The Route 7 Raid Den can only be found by interacting with two trees to the north on the path that goes from Route 6 to Route 7.
The path leading to the Route 7 Raid Den.
Raid Pokémon
Pokémon |
Star Level |
Yungoos |
1-Star |
Gumshoos |
2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Rattata (Alola) |
1-Star |
Raticate (Alola) |
2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Doduo |
1-Star and 2-Star |
Dodrio |
3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Hoothoot |
1-Star |
Noctowl |
2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Buneary |
1-Star and 2-Star |
Lopunny |
3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Abra |
1-Star |
Kadabra |
2-Star and 3-Star |
Alakazam |
4-Star and 5-Star |
Flaaffy |
1-Star and 2-Star |
Ampharos |
3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Drowzee |
1-Star and 2-Star |
Hypno |
3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Mr. Mime |
1-Star, 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Espurr |
1-Star |
Meowstic (male) |
2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Meowstic (female) |
2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Indeedee (male) |
1-Star, 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Indeedee (female) |
1-Star, 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star |
Note: All tables below are extra wide and will scroll horizontally to show all data.
1-Star Species + Rewards (Level 15-20)
Item Chance |
Yungoos |
Rattata (Alola) |
Doduo |
Hoothoot |
Buneary |
Abra |
Flaaffy |
Drowzee |
Mr. Mime |
Espurr |
Ineedee (male) |
Indeedee (female) |
100% |
Super Repel |
Dusk Ball |
Muscle Wing |
Health Wing |
Super Potion |
Super Potion |
Super Potion |
Dusk Ball |
Soda Pop |
Super Potion |
Super Potion |
Super Potion |
80% |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
80% |
Cheri Berry |
Chesto Berry |
Pecha Berry |
Berry Juice |
Leppa Berry |
Rawst Berry |
Persim Berry |
Berry Juice |
Pecha Berry |
Persim Berry |
Leppa Berry |
Persim Berry |
30% |
Super Potion |
Super Potion |
Potion |
Potion |
Potion |
Potion |
Potion |
Potion |
Potion |
Potion |
Potion |
Potion |
30% |
Repel |
Repel |
Repel |
Repel |
Repel |
Repel |
Repel |
Repel |
Repel |
Repel |
Repel |
Repel |
5% |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
2-Star Species + Rewards (Level 25-30)
Item Chance |
Gumshoos |
Raticate (Alola) |
Doduo |
Noctowl |
Buneary |
Kadabra |
Flaaffy |
Drowzee |
Mr. Mime |
Meowstic (male) |
Meowstic (female) |
Ineedee (male) |
Indeedee (female) |
100% |
Full Heal |
Dusk Ball |
Swift Wing |
Clever Wing |
Persim Berry |
Quick Ball |
Lum Berry |
Elixir |
Soda Pop |
Dusk Ball |
Ether |
Persim Berry |
Lemonade |
80% |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
80% |
Berry Juice |
Berry Juice |
Oran Berry |
Berry Juice |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Berry Juice |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
Oran Berry |
50% |
Revive |
Revive |
Revive |
Ether |
Ether |
Link Stone |
Ether |
Revive |
Revive |
Ether |
Revive |
Ether |
Ether |
30% |
Ether |
Ether |
Super Repel |
Revive |
Revive |
Revive |
Revive |
Ether |
Ether |
Revive |
Ether |
Revive |
Revive |
30% |
Elixir |
Elixir |
Super Potion |
PP Up |
Super Potion |
Elixir |
PP Up |
Elixir |
Elixir |
Super Potion |
Elixir |
Super Potion |
Elixir |
25% |
– |
– |
Muscle Wing |
Genius Wing |
Pearl |
Tiny Mushroom |
– |
Pearl |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
5% |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
3-Star Species + Rewards (Level 35-40)
Item Chance |
Gumshoos |
Raticate (Alola) |
Dodrio |
Noctowl |
Lopunny |
Kadabra |
Ampharos |
Hypno |
Mr. Mime |
Meowstic (male) |
Meowstic (female) |
Ineedee (male) |
Indeedee (female) |
100% |
Sitrus Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Muscle Wing |
Clever Wing |
Chilan Berry |
Lum Berry |
Leppa Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Lum Berry |
Aguav Berry |
Petaya Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Wiki Berry |
80% |
Chople Berry |
Tanga Berry |
Wacan Berry |
Yache Berry |
Chople Berry |
Kasib Berry |
Shuca Berry |
Colbur Berry |
Colbur Berry |
Tanga Berry |
Tanga Berry |
Chople Berry |
Colbur Berry |
80% |
Kelpsy Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Tamato Berry |
Grepa Berry |
Tamato Berry |
Hondew Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Grepa Berry |
Qualot Berry |
Qualot Berry |
Hondew Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Kelpsy Berry |
50% |
Sun Stone |
Dusk Stone |
Ether |
Hyper Potion |
PP Up |
Link Stone |
Revive |
Max Ether |
Elixir |
Revive |
Elixir |
Elixir |
Revive |
25% |
Nugget |
Nugget |
Swift Wing |
Genius Wing |
Big Pearl |
Big Mushroom |
Nugget |
Nugget |
Star Piece |
Rare Bone |
Rare Bone |
Big Pearl |
Nugget |
25% |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
5% |
Normal Gem |
Dark Gem |
Flying Gem |
Flying Gem |
Normal Gem |
Psychic Gem |
Electric Gem |
Psychic Gem |
Fairy Gem |
Psychic Gem |
Psychic Gem |
Normal Gem |
Psychic Gem |
4% |
Silk Scarf |
Black Glasses |
Sharp Beak |
Leftovers |
Muscle Band |
Psychic Seed |
Electric Seed |
Zoom Lens |
Twisted Spoon |
Light Clay |
Life Orb |
Psychic Seed |
Psychic Seed |
1% |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
4-Star Species + Rewards (Level 50-55)
Item Chance |
Gumshoos |
Raticate (Alola) |
Dodrio |
Noctowl |
Lopunny |
Alakazam |
Ampharos |
Hypno |
Mr. Mime |
Meowstic (male) |
Meowstic (female) |
Ineedee (male) |
Indeedee (female) |
100% |
Liechi Berry |
Figy Berry |
Salac Berry |
Sitrus Berry |
Chilan Berry |
Petaya Berry |
Wiki Berry |
Maranga Berry |
Mago Berry |
Apicot Berry |
Petaya Berry |
Iapapa Berry |
Apicot Berry |
80% |
Chople Berry |
Tanga Berry |
Wacan Berry |
Yache Berry |
Chople Berry |
Kasib Berry |
Shuca Berry |
Colbur Berry |
Colbur Berry |
Tanga Berry |
Tanga Berry |
Chople Berry |
Colbur Berry |
80% |
Kelpsy Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Tamato Berry |
Grepa Berry |
Tamato Berry |
Hondew Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Grepa Berry |
Qualot Berry |
Qualot Berry |
Hondew Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Kelpsy Berry |
50% |
Sun Stone |
Dusk Stone |
Max Ether |
Max Potion |
PP Up |
Link Stone |
Max Revive |
Max Ether |
Max Elixir |
Max Revive |
Max Ether |
Max Elixir |
Max Revive |
30% |
Nugget |
Nugget |
Muscle Wing |
Genius Wing |
Big Pearl |
Big Mushroom |
Nugget |
Nugget |
Star Piece |
Rare Bone |
Rare Bone |
Big Pearl |
Nugget |
30% |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
25% |
Normal Gem |
Dark Gem |
Flying Gem |
Flying Gem |
Normal Gem |
Psychic Gem |
Electric Gem |
Psychic Gem |
Fairy Gem |
Psychic Gem |
Psychic Gem |
Normal Gem |
Psychic Gem |
25% |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
5% |
Red Card |
Black Glasses |
Choice Scarf |
Adrenaline Orb |
Choice Band |
Flame Orb |
Rocky Helmet |
Zoom Lens |
Metronome |
Light Clay |
Life Orb |
Choice Specs |
Terrain Extender |
4% |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
1% |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
5/6-Star Species + Rewards (Level 60-90)
Item Chance |
Gumshoos |
Raticate (Alola) |
Dodrio |
Noctowl |
Lopunny |
Alakazam |
Ampharos |
Hypno |
Mr. Mime |
Meowstic (male) |
Meowstic (female) |
Ineedee (male) |
Indeedee (female) |
100% |
Lansat Berry |
Figy Berry |
Salac Berry |
Aguav Berry |
Liechi Berry |
Petaya Berry |
Wiki Berry |
Maranga Berry |
Mago Berry |
Apicot Berry |
Petaya Berry |
Starf Berry |
Maranga Berry |
80% |
Chople Berry |
Tanga Berry |
Wacan Berry |
Yache Berry |
Chople Berry |
Kasib Berry |
Shuca Berry |
Colbur Berry |
Colbur Berry |
Tanga Berry |
Tanga Berry |
Chople Berry |
Colbur Berry |
80% |
Kelpsy Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Tamato Berry |
Grepa Berry |
Tamato Berry |
Hondew Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Grepa Berry |
Qualot Berry |
Qualot Berry |
Hondew Berry |
Pomeg Berry |
Kelpsy Berry |
50% |
Sun Stone |
Dusk Stone |
Max Ether |
Full Restore |
PP Max |
Link Stone |
Max Revive |
Max Ether |
Max Elixir |
Max Revive |
Max Elixir |
Max Elixir |
Max Revive |
50% |
Big Nugget |
Big Nugget |
Muscle Wing |
Genius Wing |
Pearl String |
Balm Mushroom |
Big Nugget |
Big Nugget |
Comet Shard |
Rare Bone |
Rare Bone |
Pearl String |
Big Nugget |
30% |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
Rare Candy |
30% |
Normal Gem |
Dark Gem |
Flying Gem |
Flying Gem |
Normal Gem |
Psychic Gem |
Electric Gem |
Psychic Gem |
Fairy Gem |
Psychic Gem |
Psychic Gem |
Normal Gem |
Psychic Gem |
25% |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
Heart Scale |
25% |
Red Card |
Black Glasses |
Choice Scarf |
Adrenaline Orb |
Choice Band |
Flame Orb |
Rocky Helmet |
Zoom Lens |
Metronome |
Light Clay |
Life Orb |
Choice Specs |
Terrain Extender |
5% |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
Wishing Piece |
4% |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
Bottle Cap |
1% |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
Gold Bottle Cap |
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Raid Dens