Quick Guide:
  • Enter the Ruins of Void
  • Defeat the Guardian of the Ruins
  • Survive the Portal Challenge
  • Observe the Ritual
  • Escape Cube Space

Getting to the Ruins of Void

Jax will talk to you outside / Pokémon Unbound
Jax will talk to you outside

At this point in the walkthrough you’re in the Dehara City Game Corner and you’ve just found Jax.

He wants to go outside to talk to you about your next move and how to get to the Ruins of Void.

Hoopa arrives and causes chaos / Pokémon Unbound
Hoopa arrives and causes chaos

He mentions needing to get the Dehara Gym Badge so you can use Surf – but before you can discuss it further, Hoopa appears and summons a portal that whisks you both away!

Ruins of Void (Exterior)

(Click for full-size)
Ruins of Void exterior map
Points of Interest
Arrival Point
Shadow Grunt
Exits and Passages
Cliff Cave
Requires HM Surf
Ruins B3F
Requires HM Rock Climb
Ruins B2F First Chamber
Ruins B2F Second Chamber
Ruins B1F First Chamber
Ruins B1F Second Chamber
Ruins B1F Second Chamber Elevator
Ruins 1F Main Structure

Zygarde Cell
Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon
Interior (B1F-B3F)
(Old Rod)
(Good Rod)
(Good Rod)
(Super Rod)
(Super Rod)
(Super Rod)
(Super Rod)
Rock Smash

It looks like Hoopa has taken you to the Ruins of Void prematurely.

An unexpected arrival / Pokémon Unbound
An unexpected arrival

The Shadow Grunts immediately spot you, and in a desperate attempt to stop you, blow up the side of the mountain. That destroys the staircase and hurts Jax’ Staraptor.

The whole layout of the Ruins changes / Pokémon Unbound
The whole layout of the Ruins changes

Jax decides to wait outside while you go and find his Staraptor and put an end to the Shadow while you’re at it – he can heal you whenever your team is low on health.

Go inside the cave opening and you’ll find yourself in some catacombs.

Ruins of Void – B3F

(Click for full-size)
Ruins of Void B3F map
Points of Interest
Abra to Dehara Town
Ancient Tablet
Blocked Dead End A
Blocked Dead End B
Exits and Gates
Cliff Cave
Ruins Exterior
First Switch and Gate
Second Switch and Gate
Third Switch and Gate
Ruins B2F First Chamber

Zygarde Cell
Dusk Ball
Max Repel
TM31 Brick Break
The entrance to the catacombs / Pokémon Unbound
The entrance to the catacombs

At the beginning of this floor is an Abra who will take you back to Dehara City if you’re missing anything.

Maze Solution

There are three passages ahead of you – first, take the one on the right.

The Ancient Tablet / Pokémon Unbound
The Ancient Tablet

There’s an Ancient Tablet at the end of this passage that gives you a hint – “SWITCH BELOW THEN AVOIDING THE DUSCLOPS IS THE KEY”.

There are a bunch of Dusclops in the central passage, so it’s best not to go that way.

Go back, pass the Abra, and head down the left passage.

The first switch / Pokémon Unbound
The first switch

Follow the left passage all the way around until you find an ancient lever.

Pull it, and there’ll be no more Dusclops problem.

The Dusclops are blocked off, but the second gate is closed / Pokémon Unbound
The Dusclops are blocked off, but the second gate is closed

Now walk down the central passage and you’ll see that the Dusclops have been blocked in, but the way forward is also protected by another gate.

Go east and follow that passage, ignoring any forks.

The second switch / Pokémon Unbound
The second switch

You’ll eventually find the second switch – pull it and the gate will open.

Looking for the third switch / Pokémon Unbound
Looking for the third switch

Continue north past the gates and follow the only remaining passage to the third and final switch.

The third switch / Pokémon Unbound
The third switch

Once you pull it, you’ll be free to go through the left passage.

The way forward is clear / Pokémon Unbound
The way forward is clear

Walk through the left passage and you’ll eventually see a ladder to the next floor.

Prepare before heading up the ladder / Pokémon Unbound
Prepare before heading up the ladder

When you arrive on the next floor you’ll immediately be thrown into a tough fight, so make sure your Pokémon are all healed up first.

Ruins of Void – Higher Interior

(Click for full-size)
Ruins of Void higher interior map
Points of Interest
Slide Puzzle
Portal Challenge
Go-Goggles House
Exits and Passages
Ruins B3F
Ruins B2F Exterior
Ruins B2F Exterior
Ladder to Ruins B1F First Chamber
Ruins B1F Exterior
Ruins B1F Exterior
Ruins B1F Exterior Elevator
Ruins 1F Exterior
Ladder to Ruins B1F Final Chamber
Ladder to Ruins 1F Main Chamber

Full Heal
Dusk Stone

Ruins of Void – B2F

The Claydol is the Guardian of the Ruins / Pokémon Unbound
The Claydol is the Guardian of the Ruins

You are confronted by a Claydol and challenged to prove yourself in battle.

This boss battle, like the others in the Ruins of Void, is level scaled even on Vanilla difficulty.

This means Claydol will be around a couple levels below you no matter how overleveled you may be.

The Claydol will burrow through the west wall / Pokémon Unbound
The Claydol will burrow through the west wall

Once it’s been defeated, it will smash its way through the west wall of the chamber, revealing an exit.

A return to the exterior / Pokémon Unbound
A return to the exterior

Going through it will put you on the outside of the ruins.

Walk around the path until you see another opening.

The south opening leads back inside / Pokémon Unbound
The south opening leads back inside

Head inside and you’ll be in the second B2F chamber.

Puzzle time / Pokémon Unbound
Puzzle time

There is a set of double doors leading north, but they’re currently sealed.

Hoopa Puzzle

You will have to interact with the tile puzzle in the middle of the room to open them.

You can drag and drop the pieces wherever you like.

The final image should resemble Hoopa.

The Hoopa must be assembled properly / Pokémon Unbound
The Hoopa must be assembled properly

Once you’ve reassembled the Hoopa picture, the double doors will open.

The door in the north opens / Pokémon Unbound
The door in the north opens

There’s a ladder in the chamber beyond that will take you to the next floor.

The ladder to B1F / Pokémon Unbound
The ladder to B1F

Ruins of Void – B1F

Ruins of Void B1F / Pokémon Unbound
Ruins of Void B1F

Once you emerge, go west.

Odd Incense
Spell Tag
Immediately head outside / Pokémon Unbound
Immediately head outside

You’ll see another opening leading to the outside.

Another level up / Pokémon Unbound
Another level up

You’re nearly at the top of the pyramid-shaped ruins, it seems.

Continue along the ledge and you’ll pass another entrance.

The way to another chamber / Pokémon Unbound
The way to another chamber

However, your attention is drawn by something important – Jax’ injured Staraptor.

Give the Staraptor a helping hand / Pokémon Unbound
Give the Staraptor a helping hand

When you see it, Jax will follow you up the ruin and nurse it back to health. He will also reposition himself to be on this level, so you don’t have to go all the way back down to the bottom to heal.

This is important, because you will need to be healed for the next battle.

Portal Challenge

A three-phase boss rush / Pokémon Unbound
A three-phase boss rush

Head inside the next chamber, and Claydol is waiting for you.

To test you further, it opens a portal, and you’re challenged to defeat the three legendary Johto beasts one after another – with no break in between.

Since they’re level scaled, this is likely going to be a tough fight.

Portal Challenge
(level scales)
(level scales)
(level scales)
An elevator is revealed / Pokémon Unbound
An elevator is revealed

The tile on which the Claydol sits is actually an elevator to the upper floor – once it leaves, you can use it.

Ruins of Void – 1F

The top of the ruins / Pokémon Unbound
The top of the ruins

Finally, you’re at the peak of the ruins.

The Grunts are shocked to see you, but they don’t actually confront you until you pass them.

One last obstacle / Pokémon Unbound
One last obstacle

One of the Grunts battles you, and thankfully it isn’t level scaled.

After you beat him, the other one wants to fight, but Jax appears to distract them and you’re able to escape back into the ruins. Jax will also heal you here if you talk to him again.


Head inside and climb down the ladder into one more chamber.

The interior floors / Pokémon Unbound
The interior floors

Ruins of Void – Final Chamber

One last chamber / Pokémon Unbound
One last chamber

There’s not much here except a long hallway – walk through it and you’ll see another ladder to the level below.

The ladder to the confrontation / Pokémon Unbound
The ladder to the confrontation

As soon as you climb down the ladder, it’s not long before you’re captured by Shadow Grunts and dragged to the ritual site.

Ritual Challenge

Aklove reveals himself / Pokémon Unbound
Aklove reveals himself

Zeph, the leader of the Shadow, attempts to perform the ritual of unbinding, but he is unsuccessful.

The strange grunt with the red hair from before appears and reveals himself as Aklove, a descendant of the king that was at war with Borrius ages ago.

Hoopa is Unbound / Pokémon Unbound
Hoopa is Unbound

He performs the ritual and causes Hoopa to be Unbound, hoping for the destruction of Borrius.

To help bring that about, he orders Hoopa to open two portals and summon the legendary Johto birds to defeat you – one at a time, thankfully.

Ritual Challenge
(level scales)
(level scales)
You are trapped / Pokémon Unbound
You are trapped

When you beat them, Aklove has another trick up his sleeve – he will do to you what he did to Marlon and seal you inside Cube Space!

You’re teleported away, and find yourself in a weird landscape.

Cube Space

Uploaded to cyberspace / Pokémon Unbound
Uploaded to cyberspace

Cube Space is an extremely strange environment, and it’s an absolute maze to try and navigate.

The first platform / Pokémon Unbound
The first platform

You’ll have to make your way through a bit of a teleporter maze, and it can be confusing, so pay attention to the following instructions:

Step 1: Walk east and hop on the next teleport pad.

Step 2: From there, walk north to the T-junction, take the west path and hop on the teleport pad.

Step 3: Walk north and then east. Do not take the teleport pad, go past it and turn north.

Don’t hop on the pad pictured - go past it / Pokémon Unbound
Don’t hop on the pad pictured – go past it

Step 4: You’ll come to three choices of teleport pad – take the right one.

Step 5: Go south – you will come to a pad, do not take it. Go past it to the second pad.

Step 6: Step on that second pad, do not go any further.

The second pad - take it to finish the maze / Pokémon Unbound
The second pad – take it to finish the maze

Once you step on that pad, you are whisked away to an area that has two other people in it – one of them is Marlon, and the other is your dad, Aros!

A tearful reunion / Pokémon Unbound
A tearful reunion

Aros explains he’s been trapped in Cube Space for years, and Marlon only recently joined him.

Together, all three of you work out a way for Marlon and you to escape – Aros will need to remain behind as he needs to be freed manually.

After an emotional goodbye, you’re teleported to Cinder Volcano.

Heading to Cinder Volcano

The entrance to the Shadow Base / Pokémon Unbound
The entrance to the Shadow Base

Cinder Volcano is where the Shadow Base entrance is, accessed through the cave entrance a Shadow Grunt was blocking the last time you were here.

Head inside to confront the Shadow.

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