TM059 Dragon Pulse
Location Found on Route 18, on the path behind the Pokémon Center that’s blocked by three small trees you have to use Cut on.
Description The foe is attacked by a shockwave generated by the user’s gaping mouth.
PP 10
Type Dragon


  • Have access to the Route 18 Pokémon Center
  • Have Cut


Head North from the Route 18 Pokémon Center.

Standing outside of the Route 18 Pokémon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Standing outside of the Route 18 Pokémon Center.

You’ll see a couple of trees on the right that you can use Cut on. Do so and enter the path that opens up.

Approaching the three trees you can use Cut on. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the three trees you can use Cut on.

The TM for Dragon Pulse is at the end of the path behind the three trees.

Just continue going North instead of turning West toward the NPC with the hat.

Finding Dragon Pulse at the end of the path blocked by trees. / Pokémon Unbound
Finding Dragon Pulse at the end of the path blocked by trees.
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