HM02 Fly
Location Given to you by Mel outside of the Fallshore City Gym. This happens after defeating him and exiting the gym.
Badge Required N/A (usable immediately)
Description A 2-turn move that hits the target on the second turn. Use it to fly to any known town.
PP 15
Type Flying


  • Have access to Fallshore City
  • Find Mel in Tehl Town and have him return to his gym
  • Defeat Mel in battle


Mel gives you HM02 Fly outside of the Fallshore City Gym after you defeat him.

Once Mel comes back to his gym when you find him in Tehl Town, you first have to challenge and defeat the gym leader.

Challenging Mel to a gym battle. / Pokémon Unbound
Challenging Mel to a gym battle.

After you defeat Mel and acquire his badge, leave the gym and he’ll automatically stop you and ask you to check out Thundercap Mountain.

The conversation will conclude when he gives you the HM for Fly.

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