TM082 Sleep Talk
Location Can be acquired in the Dehara City Game Corner for 4,000 Coins.
Description While asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.
PP 10
Type Normal


  • Have access to Dehara City
  • Have at least 4,000 Coins


Fly to the Dehara City Pokémon Center and start following the path North.

Going North from the Dehara City Pokémon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Going North from the Dehara City Pokémon Center.

Turn East to the path directly behind the Pokémon Center and enter the first purple building you come across.

Entering the Game Corner. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the Game Corner.

Head straight to the receptionist with the pink cap and interact with her.

Approaching the receptionist. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the receptionist.

Navigate to the TMs section and select the TM for Sleep Talk to get it for 4,000 Coins.

Buying Sleep Talk for 4,000 Coins. / Pokémon Unbound
Buying Sleep Talk for 4,000 Coins.
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