Quick Guide:
  • Brave the Frozen Forest
  • Confront the Burglar
  • Battle a Crabominable
  • Challenge the Blizzard City Gym
  • Use HM06 Rock Smash to access KBT Expressway
  • Break through to Failshore City

Frozen Forest

(Click for full-size)
Frozen Forest map
Points of Interest
Crabominable Nest
Burglar Clearing
Blizzard City

Zygarde Cell
Aguav Berry
Ice Stone
Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon
Long Grass
Day and Night
Day and Night
The overcast and foreboding Frozen Forest / Pokémon Unbound
The overcast and foreboding Frozen Forest

You’re in Frozen Forest to look for a woman’s stolen Pokémon. There’s not much to do here except follow the path, with a couple of exceptions.

The lair of a fierce Pokemon / Pokémon Unbound
The lair of a fierce Pokemon

Just to the north of the entrance is a strange sight – the lair of a giant scary Crabominable, which you can get into by using Cut on the small trees. It’s asleep though, for now.

Following the path around / Pokémon Unbound
Following the path around

The only thing to do here to progress is take the west path and circle it around.

There aren’t any trainers waiting to challenge you, just the occasional patch of long grass.

Frozen Forest Ice Puzzle

The Frozen Forest Ice Puzzle / Pokémon Unbound
The Frozen Forest Ice Puzzle

Continue until you see a large patch of ice – this is an ice sliding puzzle.

Follow the instructions below to get to the other side:

  1. From the southernmost land tile, slide east onto the ice
  2. Slide down
  3. Slide right
  4. Slide up off the ice
  5. Obtain the Ice Stone
  6. Slide down back onto the ice
  7. Slide left
  8. Slide up
  9. Slide left
  10. Slide down
  11. Slide left
  12. Slide down
  13. Slide right
  14. Slide down and off the ice
The destination of the ice puzzle / Pokémon Unbound
The destination of the ice puzzle

You will land near the entrance to a clearing – this is where the missing Pokémon is.

The Missing Pokémon

Confronting the Burglar / Pokémon Unbound
Confronting the Burglar

As soon as you arrive in the clearing, the Burglar confronts you with the woman’s missing Alolan Ninetales, as well as his other Pokémon.

Burglar Jett
Alolan Ninetales
The Crabominable appears / Pokémon Unbound
The Crabominable appears

After you beat him though, there’s a problem – the Crabominable has woken up and has decided to attack you!

Pokémon Encounter
(Lv. 32)

Note: The Crabominable can be caught, and this is the only opportunity in this game for you to get one.

The woman is grateful / Pokémon Unbound
The woman is grateful

When you return to Blizzard City with the woman’s Alolan Ninetales, she gives you one of its Eggs as a reward. It will eventually hatch into an Alolan Vulpix.

Egg Pokémon
Alolan Vulpix
The Blizzard City gym is in the northwest part of the city / Pokémon Unbound
The Blizzard City gym is in the northwest part of the city

Now that you’re back in town, it’s time to finally challenge the Gym and earn the right to use HM Rock Smash!

Blizzard Gym – Wings Badge

The Guide tells you all about the Blizzard Gym / Pokémon Unbound
The Guide tells you all about the Blizzard Gym

Blizzard City’s Gym is actually a Flying-type Gym, because it’s so high up.

Flying-type moves are super effective against Bug-, Fighting-, and Grass-type Pokémon, and Flying-type Pokémon are weak against Electric-, Ice-, and Rock-type moves.

Gym Trainers

Gym Trainers
Bird Keeper Wilton
Bird Keeper Edwin
Bird Keeper Sebastian

Bird Keeper Chester
Oricorio (Pom-Pom)
Bird Keeper Perry
Bird Keeper Robert
The upper floor of the Gym / Pokémon Unbound
The upper floor of the Gym

The Gym is a series of lower corridors with fans that lead up to platforms on an upper floor. It’s a bit of a maze, and if you take a wrong turn at any point, you’ll have to fight an optional trainer.

From the Guide at the entrance, step on the fan directly behind him and you’ll be pushed up to a platform that goes in two directions.

Take the west one, and follow it around until you see a hole you can drop down to.

You arrive at the south fan and need to make your way to the east fan / Pokémon Unbound
You arrive at the south fan and need to make your way to the east fan

You’ll drop down in a room with another fan to the east and Bird Keeper Edwin blocking your way.

Once you beat him, walk on the east fan and you’ll be on the upper level again.

The correct path is to the north, past Sebastian / Pokémon Unbound
The correct path is to the north, past Sebastian

Ignore the hole next to the one you came from and walk north to challenge Bird Keeper Sebastian.

The path he is on leads to another lower chamber and another fan, which you should follow.

Once you use that next fan, follow the long upper path along until Bird Keeper Perry sees you.

More upper corridors / Pokémon Unbound
More upper corridors

After him, drop down the next hole you see, cross the lower chamber to another fan, and you’ll be in one final upper level corridor.

Bird Keeper Robert / Pokémon Unbound
Bird Keeper Robert

Bird Keeper Robert is the last trainer you’ll have to beat to get to the Gym Leader. So once you’ve done that just follow the path and head north and drop down to find yourself in her room.

Blizzard City Gym Leader – Alice

Alice is the Flying-type Gym Leader / Pokémon Unbound
Alice is the Flying-type Gym Leader

Alice is a graceful figure, but she doesn’t waste much time before challenging us.

Tip: The table below is only for Alice on Vanilla mode. If you want to see her team comp at a higher difficulty level then visit our Blizzard City Gym page here.
Gym Leader Alice (Vanilla)

Her team is formidable – if you’ve been relying on Electric-type moves to take down all the Pokémon in this Gym, her Gliscor will give you a rude shock. It’s best to use an Ice move on it.

Your TM prize is Aerial Ace / Pokémon Unbound
Your TM prize is Aerial Ace

The Wings Badge is your reward after winning, as is TM40 Aerial Ace.

After You Win

After you beat her, head outside and Alice says she still needs to speak to you about something.

Alice gives you a bit of a Rock Smash tutorial / Pokémon Unbound
Alice gives you a bit of a Rock Smash tutorial

With her Gliscor using Rock Smash, Alice breaks through the barrier Ivory put up on the KBT Expressway Entrance and tells you that you can use Rock Smash now with her permission.

The new objective / Pokémon Unbound
The new objective

Your new objective is to travel to Fallshore City through the KBT Expressway, but there may be a couple things to take care of first.

Alice gives you a mission / Pokémon Unbound
Alice gives you a mission

Tip: Go back to Alice and she’ll ask you to collect 20 Pretty Wings from Wingull or Pelipper – it’s an item they all hold, but unless you capture each one, you’ll need to use a move such as Knock Off or Thief to get them. If you manage to do this, you’ll get a Power Anklet.

Optional: Rock Smash Backtracking

Time to use Rock Smash / Pokémon Unbound
Time to use Rock Smash

Now that you’re allowed to use it, Rock Smash will be very useful to you.

Before heading into the KBT Expressway, you may want to backtrack to previous routes to get a few optional items:

Rock Smash Backtracking Locations
Frozen Forest
Route 7
Shiny Stone
Valley Cave B1F
Heart Scale
Razor Fang
Icicle Cave 3F
Rare Candy
Frozen Heights
Dawn Stone
Cinder Volcano 3F East
Quick Ball
Full Heal
Fire Stone
Cinder Volcano 2F West
Burn Heal
Fire Gem
(defeat Ace Trainer Alexa)
Ace Trainer Alexa

Return to KBT Expressway

The Blizzard City entrance of the KBT Expressway / Pokémon Unbound
The Blizzard City entrance of the KBT Expressway

When you’re ready, head into the KBT Expressway.

You’ll see a man in this section of the tunnel – he’s another Gem Family member with a trade for you. There are two more that are accessible to you right now, as well:

Gem Family Move Shops – Part 2
Brave Bird
4 Flying Gems
Near the Blizzard City Entrance
4 Ghost Gems
Along the Fallshore City Tunnel
Body Slam
3 Normal Gems
Along the Fallshore City Tunnel
Break these rocks to be free / Pokémon Unbound
Break these rocks to be free

To access the rest of the Expressway, smash your way through the rocks to the east.

Return to Crater Town / Pokémon Unbound
Return to Crater Town

Make your way through the Expressway to Crater Town, and head to the south exit.

This time, you won’t be jumped by Shadow Grunts.

More rocks to smash / Pokémon Unbound
More rocks to smash

You can now clear the barrier to the south of this tunnel. Head for the Fallshore City exit.

The route we want to take / Pokémon Unbound
The route we want to take

Once you find it, head outside and you’ll find yourself in Fallshore City.

Jax tries to battle Ivory again / Pokémon Unbound
Jax tries to battle Ivory again

The first thing you’ll see as you exit is Jax, who is trying to beat Ivory in a battle again. It doesn’t work out well for him.

Time to explore another town / Pokémon Unbound
Time to explore another town

Once that’s over with, it’s time to explore Fallshore City.

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