Quick Guide:
  • Enter the Antisis Sewers
  • Recover the Grimy Socks
  • Invade the Black Ferrothorn HQ & solve the puzzles
  • Defeat the Black Ferrothorn Boss

Antisis Sewers

(Click for full-size)
Antisis Sewers map
Points of Interest
Scientist Rodney
Grimy Socks (hidden)
Worker Dusty
Science Society Scientist Carolina
Sewer Science Lab
Worker Quinn
Super Nerd Erik
Worker Ramon
Exits and Passages
Black Emboar HQ
Sewer Pipe A
Sewer Pipe B
Requires HM Waterfall
Antisis City

Poison Gem
Zygarde Cell
(in Science Lab)
Zygarde Cell
(in Science Lab)
Zygarde Cell
Max Repel
X Sp. Atk
TM67 Recycle
Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon
(Old Rod)
(Good Rod)
(Super Rod)

Scientist Rodney
Worker Dusty
Scientist Carolina
Worker Quinn
Super Nerd Erik
Worker Ramon
The first area of the sewers / Pokémon Unbound
The first area of the sewers

It’s time to complete the third and final mission that the Black Emboar wants you to do for them.

To do that, you’ll have to venture into the depths of the Antisis Sewers.

The Final Mission

Head down the stairs in the Black Emboar HQ and you’ll find yourself in them.

Head west across the bridge / Pokémon Unbound
Head west across the bridge

The tunnels and walkways can be confusing to navigate.

First, go west from the staircase until you see a bridge across a sewer canal. Cross it, then walk southwest until you see an opening in a wall.

Scientist Rodney / Pokémon Unbound
Scientist Rodney

You’ll get challenged by Scientist Rodney.

After you’ve dealt with him, go north and then turn back down heading southwest until you’re on the very southwest corner of the platform you’re on.

The thin grey lines are staircases; the thicker beige ones are sewer grates / Pokémon Unbound
The thin grey lines are staircases; the thicker beige ones are sewer grates

Note: Navigating in the sewers is made even more difficult by the fact that the staircases down to the sewer water level can be easy to miss at first glance. In addition, when sewer grates are perpendicular to you it’s not clear whether they are open or closed, or whether you can walk across them (you can’t).

Head down the staircase to the water level – on the southwest corner of the platform – and walk through the small opening to the south.

Crawling through a sewer pipe / Pokémon Unbound
Crawling through a sewer pipe

You will need a Pokémon that can use Flash – like HMs, you don’t need to actually teach it to a Pokémon, they just need the ability to use it. You should have gotten Flash from the Battle Girl in the Crater Town Poke Mart.

Crawl through the pipe and you’ll end up in the south section of the sewers.

The other end of the pipe / Pokémon Unbound
The other end of the pipe

Walk up the staircase and go to the northeast portion of the walkway.

There’s a spot for you to drop into the water and surf east.

Surfing through sewage / Pokémon Unbound
Surfing through sewage

Surf east along the sewer channel until you can go south.

Another turning / Pokémon Unbound
Another turning

Then you’ll see further passage blocked off in every other direction except one.

Surf west until you see a brick sewer platform.

The sewer platform / Pokémon Unbound
The sewer platform

Climb the stairs on the platform and walk west until you’re almost at the far wall.

The Grimy Socks are hidden / Pokémon Unbound
The Grimy Socks are hidden

You may need the Dowsing Machine to find them, but the Grimy Socks are in the very corner of the hallway on the platform.

With that done, go all the way back through the sewer channels and the pipe to get to the north sewers again.

Go east from the sewer pipe along the southern edge / Pokémon Unbound
Go east from the sewer pipe along the southern edge

When you’re in the north section, immediately after leaving the sewer path, go east along the bottom of the empty sewer channel.

Ignore the stairs to the southeast and keep following the channel along.

Keep going north / Pokémon Unbound
Keep going north

Continue walking north along the bottom level of the sewer channel until you see a staircase leading to a sewer platform. There will be a Scientist roaming around on it as well.

Scientist Carolina and the entrance to the Science Lab / Pokémon Unbound
Scientist Carolina and the entrance to the Science Lab

You’ll get a battle from Scientist Carolina, and once you’re done you can head into the doorway to find another Scientist.

The Scientist in here will give you items every day / Pokémon Unbound
The Scientist in here will give you items every day

Every day, the Scientist inside will give you a random item, depending on how successful her experiment was.

Returning the Grimy Socks

Your stinky reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your stinky reward

Once you’re finished exploring the sewers, head back upstairs to the HQ and give the Grimy Socks back to their owner. They’ll give you a Black Sludge in thanks.

The Battle of Antisis

James starts the endgame / Pokémon Unbound
James starts the endgame

With those three missions complete, James sees the opportunity to get rid of the Black Ferrothorn once and for all.

He has a plan to strike them at their headquarters, and he will do it by breaking through to it from the sewers.

Head southwest from the sewer pipe / Pokémon Unbound
Head southwest from the sewer pipe

James and his whole crew leave for the sewers, and it’s time for you to follow them.

Crawl through the sewer pipe to the south section, this time going southwest along the walkway until you reach the platform from this angle.

Follow the platform along the edge / Pokémon Unbound
Follow the platform along the edge

Continue along the edge of the platform until you see James and his crew to the southeast of it.

James makes his move / Pokémon Unbound
James makes his move

James will bust a hole in the bottom of the Ferrothorn headquarters, and after he does so, the invasion begins.

Jump through the hole / Pokémon Unbound
Jump through the hole

When James and his goons are through, follow them and you’ll find yourself in Ferrothorn Turf.

Ferrothorn Turf

(Click for full-size)
Ferrothorn Turf map
Points of Interest
2F Electrode Floor Puzzle
Black Ferrothorn Goon A
3F Sequence Puzzle
Black Ferrothorn Goon B
4F Electrode Floor Puzzle
4F Sequence Puzzle
5F Sequence Puzzle
Storage Porygon
Healing Chansey
Black Ferrothorn Boss Barbs
Exits and Gates
Antisis Sewers
3F Sequence Puzzle Gate
4F Sequence Puzzle Gate
5F Sequence Puzzle Gate

Rare Candy
Poke Doll
Full Restore
Max Potion
Max Elixir

Black Ferrothorn Goon A
Black Ferrothorn Goon B
Welcome to chaos / Pokémon Unbound
Welcome to chaos

You pop up on 1F, and there is pandemonium everywhere – goons fighting goons.

They’re far too busy to take notice of you, so take the northeast staircase to 2F.

2F Electrode Floor Puzzle

Watch your step / Pokémon Unbound
Watch your step

It seems like the Scientist gave her Electrode traps to the Black Ferrothorn, because the floor up here is filled with them.

Here’s the path forward:

Follow the red line - avoiding contact with the biker - to get to the stairs / Pokémon Unbound
Follow the red line – avoiding contact with the biker – to get to the stairs

One wrong step on this floor and you’ll be thrown back to the beginning.

Step 1: From the staircase landing, walk west two steps to the crate.

Step 2: Walk south two steps to the wall.

Step 3: Walk east three steps to the crate.

The biker will go up and down the hallway - do not get caught / Pokémon Unbound
The biker will go up and down the hallway – do not get caught

Step 4: Wait at the crate for the biker to turn his back on you. Then walk north one step, west four steps, south six steps and west one step until you are in a little alcove next to the potted plants on the left-hand side of the hallway.

You must do this quickly before the biker turns around.

Waiting for him to turn around / Pokémon Unbound
Waiting for him to turn around

Step 5: Wait until the biker turns north, then leave the alcove and walk south one step and east four steps to the crate.

This should take you out of sight.

Free and clear from the biker / Pokémon Unbound
Free and clear from the biker

Step 6: Walk south one step.

Step 7: Walk east two steps.

Step 8: Walk north one step.

Step 9: Go east three steps to the staircase.

The floor has been safely crossed / Pokémon Unbound
The floor has been safely crossed

Now you’re free to climb the staircase to 3F.

Ferrothorn Turf 3F / Pokémon Unbound
Ferrothorn Turf 3F

You will see a goon on the left – he will challenge you to a battle. After beating him, go north.

Three towers of lights / Pokémon Unbound
Three towers of lights

There are three towers with lights on them, slowly changing colors in sequence. You’ll need to press a button on them in the correct order to open the gate to 4F.

3F Sequence Puzzle

The first sequence puzzle / Pokémon Unbound
The first sequence puzzle

Here’s the correct sequence to press:

  1. North
  2. East
  3. North
  4. West
  5. East
The gate is now open / Pokémon Unbound
The gate is now open

Once the gate opens, you’re free to proceed to 4F.

Another goon and another puzzle / Pokémon Unbound
Another goon and another puzzle

There’s another goon to beat up here, as well as two more puzzles to solve.

The first is in the southwest corner – a short Electrode floor that leads to an item.

4F Electrode Floor Puzzle

Follow the red line to the prize / Pokémon Unbound
Follow the red line to the prize
  1. Stand on a tile on the southern most row, five steps away from the crate in the corner.
  2. Walk two steps west.
  3. Walk two steps north to the wall.
  4. Walk three steps west to the potted plant.
  5. Walk one step down.

You’ll pick up a Full Restore, which will be very handy in the battles ahead.

4F Sequence Puzzle

The second sequence puzzle / Pokémon Unbound
The second sequence puzzle

In the southeast corner is another sequence puzzle. Here’s the correct tower order:

  1. Southwest
  2. Southeast
  3. Northwest
  4. Southeast
  5. Southwest
  6. Northwest
  7. Northeast
The gate to 5F opens / Pokémon Unbound
The gate to 5F opens

This will open the gate so you can head up the northeast staircase.

5F and the final sequence puzzle / Pokémon Unbound
5F and the final sequence puzzle

You’ll see one more sequence puzzle, this time with five towers and a goon in the middle.

If you’re on the easiest difficulty, the goon will not fight you. Otherwise the goon will wait until you’re halfway through the puzzle before attacking.

5F Sequence Puzzle

The solution / Pokémon Unbound
The solution

Here’s the correct order for these towers:

  1. West
  2. Southeast
  3. Southwest
  4. Southeast
  5. East
  6. West
  7. Southwest
  8. North
The final staircase / Pokémon Unbound
The final staircase

Once that’s over and done with, there’s only one staircase in the building left to take, and that’s straight to the top floor and the boss room.

Black Ferrothorn Boss Battle

Barbs confronts you / Pokémon Unbound
Barbs confronts you

You make it all the way to the boss, only to be told that the Black Emboar are outnumbered and you’ll have to fight not to be disposed of there and then.

Boss Battle (Black Ferrothorn Boss Barbs)
Alolan Muk
Heracross (Mega)

There’s a variety of types here so more than one strong Pokémon is required – something like Camerupt will work well.

After You Win

Praise from the boss / Pokémon Unbound
Praise from the boss

Even though you’ve beaten their boss, the Black Ferrothorn are much stronger than the Black Emboar, and James has to leave town in a hurry.

The gift from James / Pokémon Unbound
The gift from James

Before leaving, James left an item outside for us to take – a Heracronite.

The Antisis Gym / Pokémon Unbound
The Antisis Gym

With the gang war over and everything else in the city taken care of, it’s time to finally face the Antisis Gym and get the ability to use Rock Climb.

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