Quick Guide:
  • Return to Thundercap Mountain and solve the Electric Fence Puzzle
  • Explore the Maze Chamber
  • Rescue a Lost Kid out of the mountain

Return to Thundercap

The first chamber of Thundercap Mountain / Pokémon Unbound
The first chamber of Thundercap Mountain

Now that you have Surf, there are a few key things you should do in Thundercap Mountain.


TM24 Thunderbolt
(southwest area)
Max Ether
(southeast area)
(southeast area)
Electric Seed
(east area)
(Main Cavern, northeast side)
The southeast corner of 2F / Pokémon Unbound
The southeast corner of 2F

Head up to 2F and go to the southeast corner, where you will find a large underground lake.

Surf east across it until you come to a ladder leading to 3F.

Another Tablet Cavern section / Pokémon Unbound
Another Tablet Cavern section

It will take you up to the part of 3F that has the Ancient Tablet in it, this time on a side you haven’t been able to access yet.

Go north, and you’ll find a boulder puzzle.

The boulder puzzle / Pokémon Unbound
The boulder puzzle

This puzzle is a little complicated, so there are some step-by-step instructions you should follow.

Also, you should have previously pushed the extra boulder down the hole from the Electivire Chamber on 4F if you haven’t already.

Thundercap Boulder Puzzle

Each boulder has a letter - refer to this image / Pokémon Unbound
Each boulder has a letter – refer to this image

Step 1: The first move you should make is to push boulder A to the west.

After the first move / Pokémon Unbound
After the first move

Step 2: Then, push B boulder to the north.

After the second move / Pokémon Unbound
After the second move

Step 3: Push C boulder to the south.

After the third move (boulder A is now D) / Pokémon Unbound
After the third move (boulder A is now D)

Step 4: Then, push boulder D (which is actually boulder A, west of its starting position) to the south.

After the fourth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the fourth move

Step 5: Push boulder E to the west.

After the fifth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the fifth move

Step 6: Push boulder F to the south.

After the sixth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the sixth move

Step 7: Push boulder G to the north.

After the seventh move / Pokémon Unbound
After the seventh move

Step 8: Push boulder H all the way to the west.

After the eighth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the eighth move

Step 9: Clear the rocks with Rock Smash and push boulder I to the west.

After the ninth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the ninth move

Step 10: Push boulder I again to the north, on to the button.

After the final move / Pokémon Unbound
After the final move

This side of the puzzle is now complete.

The 2nd Boulder Puzzle

Go south and then west, jumping off the cliff, until you’re on the left side of the cavern and can see the other boulder puzzle.

This puzzle is straightforward enough / Pokémon Unbound
This puzzle is straightforward enough

To complete this one, just smash all the rocks here and move the southern boulder up to rest on top of the button.

The electric fence turns off / Pokémon Unbound
The electric fence turns off

Now that both boulders are on the buttons, the electric fence in the northwest of the chamber turns off.

This reveals your prize, a Manectite.

After the Puzzles

The ladder in the north / Pokémon Unbound
The ladder in the north

Now that that is taken care of, go to the ladder in the north of the chamber.

It will take you to a new area of 4F – the Maze Chamber.

Thundercap Mountain – 4F, Maze Chamber

(Click for full-size)
Maze Chamber map
Points of Interest
Yellow Pokémon Witness
Lost Kid
Camper Phillip and Picnicker Tina
Dugtrio Attack
Hikers Dario and Daryl
Kid Drop-off Point
Youngster Benward and Lass Miriam
Exits and Passages
Ladder Down to 3F Tablet Cave

Timer Ball
TM73 Thunder Wave
Rare Candy
Thick Club

Camper Phillip and Picnicker Tina
Hikers Dario and Daryl
Camper Dwayne and Picnicker Martha
Youngster Benward and Lass Miriam
First steps in the Maze Chamber / Pokémon Unbound
First steps in the Maze Chamber

When you arrive in the chamber, cross the pond to the east with Surf.

Then continue on east until you hit a corner area.

The corner area / Pokémon Unbound
The corner area

From here, head north until you see an intersection.

The intersection / Pokémon Unbound
The intersection

Take note of where this is – you’ll need to come back here a little later.

For now, head east.

The T-junction / Pokémon Unbound
The T-junction

South of this T-junction is a man who saw a strange Pokémon around here, but you can’t help him yet if you don’t have the Advanced Digging and Diving Machine.

Go north and follow that tunnel around until you see a boy in a Pikachu outfit.

The Pikachu Boy

Milo needs rescuing / Pokémon Unbound
Milo needs rescuing

It’s Milo, and he’s stuck in this cave waiting for someone to lead him the way out.

Agree, and he’ll start following you. You will only be able to use your first three Pokémon in battle, and he will battle alongside you in Double Battles with his two Pikachu.

Note: You can’t Surf while he is following you, so you can’t simply go back across the pond.

Here’s the most efficient route to follow:

(Click for full-size)
The most efficient path to the exit is marked by the red line

Follow the tunnel back to the previous intersection, and get rid of the rock blocking the way with Rock Smash.

Head north, and you’ll find an ambush waiting for you.

Camper Phillip and Picnicker Tina / Pokémon Unbound
Camper Phillip and Picnicker Tina

Phillip and Tina will give you a Double Battle. Once they’ve been defeated, head west to another intersection.

The next intersection / Pokémon Unbound
The next intersection

Break the rock and head north along the tunnel there. It will zigzag along north and west until you hit the very northern wall of the chamber.

Follow it west until you come to a T-junction.

The northern T-junction / Pokémon Unbound
The northern T-junction

From here, go south until you see an intersection with a smashable rock in the middle of it.

The smashable rock and the intersection / Pokémon Unbound
The smashable rock and the intersection

West of here is three more sets of Double Battles for you to fight, should you wish to.

However, the best way to get to the exit is to smash the rock and head down the east passage.

Continue through the passage / Pokémon Unbound
Continue through the passage

The passage will twist slightly, and there will be an intersection you need to pass with some dead ends, but eventually you will find your way to where the exit is.

You will see a smashable rock – get rid of it and go through the gap.

Milo’s time with you is at an end / Pokémon Unbound
Milo’s time with you is at an end

Milo will see the ladder and thank you for your help with TM73 Thunder Wave.

Your reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward

After Milo leaves, you’re free to keep exploring the chamber or jump south over the cliff and back to the ladder.

Your choice here based on how much you want to explore, but eventually our next step is to leave the mountain.

After Helping Milo

Dehara City is where we need to go next / Pokémon Unbound
Dehara City is where we need to go next

After all that, it is finally time to set out into the Great Desert.

But before you do, you’ll need to head to Dehara City and go to the intersection of four houses.

A Hiker in the southeast house has a special item you need to brave the desert.

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