Quick Guide:
  • Challenge the Dehara City Gym
  • Obtain Permission to Use HM03 Surf

Dehara Gym – Battery Badge

This is a double type Gym / Pokémon Unbound
This is a double type Gym

The Dehara Gym is unlike any other Gym you’ve challenged so far.

Trainers here use two types – Electric and Steel – instead of just one.

  • Steel moves are strong against Fairy-, Ice-, and Rock-type Pokémon
  • Steel Pokémon are weak against Fighting-, Fire-, and Ground-type moves
  • Electric-type moves are strong against Flying- and Water-type Pokémon
  • Electric Pokémon have only one weakness – Ground-type moves

So, the logical choice would be to bring in a Ground-type, right?


The gimmick of this gym is that the magnetism in here causes Pokémon to levitate, so they are immune to Ground-type moves entirely.

The best bet is to get something strong against Steel, such as a Fire-type like Camerupt.

If you have the Cameruptite, activate it in battle – Mega Camerupt has Fire moves that will devastate most Steel Pokémon, and the boosted damage will help against the Electric-types.

All Gym Trainers

All Gym Trainers

Gym Trainers
Super Nerd Ezra
Worker Humphrey
Guitarist Luca
Scientist Giselle
Scientist Jose
Scientist Jerry
Super Nerd Zack
Collector Ashton
Worker Bernie

Gym Puzzle Layout

(Click for full-size)
The optimal Gym route – the color of the line changes when a bulb switch is pressed

This Gym is incredibly complicated to navigate, so you can quickly refer back to this map while reading the rest of the walkthrough.

The various directional lines mark the optimum route through the Gym. At certain points, you must turn bulbs on and off again – when that happens, the color of the line changes so backtracking is easier to see.

The order of the lines is:

  • red
  • blue
  • green
  • yellow
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • purple
  • orange

There are three floors in the Gym – 1F, B1F and B2F. Elevators on one particular floor can head to any of the other two levels – the map marks which one this is.

So, first – head east from the Guide, across a moving platform, and you will see an area with two elevators.

The first elevator / Pokémon Unbound
The first elevator

First, step on the leftmost elevator and it will take you down to B1F.

Continuing on / Pokémon Unbound
Continuing on

Once you arrive, go northwest until you see the first trainer you’ll need to challenge – Super Nerd Ezra.

Super Nerd Ezra and the first switch / Pokémon Unbound
Super Nerd Ezra and the first switch

After beating Ezra, go north and you will see a bulb switch. These switches turn electric gates on and off, so they’re vital to getting to the end of the Gym.

Turn the bulb on, and go back to the platform you came from on 1F.

Take the other elevator / Pokémon Unbound
Take the other elevator

This time, take the elevator you didn’t take last time – the northern one – and it will take you to another area of B1F.

Keep going north / Pokémon Unbound
Keep going north

Then, take the moving platform north until you see Worker Humphrey waiting for you.

Worker Humphrey and the next elevator / Pokémon Unbound
Worker Humphrey and the next elevator

Once you beat Humphrey, keep going north and take the elevator you see there. It will take you to B2F.

These gates are switched off / Pokémon Unbound
These gates are switched off

You’ll see two Tesla coils that used to generate an electric fence, but they appear to be off.

Turning the bulb on directed the flow of energy away from the coils and allows you to go to the next area.

Guitarist Luca / Pokémon Unbound
Guitarist Luca

Take the elevator up to 1F and pass Guitarist Luca.

Go down the elevator near him and you’ll end up back on B2F.

An active Tesla coil / Pokémon Unbound
An active Tesla coil

You will immediately see that an electric gate to the south has not been turned off yet.

Go to the elevator to the right of the one you arrived on.

The second bulb / Pokémon Unbound
The second bulb

Back on 1F, there’s a bulb you need to switch on. Remember where this is, because you will have to come back here later.

Once you’ve done that, go back to the previous elevator.

Head north / Pokémon Unbound
Head north

There’s another elevator in the north part of this area – step on to it and it will take you up to B1 and Giselle.

Giselle and the next elevator / Pokémon Unbound
Giselle and the next elevator

Defeat her and head west to another elevator that takes you up to B1.

Scientist Joe and the third bulb / Pokémon Unbound
Scientist Joe and the third bulb

The third bulb is here – turn it on, and remember where it is, because you’ll need to come back here to turn it off again in due time.

Go back to the Tesla coils on B2F that you couldn’t get past earlier.

The Tesla coils are off / Pokémon Unbound
The Tesla coils are off

They’re now off, so you can head past them and up to battle Scientist Jerry.

Scientist Jerry / Pokémon Unbound
Scientist Jerry

Take the elevator past Jerry and you will go to B1 and another set of deactivated Tesla coils.

Another set disabled / Pokémon Unbound
Another set disabled

Walk through them and onto the only place you can go from here – the other elevator, which takes you to 1F.

The fourth bulb / Pokémon Unbound
The fourth bulb

The fourth bulb is on the next platform – turn it on and head back the way you came.

Remember where Scientist Joey and the third bulb was, on 1F?

You’ll need to go back there now.

Turn the third bulb off / Pokémon Unbound
Turn the third bulb off

When you get back there, turn the bulb off.

Then go back to where the second bulb was – southeast of Guitarist Luca on 1F.

Turn the second bulb off / Pokémon Unbound
Turn the second bulb off

Once you’ve turned that one off, go all the way back to the entrance of the Gym on 1F. You should be standing back near where the Guide is.

Now you can go to the other side of the first platform and get through the Tesla coils there.

Head west of the Guide / Pokémon Unbound
Head west of the Guide

Take the elevator that is behind the disengaged coils and you’ll reach B2F.

Collector Ashton / Pokémon Unbound
Collector Ashton

Walk east of where the elevator takes you and you’ll run into Collector Ashton.

One last thing to do / Pokémon Unbound
One last thing to do

Step on the elevator just to the southeast of him and it will take you to B1F.

The final bulb / Pokémon Unbound
The final bulb

This is the fifth and final bulb you need to deal with – turn it on, and go back to the southwest corner of B2F.

The last fence / Pokémon Unbound
The last fence

From there, go north and you’ll see a final set of Tesla coils, deactivated.

Gym Leader Galavan waits for you / Pokémon Unbound
Gym Leader Galavan waits for you

Worker Bernie is the last obstacle between you and the Gym Leader.

If you manage to defeat him, go north and you’ll finally meet the gym leader Galavan.

Dehara Gym Leader – Galavan

Galavan looks familiar / Pokémon Unbound
Galavan looks familiar

You’ve probably seen a man in the corner of every gym city’s Pokémon Center giving a bit of an opinion on the local gym leader – well, it’s Galavan, and he’s the Gym Leader of this gym.

As if the levitation effect wasn’t difficult enough, he forces you to duel him in a Double Battle.

Tip: The table below is only for Galavan on Vanilla mode. If you are playing on a higher difficulty level then visit our Dehara City Gym page here.
Gym Leader Galavan
Double Battle
Alolan Golem
Manectric (Mega)
Tip: Mega Camerupt is still pretty effective here if you have it, because of the damage boost on any Fire moves it has.
Volt Switch is Galavan’s gift to you / Pokémon Unbound
Volt Switch is Galavan’s gift to you

If you manage to beat him, Galavan gives you TM92 Volt Switch and the Battery Badge, which will finally allow you to use Surf.

Surf Backtracking Areas (Optional)

Professor Log gave you HM03 Surf on Route 12 / Pokémon Unbound
Professor Log gave you HM03 Surf on Route 12

Back on Route 12, Professor Log gave both you and your Rival the HM for Surf, but you have not been able to use it.

Until now.

There are a few important items you can use Surf to access right now, if you want to backtrack:

Surf Backtracking Locations
Icicle Cave 3F
Max Revive In the middle of the lake
TM13 Ice Beam On the east side of the lake, up a ladder
Icicle Cave 2F
Zygarde Cell On the southern bank of the west lake
Route 2
Zygarde Cell Northwest of the route, on a small island
Shiny Stone Near the entrance to Dresco Town, at water level
Dresco Town
TM105 Brutal Swing South of the Moltres plaza, at water level
Route 3
TM45 Attract East side of the route, on a small island
Carbos West side of the route, on a small island
Deep Sea Scale
East side of the route, hidden in sand
Deep Sea Tooth
West side of the route, hidden in sand
Cinder Volcano East 1F
TM35 Flamethrower Across a small lava pond in the entry chamber
Cinder Volcano West 1F
Flame Orb East of the Chansey across the lava lake
Magmarizer Southeast bank of the lava lake
Valley Cave B1F
Energy Root Across a small pond in the southeast crater
TM44 Rest Across a small pond in the southwest crater
Tehl Town
Nugget Across the pond, behind a tree
Route 10
Zygarde Cell Southeast section of the central lake
Green Shard West of the Zygarde Cell, east side of the central island
Macho Brace South part of the central lake
Dawn Stone West part of the central lake, on an island
Max Elixir Southwest of the central lake, on a tiny bank
Route 9
TM30 Shadow Ball On an island in the middle of the route
Zygarde Cell On an island in the middle of the route
Flame Charge Across a pond in a clearing near the Underground Passage exit
Fallshore City
Fast Ball East of the KBT Expressway entrance
Silk Scarf Behind a house south of the KBT Expressway entrance
Shed Shell West of the KBT Expressway entrance
Steelixite On the east end of the beach, up a tiny staircase
Epidimy Town
Quick Ball On the southeast bank of the pond

Progressing The Story

Once you’re done, fly to Cinder Volcano and take the shortcut through 1F to get to the east exit onto Route 4.

Routes 13 and 14 near the water / Pokémon Unbound
Routes 13 and 14 near the water

There are a few important things to pick up on Routes 13 and 14, where we were supposed to surf to get to the Ruins of Void before Hoopa intervened.

Hop on your Pokémon and surf south into Route 13 to get started.

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