TM011 Sunny Day
Location Gift from a clown NPC found West of Route 16 after showing him Solrock or Solgaleo.
Description The sun blazes for five turns, powering up fire-type moves.
PP 5
Type Fire


  • Have access to Gurun Town
  • Have Rock Climb
  • Have a Solrock or Solgaleo in your party


From the Gurun Town Pokémon Center, start by heading down south.

From the Gurun Town Pokémon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
From the Gurun Town Pokémon Center.

Cross the bridge going out of the town and continue going south.

Continuing on the path. / Pokémon Unbound
Continuing on the path.

Cross the bridge you see going East.

Crossing the bridge to go East. / Pokémon Unbound
Crossing the bridge to go East.

After crossing the bridge, hop off the ledge to your South and use the stairs here to climb up onto the rocky platform.

Then follow this path going down south.

Hopping from the ledge and continuing South. / Pokémon Unbound
Hopping from the ledge and continuing South.

The path will shortly finish, prompting you to cross the bridge going West.

Crossing the bridge to go West. / Pokémon Unbound
Crossing the bridge to go West.

After crossing the bridge, head South. Instead of using the stairs to go down, you want to take the bridge going East to lead you to the opposite island.

Going to the island to the East. / Pokémon Unbound
Going to the island to the East.

After getting to the next island, walk South and go past the tall grass

Walking South past the tall grass. / Pokémon Unbound
Walking South past the tall grass.

You’ll see a wall you can scale using Rock Climb to reach a hidden lower area.

Scaling the wall using Rock Climb. / Pokémon Unbound
Scaling the wall using Rock Climb.

A clown will be waiting for you at the bottom of the wall. Speak with him and show him either a Solrock or Solgaleo in your party to acquire the TM for Sunny Day.

Interacting with the clown who gives the TM for Sunny Day. / Pokémon Unbound
Interacting with the clown who gives the TM for Sunny Day.
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