TM002 Dragon Claw
Location Found in the snowy cliff area of Victory Road. It’s in the far East side that requires you to use Rock Climb to reach.
Description Sharp, huge claws hook and slash the foe quickly and with great power.
PP 15
Type Dragon


  • Have access to the Pokémon League
  • Have Rock Climb


Starting from outside of the Pokémon League, head South.

Standing outside of the Pokémon League. / Pokémon Unbound
Standing outside of the Pokémon League.

Enter the cave leading you to Victory Road.

Entering the slippery ice area of Victory Road. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the slippery ice area of Victory Road.

Once inside, you want to continue backtracking by following the linear path available to you.

Following the path out of the slippery ice area. / Pokémon Unbound
Following the path out of the slippery ice area.

You’ll eventually reach the exit to the slippery ice area.

Exiting the area. / Pokémon Unbound
Exiting the area.

From here, you want to go directly South.

Going South after entering the snowy area. / Pokémon Unbound
Going South after entering the snowy area.

Some barely visible markers indicate you can scale the wall to go down using Rock Climb.

Start going down, but after the second Rock Climb spot, you want to go East to use Rock Climb in the right-most corner of the snowy platform.

Using Rock Climb to go down. / Pokémon Unbound
Using Rock Climb to go down.

The TM for Dragon Claw is hidden by tall grass at the end of this path.

Finding the TM for Dragon Claw. / Pokémon Unbound
Finding the TM for Dragon Claw.
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