Quick Guide:
  • Enter Antisis City
  • Survive the Mean Streets and visit the Black Emboar HQ
  • Assist a Smuggling Operation
  • Defend Black Emboar Turf
  • Take Down a Mad Scientist via Supply and Demand

Antisis City

(Click for full-size)
Antisis City map
Points of Interest
Pokémon Center
Science Society House
Black Emboar Goon
Poke Mart
Black Emboar HQ
Antisis Storage
Black Ferrothorn Goon
Eerie House
Black Ferrothorn HQ
Antisis Gym
Former Terror Granbull House
Exits and Passages
(west) KBT Expressway
(northwest) Antisis West Gate, Route 16
(northeast) Antisis East Gate, Route 16
Thundercap Mountain, Antisis Side
Antisis Port

Zygarde Cell
Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon
(Old Rod)
(Good Rod)
(Good Rod)
(Super Rod)
(Super Rod)
(Super Rod)

Roughneck Corey
Black Ferrothorn Goon
A grandmother and granddaughter observe Antisis from a safe distance / Pokémon Unbound
A grandmother and granddaughter observe Antisis from a safe distance

In order to get the Antisis Gym badge, you’ll have to enter Antisis City first, and it’s pretty rough and dangerous by all accounts.

From the gate, walk south.

Your first step on the mean streets / Pokémon Unbound
Your first step on the mean streets

Keep heading down the street until you see the Pokémon Center on your right – then head towards it (it should be the second street you pass).

There are two types of goons out and about in Antisis City.

Those that wear green are members of the Black Ferrorthorn, which is the gang you saw harassing Mirskle back in the Dresco Gym.

The ones in red should look familiar too – they’re James’ gang, formerly known as the Black Emboar, before you beat them in Crater Town. They’re now named the “Black [YOUR NAME]”, but for clarity’s sake they’ll continue to be referred to as the Black Emboar here.

The Pokemon Center, a scientist’s house, and a challenger / Pokémon Unbound
The Pokemon Center, a scientist’s house, and a challenger

Right in front of the Pokémon Center is a Black Emboar goon on a bike. Apparently he doesn’t recognize you, and is itching for a fight!

After you beat him, he’ll be sufficiently humbled.

The Pokemon Center is under new management / Pokémon Unbound
The Pokemon Center is under new management

There’s no Nurse at the Pokémon Center, and hence no free healing service.

You’ll have to fork over P500 every time you want to have your Pokémon healed up in Antisis.

The suspicious scientist / Pokémon Unbound
The suspicious scientist

Right next to the Center is the house of a member of the Science Society, and she appears to be up to no good.

She’s selling ‘enhancers’ to gang thugs, but won’t give any to us. We’ll be seeing her a bit later.

The KBT Expressway entrance / Pokémon Unbound
The KBT Expressway entrance

The northwest corner of town, at the water level, has an entrance to the Expressway – but it’s been cut off from the rest of the system because of how dangerous Antisis is.

There is one Gem Family member here that might be useful though.

Gem Family Move Shops
Aura Sphere
3 Fighting Gems
Antisis City section
The bridge thug / Pokémon Unbound
The bridge thug

On the bridge is a Black Ferrothorn goon who will challenge you to a fight if you speak to him. Continue past him going south and you’ll see a house on the western side of the city island.

The house on the western edge / Pokémon Unbound
The house on the western edge

Inside this house is a very odd person with a very odd request.

An eerie pulse? / Pokémon Unbound
An eerie pulse?

If you show him a Pokémon that knows the move Eerie Impulse, he’ll give you TM107 Acrobatics.

The Electrode you traded for in Blizzard City can learn Eerie Impulse by leveling up, as well as Pokémon such as Voltorb and Lanturn.

The Black Ferrorthorn HQ, near the Gym / Pokémon Unbound
The Black Ferrorthorn HQ, near the Gym

There’s a building just east of here with a Black Ferrothorn goon guarding the entrance – this is their headquarters, and you can’t go in just yet.

The Gym is also near here, but you aren’t quite ready to take it on.

The southeast house / Pokémon Unbound
The southeast house

The southeast section of town has two things – a small house, and the entrance to Antisis Port. You’ll be going to the Port later, but for now head inside the house.

A retired goon / Pokémon Unbound
A retired goon

One of the Terror Granbull is here, but he’s retired and living with his mother. He gives you a Max Potion as a gift to leave him alone.

The Black Emboar HQ / Pokémon Unbound
The Black Emboar HQ

Next to the Poke Mart is a large building with a note on the front of it – it’s the Antisis headquarters of the Black Emboar.

James said you should come and see him if you’re ever in Antisis, so head on inside.

Black Emboar HQ

James is happy to see you / Pokémon Unbound
James is happy to see you

As soon as you go in, James welcomes you into the group and tells you that they’re having trouble fitting in with the city. Their ultimate goal is to take down the Black Ferrothorns, but they’re not quite there yet.

Talk to various members of the gang and do their missions, and the standing of the Emboar will improve.

A gross request / Pokémon Unbound
A gross request

The first mission you can get is a pretty disgusting one – the gang member in front of the television on the ground floor has lost his socks in the sewers.

You’ll be going to the sewers later, so this one can be put on pause for now.

A sneaky request / Pokémon Unbound
A sneaky request

The other gang member with a mission for us on this floor is looking for a person to help smuggle goods through Antisis Port, which is pretty much the only place in town with any law and order.

You’ll have to go there after 8PM, but you don’t have to wait for the real world time to match up.

Just change your system clock accordingly – an old trick, but a good one.

Antisis Port

(Click for full-size)
Antisis Port map
Points of Interest
Officer McGuinty
Officer Holt
Officer Peralta
Black Emboar Goon Location
Exits and Passages
Antisis City

Throat Spray
(gate opens 6pm)
Max Potion
(gate opens 9am)

(gate opens 12pm)
Assault Vest
(gate opens 12pm)
Trainers (night)

(only at night)
Officer McGuinty
Officer Holt
Officer Peralta

On your way through the gatehouse, you’ll be asked to show some ID, which you’ve got. The port is crawling with guards waiting for the excuse to catch criminals.

The port is well-guarded / Pokémon Unbound
The port is well-guarded

During the day, the three guards will ignore you.

But at night they’ll challenge you to a battle.

The items found in the crate area are also time-sensitive, because the different boom gates and barriers open at different times.

Head to the northeast pier and you’ll find your contact waiting for you.

The contact at the docks / Pokémon Unbound
The contact at the docks

Apparently you’re waiting for some ‘Rose Incense’, but that doesn’t sound illegal.

After a little bit of waiting, a ship arrives, along with a familiar face.

Mirskle hands over the goods / Pokémon Unbound
Mirskle hands over the goods

The Dresco Gym leader and mysterious Fog lover Mirskle gives you the shipment, then quickly sails off.

The Ferrothorn Goons want to turn us in / Pokémon Unbound
The Ferrothorn Goons want to turn us in

Unfortunately, you’re caught by some members of the Black Ferrothorn who want to turn us in to curry favor with the guards.

Port Battle
Black Ferrothorn Goon A
Black Ferrothorn Goon B
The tables get turned / Pokémon Unbound
The tables get turned

While you were busy battling the goons, your contact went to alert the guard and get them arrested, which caps things off nicely.

He hid the package – revealed to be illegal Oddish Leaves – on the western side of the crate area, opposite the lighthouse.

The hidden leaves / Pokémon Unbound
The hidden leaves

Pick up the package and attempt to go through the gatehouse.

The guard is suspicious, because he can smell something, but he lets you pass eventually.

Your reward for the smuggling / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward for the smuggling

When you get back to the gang HQ, your contact rewards you with Dream Mist and tells you that Mirskle in Dresco Town will make you more if you give him any Oddish you’ve caught.

Further Missions

A Minor Scrap

A punchy request / Pokémon Unbound
A punchy request

Head upstairs and the first goon that you’ll see has a mission for you. He will ask you to take care of a couple of Ferrothorn on the eastern bridge.

No need to go there yourself, he’ll take you there.

The rematch begins / Pokémon Unbound
The rematch begins

The first stage of this battle begins with one goon at first, and then when you beat him it turns into a Double Battle with the other goon as well.

They also use the mysterious enhancers the scientist makes on their Pokémon.

Turf War Battle
Black Ferrothorn Rory
Black Ferrothorn Rory and Black Ferrorthorn Chad
A grateful goon / Pokémon Unbound
A grateful goon

The Power Bracer is your gift for getting rid of those thugs.

Head over to the room with all the beds in it to get the next mission.

Supply and Demand

A tricky mission / Pokémon Unbound
A tricky mission

This goon wants you to stop the supply of the enhancers the Ferrothorn are getting, and that means dealing with the scientist who lives next to the Pokémon Center.

The Scientist’s House

The scientist’s house / Pokémon Unbound
The scientist’s house

Head over there and go on inside.

The scientist is prepared / Pokémon Unbound
The scientist is prepared

Unfortunately for you and the goon, the scientist is protected by a top-of-the-line exploding Electrode security system.

One wrong step and you’ll be knocked unconscious and have to try again.

Here’s the exact puzzle solution:

The path to the scientist / Pokémon Unbound
The path to the scientist

Step on the floor in this exact sequence:

  1. Two steps west
  2. One step north
  3. One step west
  4. Two steps north
  5. One step east
  6. One step north
  7. Five steps east
  8. Three steps south
  9. One step west
The scientist is surprised / Pokémon Unbound
The scientist is surprised

Speak to the scientist, and she’ll be confused as to how you even got to her.

However, she has more exploding Electrode to throw at you, this time in a battle.

Science Society Scientist
Finally, justice is served / Pokémon Unbound
Finally, justice is served

Eventually, she falls victim to one of her own traps and is knocked out.

Take the enhancers from the windowsill and hand them to the goon – he’ll go with you back to HQ.

The Egg is the reward / Pokémon Unbound
The Egg is the reward

Make sure you have an empty space in your party, then talk to him.

Apparently the scientist made the enhancers from Pokémon, and one of their Eggs was left behind.

You’ll get the egg and you’ll now be the owner of your very own baby Alolan Grimer.

Egg Pokémon
Alolan Grimer

The Next Mission

The entrance to the sewers / Pokémon Unbound
The entrance to the sewers

There’s only one mission to complete for the Black Emboar left, and that’s the socks mission.

Luckily, there’s an entrance to the sewers right in the back of their HQ, so head there next.

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