The Route 9 Raid Den can be found by interacting with the gap between two trees located in the northwest side of the central lake area.


The path leading to the Route 9 Raid Den. / Pokémon Unbound
The path leading to the Route 9 Raid Den.

Raid Pokémon

Pokémon Star Level
Fearow 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Charjabug 2-Star and 3-Star
Vikavolt 4-Star and 5-Star
Deerling (Autumn) 1-Star
Sawsbuck (Autumn) 2-Star, 3-Star, and 4-Star
Breloom 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Azumarill 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Skorupi 2-Star and 3-Star
Drapion 4-Star and 5-Star
Audino 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star
Karrablast 2-Star and 3-Star
Escavalier 4-Star and 5-Star
Arrokuda 1-Star
Barraskewda 2-Star, 3-Star, and 4-Star
Toxel 1-Star
Toxtricity 2-Star, 3-Star, and 4-Star
Note: All tables below are extra wide and will scroll horizontally to show all data.

2-Star Species + Rewards (Level 25-30)

% Fearow Charjabug Deerling (Autumn) Breloom Azumarill Skorupi Audino Karrablast Arrokuda Toxel
100% Muscle Wing Net Ball Quick Ball Lum Berry Soda Pop Dusk Ball Lemonade Net Ball Fresh Water Persim Berry
80% Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry
80% Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Berry Juice Oran Berry Berry Juice Berry Juice Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry
50% Elixir Thunder Stone Ether Revive Revive Ether Elixir Link Stone Revive Ether
30% Revive Revive Revive Ether Ether Revive Revive Revive Ether Revive
30% PP Up Elixir Super Potion Elixir PP Up Elixir Super Potion PP Up Elixir PP Up
25% Swift Wing Pearl Stardust Pearl
5% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy

3-Star Species + Rewards (Level 35-40)

% Fearow Charjabug Sawsbuck (Autumn) Breloom Azumarill Skorupi Audino Karrablast Barraskewda Toxtricity
100% Muscle Wing Lum Berry Iapapa Berry Lum Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Lum Berry Lum Berry Lum Berry
80% Charti Berry Charti Berry Tanga Berry Coba Berry Kebia Berry Shuca Berry Chople Berry Occa Berry Wacan Berry Shuca Berry
80% Hondew Berry Tamato Berry Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry Pomeg Berry Qualot Berry Grepa Berry Tamato Berry Grepa Berry Hondew Berry
50% PP Up Thunder Stone Revive Max Ether PP Up Revive Hyper Potion Link Stone Elixir PP Up
25% Swift Wing Nugget Nugget Nugget Big Pearl Star Piece Star Piece Nugget Big Pearl Nugget
25% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy
5% Flying Gem Electric Gem Grass Gem Fighting Gem Fairy Gem Poison Gem Normal Gem Steel Gem Water Gem Electric Gem
4% Sharp Beak Magnet Wide Lens Black Belt Mystic Water Poison Barb Silk Scarf Silver Powder Mystic Water Poison Barb
1% Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap

4-Star Species + Rewards (Level 50-55)

% Fearow Vikavolt Sawsbuck (Autumn) Breloom Azumarill Drapion Audino Escavalier Barraskewda Toxtricity
100% Lansat Berry Salac Berry Iapapa Berry Liechi Berry Sitrus Berry Lansat Berry Jaboca Berry Custap Berry Liechi Berry Salac Berry
80% Charti Berry Charti Berry Tanga Berry Coba Berry Kebia Berry Shuca Berry Chople Berry Occa Berry Wacan Berry Shuca Berry
80% Hondew Berry Tamato Berry Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry Pomeg Berry Qualot Berry Grepa Berry Tamato Berry Grepa Berry Hondew Berry
50% PP Up Thunder Stone Max Revive Max Elixir PP Up Max Revive Max Potion Link Stone Max Elixir PP Up
30% Muscle Wing Nugget Nugget Nugget Big Pearl Star Piece Star Piece Nugget Big Pearl Nugget
30% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy
25% Flying Gem Electric Gem Grass Gem Fighting Gem Fairy Gem Poison Gem Normal Gem Steel Gem Water Gem Electric Gem
25% Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale
5% Muscle Band Choice Specs Wide Lens Blunder Policy Choice Band Scope Lens Red Card Assault Vest Life Orb Throat Spray
4% Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece
1% Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap

5/6-Star Species + Rewards (Level 60-90)

% Fearow Vikavolt Sawsbuck (Autumn) Breloom Azumarill Drapion Audino Escavalier Barraskewda Toxtricity
100% Lansat Berry Salac Berry Iapapa Berry Liechi Berry Figy Berry Lansat Berry Jaboca Berry Custap Berry Liechi Berry Custap Berry
80% Charti Berry Charti Berry Tanga Berry Coba Berry Kebia Berry Shuca Berry Chople Berry Occa Berry Wacan Berry Shuca Berry
80% Hondew Berry Tamato Berry Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry Pomeg Berry Qualot Berry Grepa Berry Tamato Berry Grepa Berry Hondew Berry
50% PP Max Thunder Stone Max Revive Max Elixir PP Max Max Revive Full Restore Link Stone Max Elixir PP Max
50% Muscle Wing Big Nugget Big Nugget Big Nugget Pearl String Comet Shard Comet Shard Big Nugget Pearl String Big Nugget
30% Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy
30% Flying Gem Electric Gem Grass Gem Fighting Gem Fairy Gem Poison Gem Normal Gem Steel Gem Water Gem Electric Gem
25% Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale Heart Scale
25% Muscle Band Choice Specs Wide Lens Blunder Policy Choice Band Scope Lens Red Card Assault Vest Life Orb Throat Spray
5% Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece
4% Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap
1% Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Max Powder
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