TM102 Dazzle Gleam
Location Found in Redwood Village, South of the house with the two breeders. The TM is hidden behind a tree.
Description The user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash.
PP 10
Type Fairy


  • Have access to Redwood Village


Fly to the Redwood Village Pokémon Center and head directly South.

Going South from the Redwood Village Pokémon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Going South from the Redwood Village Pokémon Center.

The TM for Dazzle Gleam is hidden directly South of the first house you’ll come across to your East. The TM is barely visible thanks to the trees in front of it.

Finding the TM for Dazzle Gleam hidden south of a brown house. / Pokémon Unbound
Finding the TM for Dazzle Gleam hidden south of a brown house.
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