The Cootes Bog Raid Den can be accessed by interacting with the narrow gap in between the two trees west of the area’s trainer sign.


The path leading to the Cootes Bog Raid Den. / Pokémon Unbound
The path leading to the Cootes Bog Raid Den.

Raid Pokémon

Pokémon Star Level
Croagunk 3-Star
Toxicroak 4-Star and 5-Star
Quagsire 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Carnivine 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Skorupi 3-Star
Drapion 4-Star and 5-Star
Croconaw 3-Star
Feraligatr 4-Star and 5-Star
Stunfisk 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Whiscash 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Stunfisk Galarian 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Note: All tables below are extra wide and will scroll horizontally to show all data.

3-Star Species + Rewards (Level 35-40)

% Croagunk Quagsire Carnivine Skorupi Croconaw Stunfisk Whiscash Stunfisk-Galar
100% Figy Berry Sitrus Berry Mago Berry Sitrus Berry Lum Berry Figy Berry Iapapa Berry Wiki Berry
80% Coba Berry Rindo Berry Occa Berry Shuca Berry Wacan Berry Passho Berry Rindo Berry Chople Berry
80% Kelpsy Berry Pomeg Berry Grepa Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Grepa Berry Tamato Berry Pomeg Berry
50% Elixir Hyper Potion Elixir Revive PP Up Elixir Hyper Potion Elixir
25% Nugget Big Pearl Big Mushroom Star Piece Big Pearl Nugget Big Pearl Nugget
25% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy
5% Fighting Gem Ground Gem Grass Gem Poison Gem Water Gem Ground Gem Water Gem Ground Gem
4% Black Sludge Iron Ball Miracle Seed Poison Barb Mystic Water Mystic Water Focus Sash Soft Sand
1% Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap

4-Star Species + Rewards (Level 50-55)

% Toxicroak Quagsire Carnivine Drapion Feraligatr Stunfisk Whiscash Stunfisk-Galar
100% Salac Berry Sitrus Berry Leppa Berry Lansat Berry Salac Berry Micle Berry Liechi Berry Apicot Berry
80% Coba Berry Rindo Berry Occa Berry Shuca Berry Wacan Berry Passho Berry Rindo Berry Chople Berry
80% Kelpsy Berry Pomeg Berry Grepa Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Grepa Berry Tamato Berry Pomeg Berry
50% Max Elixir Max Potion Max Elixir Max Revive PP Up Max Elixir Max Potion Max Elixir
30% Nugget Big Pearl Big Mushroom Star Piece Big Pearl Nugget Big Pearl Nugget
30% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy
25% Fighting Gem Ground Gem Grass Gem Poison Gem Water Gem Electric Gem Ground Gem Steel Gem
25% Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale
5% Luminous Moss Iron Ball Grassy Seed Scope Lens Life Orb Life Orb Life Orb Leftovers
4% Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece
1% Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap

5/6-Star Species + Rewards (Level 60-90)

% Toxicroak Quagsire Carnivine Drapion Feraligatr Stunfisk Whiscash Stunfisk-Galar
100% Salac Berry Rowap Berry Iapapa Berry Lansat Berry Salac Berry Micle Berry Liechi Berry Apicot Berry
80% Coba Berry Rindo Berry Occa Berry Shuca Berry Wacan Berry Passho Berry Rindo Berry Chople Berry
80% Kelpsy Berry Pomeg Berry Grepa Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Grepa Berry Tamato Berry Pomeg Berry
50% Max Elixir Full Restore Max Elixir Max Revive PP Max Max Elixir Full Restore Max Elixir
50% Big Nugget Pearl String Balm Mushroom Comet Shard Pearl String Big Nugget Pearl String Big Nugget
30% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy
30% Fighting Gem Ground Gem Grass Gem Poison Gem Water Gem Electric Gem Ground Gem Steel Gem
25% Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale
25% Luminous Moss Iron Ball Grassy Seed Scope Lens Life Orb Life Orb Life Orb Leftovers
5% Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece
4% Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap
1% Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap
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