
The Route 11 Raid Den is located in the gap between two trees on the small island north of the wooden bridge on the route. You’ll find it just above a nearby fisherman NPC after you pass the T-junction on the bridge.


The path leading to the Route 11 Raid Den. / Pokémon Unbound
The path leading to the Route 11 Raid Den.

Raid Pokémon

Pokémon Star Level
Exeggcute 2-Star
Exeggutor 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Swablu 2-Star
Altaria 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Gulpin 2-Star
Swalot 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Spoink 2-Star
Grumpig 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Meditite 2-Star and 3-Star
Medicham 4-Star and 5-Star
Togedemaru 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star and 5-Star
Glameow 2-Star and 3-Star
Purugly 4-Star and 5-Star
Geodude (Alolan) 2-Star
Gravler (Alolan) 3-Star
Golem (Alolan) 4-Star, and 5-Star
Misdreavus 2-Star
Mismagius 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Milcery 2-Star and 3-Star
Alcremie (Strawberry) 4-Star and 5-Star
Note: All tables below are extra wide and will scroll horizontally to show all data.

2-Star Species + Rewards (Level 25-30)

% Exeggcute Swablu Gulpin Spoink Meditite Togedemaru Glameow Geodude (Alolan) Misdreavus Milcery
100% Persim Berry Clever Wing Pecha Berry Lemonade Full Heal Max Repel Soda Pop Persim Berry Dusk Ball Persim Berry
80% Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry
80% Berry Juice Oran Berry Oran Berry Berry Juice Oran Berry Berry Juice Berry Juice Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry
50% Leaf Stone Ether Ether Ether Revive Ether Ether Revive Dusk Stone Flower Sweet
30% Revive Revive Revive Revive Ether Revive Revive Super Potion Ether Berry Sweet
30% Elixir PP Up Super Potion Super Potion Elixir Ether Super Potion Elixir Elixir Clover Sweet
25% Muscle Wing Tiny Mushroom Pearl Stardust Stardust
5% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy

3-Star Species + Rewards (Level 35-40)

% Exeggutor Altaria Swalot Grumpig Meditite Togedemaru Glameow Graveler (Alolan) Misdreavus Milcery
100% Sitrus Berry Muscle Wing Lum Berry Sitrus Berry Lum Berry Iron Ball Persim Berry Lum Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry
80% Occa Berry Yache Berry Shuca Berry Kasib Berry Coba Berry Shuca Berry Chople Berry Shuca Berry Colbur Berry Kebia Berry
80% Pomeg Berry Hondew Berry Tamato Berry Grepa Berry Kelpsy Berry Grepa Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Pomeg Berry Tamato Berry
50% Leaf Stone Hyper Potion Revive Hyper Potion Elixir Revive Revive Link Stone Dusk Stone Ribbon Sweet
25% Nugget Pretty Wing Big Mushroom Nugget Big Pearl Star Piece Nugget Star Piece Star Piece Star Piece
25% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy
5% Grass Gem Dragon Gem Poison Gem Psychic Gem Fighting Gem Steel Gem Normal Gem Electric Gem Ghost Gem Fairy Gem
4% Grassy Seed Leftovers Black Sludge Psychic Seed Psychic Seed Electric Seed Silk Scarf Electric Seed Spell Tag Misty Seed
1% Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap

4-Star Species + Rewards (Level 50-55)

% Exeggutor Altaria Swalot Grumpig Medicham Togedemaru Purugly Golem (Alolan) Mismagius Alcremie (Strawberry)
100% Sitrus Berry Liechi Berry Iapapa Berry Petaya Berry Salac Berry Iron Ball Sitrus Berry Lum Berry Apicot Berry Sitrus Berry
80% Occa Berry Yache Berry Shuca Berry Kasib Berry Coba Berry Shuca Berry Chople Berry Shuca Berry Colbur Berry Kebia Berry
80% Pomeg Berry Hondew Berry Tamato Berry Grepa Berry Kelpsy Berry Grepa Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Pomeg Berry Tamato Berry
50% Leaf Stone Max Potion Max Revive Max Potion Max Elixir Max Revive Max Revive Link Stone Dusk Stone Star Sweet
30% Nugget Pretty Wing Big Mushroom Nugget Big Pearl Star Piece Nugget Star Piece Star Piece Star Piece
30% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy
25% Grass Gem Dragon Gem Poison Gem Psychic Gem Fighting Gem Steel Gem Normal Gem Electric Gem Ghost Gem Fairy Gem
25% Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale
5% Grassy Seed Heavy Duty Boots Grip Claw Eject Button Psychic Seed Terrain Extender Life Orb Air Balloon Ring Target Leftovers
4% Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece
1% Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap

5/6-Star Species + Rewards (Level 60-90)

% Exeggutor Altaria Swalot Grumpig Medicham Togedemaru Purugly Golem (Alolan) Mismagius Alcremie (Strawberry)
100% Sitrus Berry Liechi Berry Iapapa Berry Petaya Berry Salac Berry Jaboca Berry Enigma Berry Custap Berry Petaya Berry Maranga Berry
80% Occa Berry Yache Berry Shuca Berry Kasib Berry Coba Berry Shuca Berry Chople Berry Shuca Berry Colbur Berry Kebia Berry
80% Pomeg Berry Hondew Berry Tamato Berry Grepa Berry Kelpsy Berry Grepa Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Pomeg Berry Tamato Berry
50% Leaf Stone Full Restore Max Revive Full Restore Max Elixir Max Revive Max Revive Link Stone Dusk Stone Strawberry Sweet
50% Big Nugget Swift Wing Balm Mushroom Big Nugget Pearl String Comet Shard Big Nugget Comet Shard Comet Shard Comet Shard
30% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy
30% Grass Gem Dragon Gem Poison Gem Psychic Gem Fighting Gem Steel Gem Normal Gem Electric Gem Ghost Gem Fairy Gem
25% Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale
25% Grassy Seed Heavy Duty Boots Grip Claw Eject Button Psychic Seed Terrain Extender Life Orb Air Balloon Ring Target Leftovers
5% Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece
4% Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap
1% Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Max Powder
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