The Route 7 Raid Den can only be found by interacting with two trees to the north on the path that goes from Route 6 to Route 7.


The path leading to the Route 7 Raid Den. / Pokémon Unbound
The path leading to the Route 7 Raid Den.

Raid Pokémon

Pokémon Star Level
Yungoos 1-Star
Gumshoos 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Rattata (Alola) 1-Star
Raticate (Alola) 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Doduo 1-Star and 2-Star
Dodrio 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Hoothoot 1-Star
Noctowl 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Buneary 1-Star and 2-Star
Lopunny 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Abra 1-Star
Kadabra 2-Star and 3-Star
Alakazam 4-Star and 5-Star
Flaaffy 1-Star and 2-Star
Ampharos 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Drowzee 1-Star and 2-Star
Hypno 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Mr. Mime 1-Star, 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Espurr 1-Star
Meowstic (male) 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Meowstic (female) 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Indeedee (male) 1-Star, 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Indeedee (female) 1-Star, 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Note: All tables below are extra wide and will scroll horizontally to show all data.

1-Star Species + Rewards (Level 15-20)

Item Chance Yungoos Rattata (Alola) Doduo Hoothoot Buneary Abra Flaaffy Drowzee Mr. Mime Espurr Ineedee (male) Indeedee (female)
100% Super Repel Dusk Ball Muscle Wing Health Wing Super Potion Super Potion Super Potion Dusk Ball Soda Pop Super Potion Super Potion Super Potion
80% Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry
80% Cheri Berry Chesto Berry Pecha Berry Berry Juice Leppa Berry Rawst Berry Persim Berry Berry Juice Pecha Berry Persim Berry Leppa Berry Persim Berry
30% Super Potion Super Potion Potion Potion Potion Potion Potion Potion Potion Potion Potion Potion
30% Repel Repel Repel Repel Repel Repel Repel Repel Repel Repel Repel Repel
5% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy

2-Star Species + Rewards (Level 25-30)

Item Chance Gumshoos Raticate (Alola) Doduo Noctowl Buneary Kadabra Flaaffy Drowzee Mr. Mime Meowstic (male) Meowstic (female) Ineedee (male) Indeedee (female)
100% Full Heal Dusk Ball Swift Wing Clever Wing Persim Berry Quick Ball Lum Berry Elixir Soda Pop Dusk Ball Ether Persim Berry Lemonade
80% Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry
80% Berry Juice Berry Juice Oran Berry Berry Juice Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Berry Juice Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry
50% Revive Revive Revive Ether Ether Link Stone Ether Revive Revive Ether Revive Ether Ether
30% Ether Ether Super Repel Revive Revive Revive Revive Ether Ether Revive Ether Revive Revive
30% Elixir Elixir Super Potion PP Up Super Potion Elixir PP Up Elixir Elixir Super Potion Elixir Super Potion Elixir
25% Muscle Wing Genius Wing Pearl Tiny Mushroom Pearl
5% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy

3-Star Species + Rewards (Level 35-40)

Item Chance Gumshoos Raticate (Alola) Dodrio Noctowl Lopunny Kadabra Ampharos Hypno Mr. Mime Meowstic (male) Meowstic (female) Ineedee (male) Indeedee (female)
100% Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Muscle Wing Clever Wing Chilan Berry Lum Berry Leppa Berry Sitrus Berry Lum Berry Aguav Berry Petaya Berry Sitrus Berry Wiki Berry
80% Chople Berry Tanga Berry Wacan Berry Yache Berry Chople Berry Kasib Berry Shuca Berry Colbur Berry Colbur Berry Tanga Berry Tanga Berry Chople Berry Colbur Berry
80% Kelpsy Berry Pomeg Berry Tamato Berry Grepa Berry Tamato Berry Hondew Berry Pomeg Berry Grepa Berry Qualot Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry
50% Sun Stone Dusk Stone Ether Hyper Potion PP Up Link Stone Revive Max Ether Elixir Revive Elixir Elixir Revive
25% Nugget Nugget Swift Wing Genius Wing Big Pearl Big Mushroom Nugget Nugget Star Piece Rare Bone Rare Bone Big Pearl Nugget
25% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy
5% Normal Gem Dark Gem Flying Gem Flying Gem Normal Gem Psychic Gem Electric Gem Psychic Gem Fairy Gem Psychic Gem Psychic Gem Normal Gem Psychic Gem
4% Silk Scarf Black Glasses Sharp Beak Leftovers Muscle Band Psychic Seed Electric Seed Zoom Lens Twisted Spoon Light Clay Life Orb Psychic Seed Psychic Seed
1% Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap

4-Star Species + Rewards (Level 50-55)

Item Chance Gumshoos Raticate (Alola) Dodrio Noctowl Lopunny Alakazam Ampharos Hypno Mr. Mime Meowstic (male) Meowstic (female) Ineedee (male) Indeedee (female)
100% Liechi Berry Figy Berry Salac Berry Sitrus Berry Chilan Berry Petaya Berry Wiki Berry Maranga Berry Mago Berry Apicot Berry Petaya Berry Iapapa Berry Apicot Berry
80% Chople Berry Tanga Berry Wacan Berry Yache Berry Chople Berry Kasib Berry Shuca Berry Colbur Berry Colbur Berry Tanga Berry Tanga Berry Chople Berry Colbur Berry
80% Kelpsy Berry Pomeg Berry Tamato Berry Grepa Berry Tamato Berry Hondew Berry Pomeg Berry Grepa Berry Qualot Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry
50% Sun Stone Dusk Stone Max Ether Max Potion PP Up Link Stone Max Revive Max Ether Max Elixir Max Revive Max Ether Max Elixir Max Revive
30% Nugget Nugget Muscle Wing Genius Wing Big Pearl Big Mushroom Nugget Nugget Star Piece Rare Bone Rare Bone Big Pearl Nugget
30% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy
25% Normal Gem Dark Gem Flying Gem Flying Gem Normal Gem Psychic Gem Electric Gem Psychic Gem Fairy Gem Psychic Gem Psychic Gem Normal Gem Psychic Gem
25% Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale
5% Red Card Black Glasses Choice Scarf Adrenaline Orb Choice Band Flame Orb Rocky Helmet Zoom Lens Metronome Light Clay Life Orb Choice Specs Terrain Extender
4% Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece
1% Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap

5/6-Star Species + Rewards (Level 60-90)

Item Chance Gumshoos Raticate (Alola) Dodrio Noctowl Lopunny Alakazam Ampharos Hypno Mr. Mime Meowstic (male) Meowstic (female) Ineedee (male) Indeedee (female)
100% Lansat Berry Figy Berry Salac Berry Aguav Berry Liechi Berry Petaya Berry Wiki Berry Maranga Berry Mago Berry Apicot Berry Petaya Berry Starf Berry Maranga Berry
80% Chople Berry Tanga Berry Wacan Berry Yache Berry Chople Berry Kasib Berry Shuca Berry Colbur Berry Colbur Berry Tanga Berry Tanga Berry Chople Berry Colbur Berry
80% Kelpsy Berry Pomeg Berry Tamato Berry Grepa Berry Tamato Berry Hondew Berry Pomeg Berry Grepa Berry Qualot Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry
50% Sun Stone Dusk Stone Max Ether Full Restore PP Max Link Stone Max Revive Max Ether Max Elixir Max Revive Max Elixir Max Elixir Max Revive
50% Big Nugget Big Nugget Muscle Wing Genius Wing Pearl String Balm Mushroom Big Nugget Big Nugget Comet Shard Rare Bone Rare Bone Pearl String Big Nugget
30% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy
30% Normal Gem Dark Gem Flying Gem Flying Gem Normal Gem Psychic Gem Electric Gem Psychic Gem Fairy Gem Psychic Gem Psychic Gem Normal Gem Psychic Gem
25% Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale
25% Red Card Black Glasses Choice Scarf Adrenaline Orb Choice Band Flame Orb Rocky Helmet Zoom Lens Metronome Light Clay Life Orb Choice Specs Terrain Extender
5% Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece
4% Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap
1% Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap
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