HM06 Rock Smash
Location From the Mountain Climber NPC in Blizzard City. You can find him on the ground floor of the house East of the KBT Expressway entrance.
Badge Required Wings Badge (Blizzard City Gym)
Description An attack that lowers defense. It can also be used to smash cracked boulders.
PP 15
Type Fighting


  • Have access to Blizzard City by getting past Route 8
  • Obtain the Wings Badge (to use Rock Smash outside of battle)


Starting from outside of the Blizzard City Pokémon Center, head East.

Standing outside of the Blizzard City Pokémon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Standing outside of the Blizzard City Pokémon Center.

Take the first turn up and then continue going to the northeast part of the city where the entrance to the KBT Expressway is.

Following the path heading North. / Pokémon Unbound
Following the path heading North.

Enter the house East of the KBT Expressway entrance.

Entering the house to the right of the Expressway entrance. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the house to the right of the Expressway entrance.

Interact with the door on the ground floor to open it, and then speak with the Mountain Climber NPC inside the room. He will then give you the HM for Rock Smash.

The NPC who gives you Rock Smash. / Pokémon Unbound
The NPC who gives you Rock Smash.
Tip: If you want a list of all the items you can acquire by breaking rocks via Rock Smash then take a look at this page here.
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