TM107 Acrobatics
Location From the NPC inside the bottom-left house in Antisis City after showing him a Pokémon with Eerie Impulse.
Description The user nimbly strikes the target. If the user is not holding an item, this attack inflicts massive damage.
PP 15
Type Flying


  • Have access to Antisis City
  • Have a Pokémon with the move Eerie Impulse


Starting from the Antisis City Pokémon Center, head to the left and follow the path going South.

Following the path going South in Antisis City. / Pokémon Unbound
Following the path going South in Antisis City.

Enter the first house you come across to your left.

Entering the house in the South-West corner of the city. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the house in the South-West corner of the city.

Interact with the sole NPC inside the house and show him a Pokémon that knows Eerie Impulse to get the TM for Acrobatics.

Pokémon That Learn Eerie Impulse
Pokémon Level they learn Eerie Impulse Fastest Location
Electrode Level 1 Disguised as a Poke ball in the Dehara City Gym.
Lanturn Level 1 Thundercap Mountain, Ruins of Void, and Route 16 (exclusively found in water).
Heliolisk Level 1 Found in the Safari Zone.
Toxtricity Level 1 Toxel can be caught on Route 9 and then evolved into Toxtricity.
Voltorb Level 4 Disguised as a Poke ball in the Dehara City Gym.
Xurkitree Level 35 Found in Thundercap Mountain during the Portal Purge quest.
The NPC who gives the TM for Acrobatics. / Pokémon Unbound
The NPC who gives the TM for Acrobatics.
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