Quick Guide:
  • Cross Vivill Woods and enter Vivill Town
  • Raid the Vivill Warehouse
  • Discover the Password and confront Aklove
  • Escape the Distortion World

Vivill Woods

(Click for full-size)
Vivill Woods map
Points of Interest
Bug Catcher Kent
Medium Hope
Bug Catcher Robby
Fungus Pokemon
Bug Maniac Keigo
Bug Catcher Elijah
Exits and Passages
Gurun Town
Vivill Town

Zygarde Cell
Big Root
Big Mushroom
Sun Stone
TM81 X-Scissor
Tiny Mushroom
Big Mushroom
Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon
Long Grass
Day and Night
Day and Night
Day and Night
Day and Night
Day and Night
Day and Night
Day and Night
Day and Night
(Old Rod)
(Good Rod)
(Good Rod)
(Super Rod)
(Super Rod)

Bug Catcher Kent
Medium Hope
Bug Catcher Robby
Bug Maniac Keigo
Bug Catcher Elijah
The first part of Vivill Woods / Pokémon Unbound
The first part of Vivill Woods

Vivill Woods is full of Bug Pokémon and trainers who use them, and you’ll need to go through it to get to Vivill Town to stop the Light of Ruin.

When you enter the woods, head east through the long grass.

Bug Catcher Kent / Pokémon Unbound
Bug Catcher Kent

You will probably run into Bug Catcher Kent on your way through. Eventually, you will come to a clearing.

Medium Hope / Pokémon Unbound
Medium Hope

Walk west and you’ll have to get past Medium Hope. Keep heading west until you see an opportunity to go north through another patch of long grass.

Bug Catcher Robby / Pokémon Unbound
Bug Catcher Robby

There’s a Bug Catcher walking around here.

Getting a New Pokemon

The way forward is actually east, but there’s an important thing to pick up here on the other side of the pond.

A Poke Ball with a Pokemon in it / Pokémon Unbound
A Poke Ball with a Pokemon in it

There’s a Poke Ball here, and it’s not empty or an item – it’s an actual Pokémon.

Depending on your Trainer ID, which is random, you’ll receive either a Foongus or a Morelull. If you evolve the Pokémon you receive, you’ll be able to trade it for the other one in Vivill Town.

Fungus Pokémon
Bug Maniac Kelgo / Pokémon Unbound
Bug Maniac Kelgo

Leaving towards Vivill Town

After you get the Pokémon, go back to where you came from and head east into the final clearing of Vivill Woods.

Bug Maniac Kelgo is waiting to challenge you, but after him, the exit is in sight.

The exit to Vivill Town / Pokémon Unbound
The exit to Vivill Town

Head on through the exit to the north and you’ll find yourself at your destination at last.

Vivill Town – Abandoned

Your Rival is waiting for you / Pokémon Unbound
Your Rival is waiting for you

As soon as you emerge into Vivill Town though, it’s rainy and gloomy, and nobody seems to be around.

Except your Rival, who is impatient to get things moving.

Only the Pokémon Center and Poke Mart are open / Pokémon Unbound
Only the Pokémon Center and Poke Mart are open

All of the townsfolk are hiding in their houses or fled, but you still can heal your Pokémon at the Pokémon Center or buy things at the Mart.

When you’re ready to take on the Light of Ruin, walk north to the warehouse.

Famous last words / Pokémon Unbound
Famous last words

Together with your Rival, you confront the Light of Ruin guard on the door, and he boasts that the Light of Ruin are too strong to be taken down by just two people – you’re gonna need backup.

The Shadows arrive for revenge / Pokémon Unbound
The Shadows arrive for revenge

Well, backup arrives, in spectacular fashion.

The Shadows arrive on a boat and blow a hole in the side of the facility, taking the Light of Ruin by surprise.

Time to join battle / Pokémon Unbound
Time to join battle

Your Rival takes that opportunity to knock the guard out, so you’re free to follow him into the warehouse.

Vivill Warehouse

(Click for full-size)
Vivill Warehouse map – each letter is a teleporter, linked to the same letter in a different room
Points of Interest
Teleporter to Command Center
Shadow Warrior B
First Password Letter
Light of Ruin Grunt B
Light of Ruin Grunt C
Second Password Letter
Shadow Warrior C
Light of Ruin Grunt D
Third Password Letter
Shadow Warrior D
Fourth Password Letter
Shadow Warrior E
Light of Ruin Grunt E
Fifth Password Letter
Light of Ruin Grunt F
Exits and Passages
Exit to Vivill Warehouse 1F
B1F Lobby to B2F Flooded Lab
B1F Lobby to B2F Rest Room
B2F Rest Room to B2F Storage Access
B2F Storage Access to B3F Main Storage
B3F Main Storage to B2F Isolation Chamber
B1F Lobby to B1F Cafeteria
B1F Cafeteria to B2F Kitchen
B2F Kitchen to B1F Break Room
B1F Break Room to B1F Lobby
B2F Kitchen to B1F Small Storage
B1F Small Storage to B3F Vault
B1F Lobby to B2F Power Grid
B2F Power Grid to B2F Private Dining
B2F Private Dining to B1F Rear Hallway
B1F Rear Hallway to B1F Hidden Storage

Fairy Gem
Zygarde Cell
Hyper Potion
Whip Dream
Zygarde Cell
Max Revive
Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon
(Old Rod)
(Good Rod)
(Good Rod)
(Super Rod)
(Super Rod)
(Super Rod)
(Super Rod)
Trainers and Enemies

Trainers and Enemies
Shadow Warriors A-E
Shadow Warrior
(level scales)
Light of Ruin Grunt A
Light of Ruin Grunt B
Light of Ruin Grunt C
Light of Ruin Grunt D
Light of Ruin Grunt E
Light of Ruin Grunt F
The Shadow Warriors are here as well / Pokémon Unbound
The Shadow Warriors are here as well

The first thing you see while inside is a Shadow Warrior dealing with a whole group of Light of Ruin Grunts.

When it’s done with them, it comes for you.

Avoid the fire - it applies Burn / Pokémon Unbound
Avoid the fire – it applies Burn

When you’ve defeated it, the way is clear to head downstairs. There are patches of fire still left from its battle with the Grunts – do not touch them or you’ll burn your Pokémon.

The guard makes one last effort to stop you / Pokémon Unbound
The guard makes one last effort to stop you

When you make it to the staircase, the guard from outside wants to fight.

He’s easily taken care of, though, and you’re free to head down into the lobby.

Arriving on B1F / Pokémon Unbound
Arriving on B1F

Your Rival has rushed ahead of you (as usual) so you’ll need to find a way to get to the leaders of the Light of Ruin yourself.

From the staircase, head west.

The teleporter junction / Pokémon Unbound
The teleporter junction

There are four teleporter pads here in a junction of sorts. Your Rival went through one of them, and they lead to different areas in the base.

For now though, ignore these teleport pads and just keep going west.

The stairs to B2F / Pokémon Unbound
The stairs to B2F

Walk down the stairs you find to the west and you’ll end up in a flooded chamber.

The Shadows’ ship broke through here / Pokémon Unbound
The Shadows’ ship broke through here

Apparently this used to be the Research Lab, before the Shadows arrived of course. Now you’ll have to surf across it.

A special teleporter revealed / Pokémon Unbound
A special teleporter revealed

In the southwest corner of the flooded lab, there’s a Strength boulder lying on a special green teleport pad.

Step on it, and you’ll find yourself in the Command Centre.

The Shadows can’t get inside / Pokémon Unbound
The Shadows can’t get inside

However, there’s a door they can’t get past. And you’ll need to find the password to open it for them.

The password is six letters long, and the Shadows already have one letter, so that’s five letters you need to find.

Finding the Password

Head back up to the lobby on B1F to start the scavenger hunt.

Use the southwest pad first / Pokémon Unbound
Use the southwest pad first

Start your search by stepping on the southwest teleport pad – it will take you to another area of B2F, the Rest Room.

Time to anger a Shadow Warrior / Pokémon Unbound
Time to anger a Shadow Warrior

Here, a Light of Ruin Grunt is being attacked by a Shadow Warrior.

In order to resolve things, you’ll have to go up to the Shadow Warrior and remove its cloak, which makes it mad enough to attack you.

O is the first letter acquired / Pokémon Unbound
O is the first letter acquired

The Grunt is grateful to you for saving him and gives you a letter of the password, as well as telling you that you can rest here at any time to heal your Pokémon.

Take the top teleport pad to proceed / Pokémon Unbound
Take the top teleport pad to proceed

There are two teleport pads in this room – you arrived on the bottom one, so step on the one on top to go to a new area.

Another area of B2F / Pokémon Unbound
Another area of B2F

It takes you to a hallway of sorts elsewhere on B2F.

Head northwest, and you’ll see another Light of Ruin Grunt. However, this one isn’t friendly and will challenge you.

The stairs down / Pokémon Unbound
The stairs down

Once they’re defeated, head down the staircase and you’ll be on B3F, the storage level.

The storage level / Pokémon Unbound
The storage level

After you make it down the stairs, go east and you’ll see a whole pile of boxes.

The teleport pad is in the southeast corner / Pokémon Unbound
The teleport pad is in the southeast corner

Move through them and you’ll see another teleport pad – step on it and it will take you to a small room back on B2F.

The tiny room and the second letter / Pokémon Unbound
The tiny room and the second letter

There’s a Grunt here that will fight you – and afterwards he will give you the second letter you need for the password.

With that done, go all the way back to the teleporter lobby area.

The next stop is the northwest teleport pad / Pokémon Unbound
The next stop is the northwest teleport pad

This time, step on the northwest pad and it will whisk you away to the Cafeteria.

The Cafeteria / Pokémon Unbound
The Cafeteria

The Light of Ruin and Shadow Grunts are too busy fighting each other to take much notice of you, so walk north and the next telepad you need is in the northwest corner.

The Kitchen / Pokémon Unbound
The Kitchen

It takes you to the southwest pad in the Kitchen, and there’s another Shadow Warrior to defeat.

Instead of being grateful, the Light of Ruin Grunt it was menacing has the cheek to challenge you right after.

The third letter / Pokémon Unbound
The third letter

They’ll give you the third letter if you defeat them, though. Progress is being made.

The northwest teleport pad leads to the Break Room, and from there it connects back to the lobby’s northeast pad, if you need a quick link back to heal.

The next pad is the southeast one / Pokémon Unbound
The next pad is the southeast one

Take the southeast teleport pad in the Kitchen and it leads to another small storage room.

The small storage room / Pokémon Unbound
The small storage room

Take the other teleport pad here and you’ll be back down on the storage level – this time in an area you couldn’t access.

Another Shadow Warrior / Pokémon Unbound
Another Shadow Warrior

Defeat the Shadow Warrior that immediately leaps to attack you when you arrive.

The fourth letter / Pokémon Unbound
The fourth letter

The Light of Ruin Grunt here thanks you with the fourth letter of the password. Just one more letter to go.

Go back to the teleporter lobby – there’s only one more pad to take.

The remaining unaccounted-for pad / Pokémon Unbound
The remaining unaccounted-for pad

The southeast pad is the one you need – step on it, and you will be in the Power Grid room.

The Power Grid / Pokémon Unbound
The Power Grid

There’s another Shadow Warrior-Light of Ruin Grunt pairing to defeat here.

The final letter / Pokémon Unbound
The final letter

However, it is the last fight – this Grunt gives you the final letter you need for the password.

Once you win just go back to the flooded lab and then to the control center, and talk to the scientist.

Unlocking the Door

The letters you get add up to AKLOV – and the letter the Shadows have is an E, so that’s “AKLOVE”.

The password is obvious in retrospect / Pokémon Unbound
The password is obvious in retrospect
The way forward is open / Pokémon Unbound
The way forward is open

Now the Shadows can storm into the control room and confront the leader of the Light of Ruin.

Ivory is the one in charge of the base / Pokémon Unbound
Ivory is the one in charge of the base

It’s Marlon’s wife, Ivory, who has betrayed the Shadows and is Aklove’s second in command.

There isn’t much time for reunion speeches though – soon after, Aklove and Hoopa emerge from a portal.

Aklove gets the bad news / Pokémon Unbound
Aklove gets the bad news

The Shadows ship crashing into the base has destroyed Aklove’s research, and he feels pretty angry about it.

Your Rival shows up, and gets the painful revelation that Marlon and Ivory are his parents. Aklove teleports Marlon, Zeph and your Rival away to parts unknown, before confronting you.

Aklove challenges you / Pokémon Unbound
Aklove challenges you

Time to fight Aklove himself.

Light of Ruin Leader Battle (Aklove)
Hoopa Unbound
Hoopa obeys its current master / Pokémon Unbound
Hoopa obeys its current master

Angry at being beaten, Aklove asks if you are wondering where Jax is – and orders Hoopa to send you there.

The Distortion World

The Distortion World / Pokémon Unbound
The Distortion World

You’re taken to the Distortion World, where Jax has been all this time. He’s pleased to see you, but he’s been having trouble finding a way out.

You must escape this dimension / Pokémon Unbound
You must escape this dimension

In order to get out of here, you’ll have to follow some paths through a weird and changing landscape.

Please note that the following section assumes simple puzzle difficulty settings, and the higher difficulty is way more complex.

Jax awaits on another platform / Pokémon Unbound
Jax awaits on another platform

Follow the path along to find Jax.

Follow the platforms / Pokémon Unbound
Follow the platforms

Step on the middle of the platform Jax is on to be teleported to an identical platform with a series of small islands leading east.

Go south and then west / Pokémon Unbound
Go south and then west

From there, when you reach another big island, go south and then west onto another series of small islands.

Upside down / Pokémon Unbound
Upside down

You’ll need to jump on an upside-down platform to proceed.

Follow the path west and then go south, and you’ll see Jax again.

Jax warns you / Pokémon Unbound
Jax warns you

Jax will leave you to explore after this point, but you will meet up with him later.

From Jax, go east, following the platform as it turns north.

Step on the north button / Pokémon Unbound
Step on the north button

Keep going north until you step on a button, which causes more platforms to appear to the east.

Continue east / Pokémon Unbound
Continue east

Jump to the small east island and cross over to the upside-down platform.

Jump to the east finger / Pokémon Unbound
Jump to the east finger

Go to the east side of the upside down platform and then jump off it onto the easternmost of the two identical finger-shaped platforms to the south – the one without a button.

Keep going east / Pokémon Unbound
Keep going east

From there, go east until you step on a button that causes another small three-button platform to appear. Cross it to the east side.

Keep heading ever eastward / Pokémon Unbound
Keep heading ever eastward

Follow the winding platforms east until you come to a choice between two buttons.

Take the southernmost one.

Keep going until you see a boulder / Pokémon Unbound
Keep going until you see a boulder

It will reveal a platform to the east, and you will see a Strength boulder on the far side of it. Don’t go towards it because the way is blocked by a rock.

Head south across a series of small islands.

Another platform / Pokémon Unbound
Another platform

It leads to another large platform with even more boulders on it, and a boulder puzzle.

Distortion World – Boulder Puzzle

The boulder puzzle starting position / Pokémon Unbound
The boulder puzzle starting position

The two boulders here are paired and will move in the same direction – unless they’re moved towards each other.

Step 1: Push the boulder west until there is one space between it and the other boulder.

After the first move / Pokémon Unbound
After the first move

Step 2: Go around to the other side and start pushing the left boulder east.

After the second move / Pokémon Unbound
After the second move

Step 3: Keep pushing the boulders east until the right one lines up below the button.

After the third move / Pokémon Unbound
After the third move

Step 4: Go around to the bottom side of the left boulder.

After the fourth move / Pokémon Unbound
After the fourth move

Step 5: Push this boulder north, and the right boulder will move with it onto the button.

The completed puzzle / Pokémon Unbound
The completed puzzle

Continuing the Path

With the boulders in the right position, go to the northwest end of this island.

Head west / Pokémon Unbound
Head west

Step on the button there and a path will be revealed west.

From here, go south / Pokémon Unbound
From here, go south

When you get to a long line of an island, follow it south and step on the button on its southern tip.

Follow the path west and north / Pokémon Unbound
Follow the path west and north

Keep going along here until you see a platform on the left with five rocks on it.

The platform with the rocks / Pokémon Unbound
The platform with the rocks

Get to the button on the north edge and make the jump west to the rock platform.

Step on the button in the middle of the rocks / Pokémon Unbound
Step on the button in the middle of the rocks

The button in the middle of the rocks will teleport you to an identical platform in a different area.

The pond island / Pokémon Unbound
The pond island

Jump across to the east and you’ll see a pond you can surf on.

The first pond / Pokémon Unbound
The first pond

Surf across the pond and it will lead along a path to a set of small islands.

The small islands / Pokémon Unbound
The small islands

Cross the small islands and you’ll see a second pond to surf on.

The waterfall pond / Pokémon Unbound
The waterfall pond

Surf south and you’ll be sailing over a waterfall into the void!

The waterfall / Pokémon Unbound
The waterfall

Keep following the waterfall until you get to a third and final pond.

The last pond / Pokémon Unbound
The last pond

From here, continue south until you see the boulder from before – and this time you can push it south.

The boulder from before / Pokémon Unbound
The boulder from before

Keep pushing it until it passes another path and Jax will pop out.

Jax lets us know we’re on the right track / Pokémon Unbound
Jax lets us know we’re on the right track

Jax tells us we’re in the right area, so after he finishes talking with us, head east and south.

The last platform / Pokémon Unbound
The last platform

There’s one last platform to step on, so do it and hit the button in the middle.

You’re not alone here / Pokémon Unbound
You’re not alone here

When you do, the platform will move and you’ll hear the sound of a Legendary Pokémon.

Giratina Battle

Giratina approaches / Pokémon Unbound
Giratina approaches

The Distortion World is home to Giratina, and it’s here to test your worth.

(level scales)
Giratina opens a portal / Pokémon Unbound
Giratina opens a portal

Once it’s been defeated, it opens up a portal for you to return to your dimension. Jump through, and you’ll find yourself in the Rift Cave.

Rift Cave

Rift Cave / Pokémon Unbound
Rift Cave

Rift Cave is in Dehara City, so it’s easy for you to fly from there back to Vivill Town.

Vivill Town is the next stop / Pokémon Unbound
Vivill Town is the next stop

Jax rushes off, leaving you to exit the cave and make your own way there.

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