between two trees east of the Tarmigan Mansion.
Ruins of Void Accessed by solving the ancient switch puzzle in the post-game to access the area behind the stone tablet.
Great Desert Found directly above the Tomb of Borrius and requires Rock Climb to reach.
Gurun Town Accessed by interacting with the narrow gap between two trees in the northeast part of the town.
Cootes Bog Accessed by interacting with the narrow gap between the two trees west of the area’s trainer sign.
Crystal Peak Found behind the big stone tablet in Crystal Peak 1F, directly next to the small waterfall.
Magnolia Fields Found by interacting with a narrow path in between two trees located on the east side of the area.
Cube Corp. Accessed by using Surf to reach the hidden area east of the corporation, before interacting with the narrow gap between two trees.
Victory Road Found in the hidden lava area east of the Victory Road cave entrance behind the giant stone tablet.
Underwater Found by using the ADM gear to dive west of the Ruins of Void entrance and going to the giant stone slab.