Quick Guide:
  • Enter the Antisis Gym
  • Take the Ring Challenge and defeat the Antisis Gym Leader
  • Obtain Rock Climb Permission
  • Explore Lower Icicle Cave
  • Discover Icy Hole

Antisis Gym – Ring Badge

The Ring Challenge is unique / Pokémon Unbound
The Ring Challenge is unique

The Antisis Gym is a short one, but it is also difficult.

This is because Big Mo, the Gym Leader, has instituted some rules that seem designed to make things hard for us.

Ring Challenge
Roughneck Riff
Black Belt Hakawakawak
Roughneck Griff
You’ve got to have what it takes / Pokémon Unbound
You’ve got to have what it takes

You’ll have to beat the Ring Challenge before facing Big Mo, and there are certain rules that must be followed:

  • You can only have one Pokémon, and you must fight three trainers with one Pokémon each in a row (this is what the Pokémon Storage Porygon in the setup area is for).
  • You must not use Flying-, Psychic-, or Fairy-type moves. Yes, that means every type that is super-effective against Fighting-types is disallowed.
  • You can use a full team of Pokémon against Big Mo, but type restrictions may apply.
The rules make things tricky / Pokémon Unbound
The rules make things tricky

The goon at the beginning of the challenge will explain the Rules in more detail if you’re unsure – they go into quite a bit of detail.

Ultimately, using a Pokémon that is not weak against Fighting-type moves and that has strong moves of a neutral type is the best bet here.

Big Mo is waiting / Pokémon Unbound
Big Mo is waiting

After the Ring Challenge, you’ll be shown to a far door in the chamber. Head through it, and you’ll find yourself in a back alley.

A back alley battle / Pokémon Unbound
A back alley battle

It turns out that the man who gave you the Devon Scope on Route 16 was Big Mo.

Now it’s time to challenge him for that Ring Badge.

Gym Leader Big Mo

Tip: The table below is only for Big Mo on Vanilla mode. If you are playing on a higher difficulty level then visit our Antisis City Gym page here to see his team comps at other difficulties.
Gym Leader Big Mo
Lucario (Mega)
Drain Punch is your reward, as well as permission to use Rock Climb / Pokémon Unbound
Drain Punch is your reward, as well as permission to use Rock Climb

After You Win

When you beat Big Mo, he’s humble in defeat and gives you TM60 Drain Punch as well as the Badge you need to use Rock Climb.

Now that you can climb to your heart’s content, it’s time to head to a couple areas you couldn’t access before.

Icicle Cave entrance / Pokémon Unbound
Icicle Cave entrance

Fly to Bellin Town and head north to the entrance of Icicle Cave.

You haven’t explored its lower depths yet, and with Rock Climb, now you can.

Return to Icicle Cave

(Click for full-size)
Lower Icicle Cave map
Points of Interest
Skier Charlie
Skiers Club Battles
Cave Balcony Access
Boulder Hole
Boulder Landing
Exits and Passages

Ladder Up to Icicle Cave 2F Central Pond

Ladder Up to Icicle Cave 2F West Pond
Ladder Down to B1F Ice Floor
Ladder Up to 1F Ice Floor

Ice Stone
Full Restore
Dusk Ball
Moon Stone
Wise Glasses
Blue Shard
Rose Incense
(on balcony outside)
Escape Rope
TM69 Rock Polish
Big Pearl
Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon

Skier Charlie

Icicle Cave – 1F

The central lake on 2F / Pokémon Unbound
The central lake on 2F

To get to the new section of the first floor of Icicle Cave, head to the north part of 2F. You’ll see a Rock Climb wall leading down to a lake in the middle of the cavern. Cross it with Surf.

The ladder down to 1F / Pokémon Unbound
The ladder down to 1F

There’s a ladder on the other side of the lake – take that down and you’ll be in the new chamber.

The beginning of the ice paths - north and south / Pokémon Unbound
The beginning of the ice paths – north and south

The lower levels of Icicle Cave are full of ice sliding puzzles!

There are two puzzles on 1F – the complicated north one and the simple south one. Start with the north one first.

First Puzzle

Here’s the solution:

(Click for full-size)
The route to the Skier Club

There are a lot of items to collect in this puzzle and an alternate trainer to fight. Note that this puzzle is also optionally skippable, but it is worth doing for what you can get.

If you just want to skip to the big reward, here’s the solution to the direct route:

  1. North (from the left tile)
  2. East
  3. North
  4. East
  5. North
  6. West (pick up the item)
  7. South
  8. West
  9. South
  10. East
  11. North
  12. East
  13. South
  14. West
  15. South
  16. West
  17. North
  18. West
  19. North
  20. East
  21. South
The island of the Skiers / Pokémon Unbound
The island of the Skiers

Following those instructions, you’ll find yourself on an icy outcrop filled with ladies dressed in pink.

They’re the Skiers Club, and they’re the route master challenge for Icicle Cave.

Meeting the Club / Pokémon Unbound
Meeting the Club

You’ll first need to beat Skiers Anna and Ruby in a Double Battle, and once they’re defeated, Club President Lily steps up to challenge you herself.

Skiers Club Battles
Skiers Anna and Ruby
Alolan Vulpix
Mega Trainer Lily
Alolan Ninetales
Glalie (Mega)
A reward in lieu of membership / Pokémon Unbound
A reward in lieu of membership

You decline membership in the Skiers Club and receive a Glalitite in reward.

Then if you’re all set with this part of the chamber, return to the ladder where you started.

Sliding south this time / Pokémon Unbound
Sliding south this time

Second Puzzle

Compared to the northern puzzle, the southern puzzle really isn’t much of a puzzle at all, and is straightforward enough.

If you’re having trouble though, follow this:

  1. South (from the easternmost tile)
  2. East
  3. North
  4. East
Your destination, and a boulder to push / Pokémon Unbound
Your destination, and a boulder to push

You’ll end up on an outcrop with a Strength boulder on it.

Push the boulder out of your way and smash all of the rocks ahead of you so you have a clear path.

Then, push the Strength boulder north – though not all the way to the edge – leave one space.

Push the boulder in the hole, then follow it / Pokémon Unbound
Push the boulder in the hole, then follow it

This way, you can push the boulder south into the hole.

Once you do that, jump in after it, and you’ll end up on B1F.

Icicle Cave – B1F

The boulder helps you / Pokémon Unbound
The boulder helps you

Pushing the boulder makes it possible to reach the TM in this lower level, along with a couple other items.

(Click for full-size)
The path to the TM

From your starting position:

  1. South
  2. West
  3. South
  4. West
  5. North
  6. East
  7. North
  8. East
Blizzard is very useful / Pokémon Unbound
Blizzard is very useful

The TM ball will be in reach, and it’s one of the most powerful moves in the game – TM14 Blizzard.

You can now chase after any of the other items in the map above, or when you’re ready to move forward then make your way to the exit ladder to the west. This will have you pop up in a slightly different part of 2F that you explored with Surf.

Leaving the Cave

Leave Icicle Cave when you’re ready – an Escape Rope might work best here – and head back to Bellin Town.

South of Bellin Town is a rocky wall that you can climb down to access a whole new cavern system – this is Icy Hole.

Icy Hole entrance, south of Bellin Town / Pokémon Unbound
Icy Hole entrance, south of Bellin Town

Icy Hole

(Click for full-size)
Icy Hole map
Points of Interest
Clown Push
Raid Den
Regigigas Statue
Exits and Gates
(west) Bellin Town
(east) Bellin Town
Ladder Down to Lower Icy Hole
Ladder Up to Upper Icy Hole

Ice Stone
Zygarde Cell
Bright Powder
Venturing into the Icy Hole / Pokémon Unbound
Venturing into the Icy Hole

The first floor of Icy Hole is simple enough – head northeast to an icy floor, where you’ll spot a Clown.

Slide across the icy floor and make sure you’re just north of the Clown when you speak to him.

Helping the Clown

Talk to the clown from the north side / Pokémon Unbound
Talk to the clown from the north side

This Clown is stuck, and needs a bit of a push off the ice. Here’s how to help him:

  1. Push the Clown down
  2. Slide left to the wall
  3. Slide down to the corner
  4. Slide east to the clown and push
After pushing the Clown / Pokémon Unbound
After pushing the Clown

With that out of the way, the Clown gives you TM07 Hail as thanks.

Across the pond is a ladder / Pokémon Unbound
Across the pond is a ladder

There’s an exit to the south, but it just leads back to Bellin Town as a bit of a shortcut. Head north instead, surfing across a small pond, until you get to a ladder.

Exploring B1F

The lower section of Icy Hole / Pokémon Unbound
The lower section of Icy Hole

The ladder leads down to the basement, and there are a couple of things of use here.

A raid den and a Regigigas? / Pokémon Unbound
A raid den and a Regigigas?

There’s a Raid Den here, as well as what looks like the legendary titan Regigigas.

The Regigigas is just a statue / Pokémon Unbound
The Regigigas is just a statue

However, it’s just a statue – for now. Make a note of its location, the inscription may be useful later.

Rock Climb Backtracking (Optional)

With Icicle Cave and Icy Hole explored, there are a number of other places you can go now with Rock Climb, scattered all over Borrius.

These are optional Rock Climb locations but they do have some pretty rare items worth getting! Here’s a list of worthy backtrack spots:

Rock Climb Backtracking Locations
Route 3
Leftovers Northeast, above the beach
Cinder Volcano 3F East
Power Herb
On the southern bank of the west lake
TM38 Fire Blast On the extra section of West 3F accessible from a ladder in East 4F
Cinder Volcano Depths B1F
Red Flute Above northwest chamber entrance
Crater Town
Black Flute Above the Gym
Valley Cave B1F
Nugget Northwest side
Dusk Stone Southwest section
Revival Herb Southeast, tablet area
TM101 Power-Up Hit Press the button near the Ranger with a Bug Pokémon in first slot; then go to where the Tablet used to be
Lunalium Z Inside the cavern the Tablet turned into
Route 7
Zygarde Cell Top of the central hill
Frost Mountain 1F
TM79 Dark Pulse Southwest corner
Zygarde Cell Climb the rocks north of the Hiker, go up ladder to 2F
Full Incense Near the Painter
Dusk Stone Near the Tablet, northwest corner
Solganium Z Go to the southeast corner and approach the Aggron from behind; inside the Raid Den revealed when the Tablet is destroyed
Rare Bone East side
King’s Rock Southeast corner
Frost Mountain 2F
TM80 Rock Slide East side, under the bridge
White Herb Central hill
Route 8
Zygarde Celll East frozen pool
Zygarde Cell On an island in the middle of the route
Frozen Forest
Abomasite On top of the Crabominable nest
Route 10
Medichamite Defeat Mega Trainer Ernesto, southeastern cliff
Muscle Band Below Camper Chris
Route 11 and Cliff Cave
Max Elixir Right side of Cliff Cave entrance
Calcium Inside Cliff Cave off that landing
Nugget Inside Cliff Cave first cavern
Dusk Stone Right side of Cliff Cave entrance
TM65 Shadow Claw On Route 11 West
Zygarde Cell On Route 11 West
Electric Seed
On Route 11 West
Alakazite Defeat Mega Trainer Timothy, on Route 11 West cliffs, after defeating all Route 11 trainers
Dehara City
Protect Pads In the entrance area, up a cliff
Route 12
Max Revive Near the Dehara City gate, northwest cliff
Great Desert
TM26 Earthquake Northeast side of Tomb of Borrius entrance
Max Revive Northeast side of Tomb of Borrius entrance
Scizorite Defeat Mega Trainer Travon, above the canyon with the clown
Route 13
TM51 Roost Rocky island near Ocean Master
Big Pearl
Rocky island near Ocean Master
Route 14
TM83 Scald Top of the wall on the western side of the route
Route 6
TM74 Gyro Ball Northwest side, accessed by Surf
Route 15
Absorb Bulb Top of the center island
Route 15
Ultra Ball South of the Beauty
TM11 Sunny Day Show the Clown a Solrock or Solgaleo
Zygarde Cell Antisis City side cliffs

Moving Forward

Thundercap Antisis Side entrance / Pokémon Unbound
Thundercap Antisis Side entrance

There’s one last place to go to Rock Climb in a useful way, and that’s Thundercap Mountain. However, now that you’ve been to Antisis City, you can access a whole new side and section of the mountain.

Fly back to Antisis City and head west across the bridge for the next leg of the journey.

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