Quick Guide:
  • Challenge the Fallshore City Gym
  • Obtain Permission to Use HM04 Strength
  • Obtain HM02 Fly
  • Reach the Thundercap Mountain Entrance

Fallshore Gym – Fall Badge

The Guide informs you about this Gym’s gimmick / Pokémon Unbound
The Guide informs you about this Gym’s gimmick

Fallshore Gym is a Normal-type Gym, which means under normal circumstances, Fighting-type moves would work really well here.

However, as the Gym Guide tells you, these are not normal circumstances.

All the trainers in the Gym including the leader will challenge you under Inverse Battle rules.

This means that what normally would be super-effective is now not very effective, and vice versa.

For Normal-types this is a problem because Normal-type moves are not super-effective against any type, so using a Normal-type move against a Normal-type Pokémon would just result in normal move damage even under reverse rules.

It’s advisable to just have a team of non-Fighting-type Pokémon with strong moves of any type except Fighting.

Gym Trainers
Beauty Lauren
Picnicker Caitlin
Beauty Lori
Beauty Alessia
Beauty Tamia
Youngster Yasu
Painter Monet

Optimal Gym Path

(Click for full-size)
The optimal path through the Fallshore Gym

There are three rooms that can be accessed via Lapras waterfall. The optimal route can be confusing, so please take note of the map above.

If you’re having trouble understanding the instructions below, then look at the map above and here’s what to do: follow the red line until it turns into the blue line, then follow the blue line.

Gym Puzzle (Step-by-Step)

Cross the middle line of lily pads / Pokémon Unbound
Cross the middle line of lily pads

Drop down the hole next to the Guide and you’ll be in the first section of the Gym.

There are three lily pad paths leading north – take the middle one.

Picknicker Caitlin and the crossroads / Pokémon Unbound
Picknicker Caitlin and the crossroads

Fight Picknicker Caitlin, and you’ll have the choice of two more paths.

Both lead to a Lapras and the level above. Take the right one for now.

Riding a Lapras up / Pokémon Unbound
Riding a Lapras up

The Lapras will take you up the waterfall to the second level of the Gym, and you’ll land on a lily pad path.

More lily pads / Pokémon Unbound
More lily pads

When you arrive on the top level, follow the lily pad trail all the way to Mel’s secretary Beauty Tamia, who is on an island in the middle of the pond area.

Take this Lapras up / Pokémon Unbound
Take this Lapras up

After beating Beauty Tamia, the path you need to take is the left trail.

However, there is a gap in it that you can’t cross at the moment.

To fix this, ride the Lapras north of this island up the waterfall to Beauty Alessia. The Lapras will then move to fix the gap in the lily pads.

You then need to head east across the bridge and down the stairs.

Heading back to the lower level / Pokémon Unbound
Heading back to the lower level

Follow the linear path along – it will take you south and then west to the other Lapras.

Take the Lapras down / Pokémon Unbound
Take the Lapras down

Take the other Lapras down to the lower level, then retrace your steps past Picnicker Caitlin to the Lapras on the right hand side of the chamber again.

Follow the path back until you’re on the island with Beauty Tamia again.

Follow the new path north and east / Pokémon Unbound
Follow the new path north and east

Now the path is clear for you to follow the lily pads north and east behind the raised island to the Lapras on the right hand side of this level.

This Lapras leads to the Gym Leader / Pokémon Unbound
This Lapras leads to the Gym Leader

Take this Lapras to the top level of the Gym.

Gym Leader Mel awaits / Pokémon Unbound
Gym Leader Mel awaits

The Gym Leader is waiting for you, and this is likely going to be a challenging battle.

Fallshore Gym Leader – Mel

Mel shows off a little / Pokémon Unbound
Mel shows off a little

Mel has an extremely strong lineup of Pokémon, and it’s recommended to face him only if your team is above Lv. 35.

Tip: The table below is only for Mel on Vanilla mode. If you want to see his team comp at a higher difficulty level then visit our Fallshore City Gym page here.
Gym Leader Mel

Strong moves with a Power over 80 are your best bet here, so make sure your team has a wide selection of those.

Your TM prize is Facade / Pokémon Unbound
Your TM prize is Facade

Mel concedes defeat and gives you the Fall Badge and TM42 Facade.

After You Win

Once you collect your winnings, head on outside where Mel will pull you aside – he isn’t done with you yet.

Mel has a task for you / Pokémon Unbound
Mel has a task for you

Mel has heard of the Shadow presence around Epidimy Town and Thundercap Mountain and wants to flush them out.

To make it easier to help him, he gives you a very important gift – the Fly HM.

Fast travel unlocked / Pokémon Unbound
Fast travel unlocked

HM02 Fly will basically unlock fast travel in Borrius, and in this game you’re not limited to towns – you can fly between other points of interest as well.

Like the other HMs, you don’t need to actually teach a Pokémon the move – if your Pokémon can learn Fly, the option to use Fly will pop up in the Pokémon’s context menu on the status screen.

HM04 Strength Backtracking (Optional)

Strength is acquired in Epidimy Town / Pokémon Unbound
Strength is acquired in Epidimy Town

You should have already acquired HM04 Strength in Epidimy Town – if not, speak to the Black Belt in the house near the southwest exit to Route 11.

There are a few important items you can use Strength to access right now, if you want to backtrack. Here’s a complete list of items you might want to get:

Strength Backtracking Locations
Route 9
Green Shard
Frost Mountain 2F East
Razor Claw
Zygarde Cell
Shiny Stone
Cinder Volcano 2F West
Red Shard
Sun Stone
Charizite X
(inside Raid Den)
Cinder Volcano 3F West
Scope Lens
(defeat Mega Trainer Yale)
Mega Trainer Yale
Alolan Graveler


Advancing the Story

Once you’re done, head back to Epidimy Town and walk over to the Thundercap Mountain entrance to find Mel.

Mel lays down the law / Pokémon Unbound
Mel lays down the law

Mel doesn’t mess around, smashing the Grunt guarding the entrance away with his Miltank.

Head on inside.

The entrance chamber of Thundercap Mountain / Pokémon Unbound
The entrance chamber of Thundercap Mountain

Thundercap Mountain awaits – five levels of trainers and wild Pokémon.

Hopefully, you can reach Zapdos in time.

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