Quick Guide:
  • Choose a First Pokémon and escape the Shadow Base
  • Arrive in Frozen Heights
  • Battle your Rival
  • Explore Route 1
  • Run an Errand in Bellin Town
  • Confront the Shadow Grunts


Pokemon Unbound start screen / Pokémon Unbound
Pokemon Unbound start screen

As soon as you start Pokémon Unbound, make sure whatever device you’re playing it on has the Real-Time Clock enabled; outdoor areas in Unbound have a day-night Pokémon catching cycle.

Day starts at 5:00am and ends at 7:59pm; Night starts at 8:00pm and ends at 4:59am.

If that’s been taken care of, time to create your character and set the difficulty.

There are a lot of customization options / Pokémon Unbound
There are a lot of customization options

Not only can you customize the color of your character’s hair and clothes, but there are several difficulty settings in Unbound.

For a first playthrough, it is recommended to play on Vanilla difficulty. You also have the ability to turn Exp. Share off; it is enabled to apply to your whole team by default.

Shadow Base

You awake in Shadow Base, after being dragged through a portal / Pokémon Unbound
You awake in Shadow Base, after being dragged through a portal

The introduction explains a bit of the history of Borrius, the region this game is set in, and shows you that you’ve been dragged through a portal by a mysterious Pokémon.


You find yourself in a hallway in one part of the base / Pokémon Unbound
You find yourself in a hallway in one part of the base

This section is relatively straightforward – after you can move, you’re in an area that looks like a big warehouse.

Walk to the south and east and you’ll see that you’re not alone in this place.

Walk far enough and you’ll soon find out who you’re in here with.

Meeting your Rival / Pokémon Unbound
Meeting your Rival

A rebellious youth with red hair confronts the guard blocking the exit to this warehouse, but since he doesn’t have any Pokémon there’s no way to escape just yet.

This is your Rival, and after a short conversation, you decide to team up with him to get out of here.

Discovering your first Pokémon in a crate / Pokémon Unbound
Discovering your first Pokémon in a crate

Your Rival leads you to a crate containing three Pokémon, and you’ll need to pick one.

Unlike a regular game in the series, you don’t have the choice between Fire, Water or Grass. Instead, your choices are a little more interesting:

Starter Pokémon
  • If you pick Beldum, your Rival picks Gible
  • If you pick Gible, he takes Larvitar
  • If you pick Larvitar he gets Beldum

Now that you both have Pokémon, it’s time to fight that Grunt.

Confronting the Grunt / Pokémon Unbound
Confronting the Grunt

It’s time for your first battle, and it’s a Double Battle, with your Pokémon together with your Rival’s to defeat the Grunt’s pair.

Shadow Grunt

After the Grunt has been dispatched, your Rival heals your Pokémon before getting out of there very quickly. Follow him south and down the next passage.

The bad guys are up to no good / Pokémon Unbound
The bad guys are up to no good

The evil group whose base you were in – seemingly named the Shadow – aren’t happy about your escape, and aren’t happy at the guard who let you go.

But you’re free of them for now – and find yourself back in your hometown of Frozen Heights.

Frozen Heights

(Click for full-size)
Frozen Heights map
Points of Interest
Shadow Base Exit
Rival’s House
Professor Log’s Lab
Your House
Neighbor’s House
Requires HM Rock Smash
Requires HM Cut
Route 1
Berry Juice
You emerge onto a frozen lake / Pokémon Unbound
You emerge onto a frozen lake

The tunnel you take out of the base leads to a secret exit on an icy lake, near Frozen Heights.

The only thing to do is to slide on the ice south and see if you can reach solid ground.

Reaching the town / Pokémon Unbound
Reaching the town

There’s really only one path to take, and that leads to a set of steps leading up to the island the town of Frozen Heights is on.

As soon as you arrive, you see your Rival talking to an old man.

Professor Log will be your mentor / Pokémon Unbound
Professor Log will be your mentor

The old man is Professor Log, who has a lab in town that researches Pokémon stats. He’s also been looking after your Rival and his sister since their parents went missing.

Your Rival is keen to show off his new Pokémon though, and he wants to battle you in front of the Professor!

Rival Battle

Your Rival challenges you / Pokémon Unbound
Your Rival challenges you
Rival Battle (First Round)


Professor Log is impressed / Pokémon Unbound
Professor Log is impressed

After your battle, your Rival runs off, but Professor Log sees potential in you and decides to entrust you with an errand.

Exploring the Town

The Professor needs you to pick up a package / Pokémon Unbound
The Professor needs you to pick up a package

Bellin Town is nearby, on the other side of Route 1, and Professor Log needs you to pick up a package for him at the Poke Mart.

He also gives you a Repel, 5 Poke Balls, and the Western Borrus Pokedex! He gives a spare Pokedex to give to our Rival as well when we see him next.

Before you leave, he advises you to check in on your mother.

Your Mother has some things for you too / Pokémon Unbound
Your Mother has some things for you too

Your house is on the east side of town – head over there and your Mom will give you the chance to rest. She also gives you a Mission Log, which is a component for your Cube.

You might have noticed – you don’t have a Bag in this game.

Everything goes into the Cube, which is half personal assistant, half digital item storage device.

The Mission Log helps us keep track of quests / Pokémon Unbound
The Mission Log helps us keep track of quests

Your Mom enters your mission from Professor Log into the Cube so you can keep track of it, as well as giving you a Costume Box and the battle items storage component.

With that out of the way, head to Professor Log’s lab.

Porygons act as Pokemon Storage / Pokémon Unbound
Porygons act as Pokemon Storage

Inside the lab are some scientists you can talk to, as well as Log himself. There’s a Porygon in here that acts as a Pokémon Storage System access – whenever you see a Porygon in some locations, that’s what you can use them for.

Your neighbours’ house / Pokémon Unbound
Your neighbours’ house

One last thing for you to do here is head to the southeast part of town to pay a visit to your neighbors, who are an old married couple.

A quest from your neighbor / Pokémon Unbound
A quest from your neighbor

The old man needs an Antidote from a Poke Mart, and considering you’re already heading to the one in Bellin Town, it should be easy for you to pick it up.

Route 1 is to the south / Pokémon Unbound
Route 1 is to the south

With everything in town completed, it’s time to go south to Route 1 and, eventually, Bellin Town.

Route 1

(Click for full-size)
Route 1 map
Points of Interest
Snow-Blocked Path
Icicle Cave Entrance
Frozen Heights
Requires HM Rock Climb
Bellin Town

Ice Heal
Oran Berry
Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon
Long Grass
Day and Night
Day and Night
Day and Night
Day and Night
The way through is up a small slope to the southwest / Pokémon Unbound
The way through is up a small slope to the southwest

Arriving on Route 1, you’ll notice that the main way through is blocked by a bunch of snow. A worker tells you to take the mountain path, which starts in the southwest.

The mountain path is fairly straightforward / Pokémon Unbound
The mountain path is fairly straightforward

There are patches of long grass to get through, but all in all it’s very easy to find your way along the path and down the other side.

Icicle Cave is blocked, for now - Bellin Town is to the south / Pokémon Unbound
Icicle Cave is blocked, for now – Bellin Town is to the south

You will arrive at the entrance to Bellin Town before long. Just before you get there, you’ll notice a cave entrance to the west, blocked by an old man.

This is Icicle Cave, and you’ll be going there eventually. For now, head south into town.

Bellin Town

(Click for full-size)
Bellin Town map
Points of Interest
Pokémon Center
Sandslash Thief House
Heal Ball House
Pokémon Egg Gentleman
Poke Mart
Frozen Heights
Heal Balls
Bellin Town is small but bustling / Pokémon Unbound
Bellin Town is small but bustling

If your Pokémon need healing, the Pokémon Center is in the northwest corner.

This house will give us an important mission / Pokémon Unbound
This house will give us an important mission

Head to the house to the northeast, where you can receive a mission from a family living there. Speak to the father and he’ll let you know about a food thief problem they’re having.

An Alolan Sandslash has come to raid the fridge / Pokémon Unbound
An Alolan Sandslash has come to raid the fridge

But as soon as you finish talking, the culprit arrives – an Alolan Sandslash, who immediately goes for the food. When the man’s daughter tries to stop it, she gets hurt a little.

Your next mission / Pokémon Unbound
Your next mission

The father wants you to track the thief down and give back the food it stole, and he’ll give you a decent reward.

When you leave the house, you’re told which direction it went / Pokémon Unbound
When you leave the house, you’re told which direction it went

The moment you leave the house, you see the Sandslash run off towards Icicle Cave, so you know where to track it down next.

This old man has a gift for you / Pokémon Unbound
This old man has a gift for you

Just south of the Sandslash mission house is a gentleman who has a Pokémon Egg to give you.

It will hatch in time, but it has the potential to hatch into any three of the following Pokémon at random:

Egg Pokémon
(one at random)
The Poke Mart / Pokémon Unbound
The Poke Mart

Your ultimate destination in town is the Poke Mart, which is in the southeast corner.

When you step inside, you bump into someone familiar on the way out.

Uh oh, another thief / Pokémon Unbound
Uh oh, another thief

The suspicious person leaves, but when you talk to the Mart employee he tells you that, due to a misunderstanding, Professor Log’s package has been stolen – by the man who just left!

The man who stole the package works for the Shadows / Pokémon Unbound
The man who stole the package works for the Shadows

In a cutscene, you’re told that the man who stole the package was the Grunt you and your Rival beat back in Shadow Base, and that the package is now with Marlon who is heading north of Frozen Heights.

Time to catch up to them.

Return to Frozen Heights

Marlon gets rid of an obstacle / Pokémon Unbound
Marlon gets rid of an obstacle

When you head to the north side of Frozen Heights you’ll see Marlon break through the Cut tree. Follow him and you’ll see a strange sight.

Articuno is captured / Pokémon Unbound
Articuno is captured

Marlon and the Shadows lure the Legendary Pokémon Articuno out from its hiding place and capture it!

As they leave, they spot you, and one of the Grunts is left behind to deal with you.

Another Grunt challenges us / Pokémon Unbound
Another Grunt challenges us

She has the package, so you’ll need to defeat her to get it.

Shadow Grunt
(Lv. 9)
Package acquired, finally / Pokémon Unbound
Package acquired, finally

You’ve finally got your hands on the package and it’s time to return to Frozen Heights and give it to Professor Log.

The Professor sends you on another errand / Pokémon Unbound
The Professor sends you on another errand

Unfortunately, the Master Balls are missing from the package, and Professor Log is very concerned about what happened with Articuno.

He sends you on to Dresco Town, which can be reached through Icicle Cave, to talk to an old friend of his.

Before we leave town though, you’ve got some medicine to deliver.

The old man gives us a Gem / Pokémon Unbound
The old man gives us a Gem

When we hand over the Antidote, the old man gives us a Gem that can power up a single move, but the type of the Gem depends on your starter Pokémon.

The entrance to Icicle Cave / Pokémon Unbound
The entrance to Icicle Cave

With everything in Frozen Heights taken care of, head down Route 1 again until you see the entrance to Icicle Cave.

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