The Cinder Volcano Raid Den is located behind the Braille Tablet in Cinder Volcano 2F.
If you need help solving the puzzle for this tablet then follow the tutorial here.
Cinder Volcano stone tablet location.
Raid Pokémon
Pokémon |
Star Level |
Slugma |
2-Star |
Magcargo |
3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Salandit |
2-Star |
Salazzle |
3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Geodude |
2-Star |
Graveler |
3-Star |
Golem |
4-Star and 5-Star |
Numel |
2-Star |
Camerupt |
3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Drilbur |
2-Star |
Excadrill |
3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Heatmor |
2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Magby |
2-Star |
Magmar |
3-Star |
Magmortar |
4-Star and 5-Star |
Torkoal |
2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Vulpix |
2-Star |
Ninetales |
3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Note: All tables below are extra wide and will scroll horizontally to show all data.
2-Star Species + Rewards (Level 25-30)
% |
Slugma |
Salandit |
Geodude |
Numel |
Drilbur |
Heatmor |
Magby |
Torkoal |
Vulpix |
Rolycoly |
100% |
Rawst Berry |
Persim Berry |
Heavy Ball |
Rawst Berry |
Berry Juice |
Rawst Berry |
Rawst Berry |
Charcoal |
Leppa Berry |
Rawst Berry |
80% |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
80% |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
50% |
Ether |
Ether |
Revive |
Revive |
Ether |
Revive |
Magmarizer |
Revive |
Fire Stone |
Revive |
30% |
Revive |
Revive |
Super Potion |
Ether |
Revive |
Ether |
Ether |
Super Potion |
Ether |
Ether |
30% |
Super Potion |
Elixir |
Ether |
Elixir |
PP Up |
Elixir |
Elixir |
Elixir |
Elixir |
Elixir |
25% |
Stardust |
Pearl |
Stardust |
– |
– |
Stardust |
– |
Stardust |
– |
Stardust |
5% |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
3-Star Species + Rewards (Level 35-40)
% |
Magcargo |
Salazzle |
Graveler |
Camerupt |
Excadrill |
Heatmor |
Magmar |
Torkoal |
Ninetales |
Carkol |
100% |
Sitrus Berry |
Razz Berry |
Lum Berry |
Liechi Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Aguav Berry |
Aguav Berry |
Aguav Berry |
Lum Berry |
Apicot Berry |
80% |
Passho Berry |
Payapa Berry |
Rindo Berry |
Passho Berry |
Occa Berry |
Charti Berry |
Charti Berry |
Charti Berry |
Charti Berry |
Passho Berry |
80% |
Qualot Berry |
Tamato Berry |
Grepa Berry |
Hondew Berry |
Kelpsy Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Grepa Berry |
Kelpsy Berry |
50% |
Hyper Potion |
Revive |
Link Stone |
PP Up |
Revive |
Elixir |
Elixir |
Elixir |
Fire Stone |
Revive |
25% |
Star Piece |
Big Pearl |
Star Piece |
Nugget |
Nugget |
Star Piece |
Star Piece |
Star Piece |
Nugget |
Star Piece |
25% |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
5% |
Rock Gem |
Poison Gem |
Ground Gem |
Ground Gem |
Steel Gem |
Fire Gem |
Fire Gem |
Fire Gem |
Fire Gem |
Rock Gem |
4% |
Hard Stone |
Black Sludge |
Smooth Rock |
Absorb Bulb |
Metal Coat |
Charcoal |
Charcoal |
Charcoal |
Charcoal |
Eviolite |
1% |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
4-Star Species + Rewards (Level 50-55)
% |
Magcargo |
Salazzle |
Golem |
Camerupt |
Excadrill |
Heatmor |
Magmortar |
Torkoal |
Ninetales |
Coalossal |
100% |
Ganlon Berry |
Salac Berry |
Lum Berry |
Petaya Berry |
Liechi Berry |
Aguav Berry |
Apicot Berry |
Iapapa Berry |
Petaya Berry |
Apicot Berry |
80% |
Passho Berry |
Payapa Berry |
Rindo Berry |
Passho Berry |
Occa Berry |
Charti Berry |
Shuca Berry |
Passho Berry |
Charti Berry |
Passho Berry |
80% |
Qualot Berry |
Tamato Berry |
Grepa Berry |
Hondew Berry |
Kelpsy Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Hondew Berry |
Tamato Berry |
Grepa Berry |
Kelpsy Berry |
50% |
Max Potion |
Max Revive |
Link Stone |
PP Up |
Max Revive |
Max Elixir |
Magmarizer |
Charcoal |
Fire Stone |
Max Revive |
30% |
Star Piece |
Big Pearl |
Star Piece |
Nugget |
Nugget |
Star Piece |
Nugget |
Star Piece |
Nugget |
Star Piece |
30% |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
25% |
Rock Gem |
Poison Gem |
Ground Gem |
Ground Gem |
Steel Gem |
Fire Gem |
Fire Gem |
Fire Gem |
Fire Gem |
Rock Gem |
25% |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
5% |
Luminous Moss |
Wise Glasses |
Float Stone |
Absorb Bulb |
Air Balloon |
Protective Pads |
Eject Button |
White Herb |
Heat Rock |
Focus Sash |
4% |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
1% |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
5/6-Star Species + Rewards (Level 60-90)
% |
Magcargo |
Salazzle |
Golem |
Camerupt |
Excadrill |
Heatmor |
Magmortar |
Torkoal |
Ninetales |
Coalossal |
100% |
Ganlon Berry |
Salac Berry |
Custap Berry |
Petaya Berry |
Liechi Berry |
Aguav Berry |
Apicot Berry |
Kee Berry |
Petaya Berry |
Maranga Berry |
80% |
Passho Berry |
Payapa Berry |
Rindo Berry |
Passho Berry |
Occa Berry |
Charti Berry |
Shuca Berry |
Passho Berry |
Charti Berry |
Passho Berry |
80% |
Qualot Berry |
Tamato Berry |
Grepa Berry |
Hondew Berry |
Kelpsy Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Hondew Berry |
Tamato Berry |
Grepa Berry |
Kelpsy Berry |
50% |
Full Restore |
Max Revive |
Link Stone |
PP Max |
Max Revive |
Max Elixir |
Magmarizer |
Charcoal |
Fire Stone |
Max Revive |
50% |
Comet Shard |
Pearl String |
Comet Shard |
Big Nugget |
Big Nugget |
Comet Shard |
Big Nugget |
Comet Shard |
Big Nugget |
Comet Shard |
30% |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
30% |
Rock Gem |
Poison Gem |
Ground Gem |
Ground Gem |
Steel Gem |
Fire Gem |
Fire Gem |
Fire Gem |
Fire Gem |
Fire Gem |
25% |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
25% |
Luminous Moss |
Wise Glasses |
Float Stone |
Absorb Bulb |
Air Balloon |
Protective Pads |
Eject Button |
White Herb |
Heat Rock |
Focus Sash |
5% |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
4% |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
1% |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Max Powder |
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Raid Dens