TM108 Snarl
Location Found on Route 7, just East of the entrance to Frost Mountain.
Description The user barks menacingly. It also lowers the foe’s special attack.
PP 15
Type Dark


  • Have access to Frost Mountain


Fly to the Frost Mountain entrance on Route 7 and you’ll see the TM you want to the East behind a ledge.

To get it, however, you’ll have to follow the ledge East.

Walking around the ledge to the East of the Frost Mountain entrance. / Pokémon Unbound
Walking around the ledge to the East of the Frost Mountain entrance.

You’ll eventually see an opening allowing you to walk around the ledge and enter the section where the TM for Snarl is.

Walking through the gap in the ledge and going West. / Pokémon Unbound
Walking through the gap in the ledge and going West.

All you have to do now is walk West toward the Frost Mountain entrance until you reach the Snarl TM.

Reaching the TM for Snarl at the end of the path. / Pokémon Unbound
Reaching the TM for Snarl at the end of the path.
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