Quick Guide:
  • Enter the West Warehouse and find the Kidnapped Man
  • Defeat the Kidnappers
  • Enter the East Warehouse and defeat the Mad Scientist
  • Recover the Electivire
  • Sail to East Borrius

Seaport West Warehouse

(Click for full-size)
Seaport West Warehouse map
Points of Interest
Black Ferrothorn Goon and Burglar Milan
Kidnapped Man
Black Ferrothorn Goon and Burglar Colin
Black Ferrothorn Goon and Burglar Hernando
Black Ferrothorn Goon and Burglar Toby
Warehouse Entrance

Rare Candy
Max Elixir
Max Potion

Black Ferrothorn Goon and Burglar Milan
Alolan Sandshrew
Black Ferrothorn Goon and Burglar Colin
Black Ferrothorn Goon and Burglar Hernando
Black Ferrothorn Goon and Burglar Toby

Picking up where we left off, you’re in the western warehouse in Seaport City on a rescue mission.

Swizer checks you’re following the rules / Pokémon Unbound
Swizer checks you’re following the rules

The thugs who took him invite you to try and take him back from them, but they’ve got some rules for you to follow – you must enter with a team composed only of Fairy-type and Ice-type Pokémon (double types are allowed).


Well, it just so happens that the majority of the Pokémon these thugs have are super effective against Ice- or Fairy-types, which means that you’ll be at a severe type disadvantage the whole time.

It’s recommended that you use Alolan Ninetales – hopefully you’ve been training it – as well as double Ice-types from Icy Hole such as Sealeo, Piloswine and Jynx, which might only need a bit of leveling beforehand.

Entering the warehouse / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the warehouse

Once Swizer is satisfied you’re following the rules, he allows you to go downstairs to face the goon gauntlet.

The first intersection / Pokémon Unbound
The first intersection

Keep going south, passing an intersection along the way – there’s just a Worker there who hears the cry of a Mimikyu.

Continue west through the thin passage / Pokémon Unbound
Continue west through the thin passage

At the south end of the hallway is a Strength boulder and a narrow passage leading west into the mass of storage containers. Take the passage.

The first Double Battle pair / Pokémon Unbound
The first Double Battle pair

Every fight in here is a Double Battle, and this one is just the first, so make sure you’re prepared.

Once they’ve been defeated, go to the end of the passage and push the boulder out of the way so you can head north.

Note: Be warned that this represents a path of no return, since the boulder resets behind you. You may want to use items to heal up after every single fight, because they’re pretty tough.

The landlord is rescued - now you just need to get out of here / Pokémon Unbound
The landlord is rescued – now you just need to get out of here

You’ll see the landlord to the north – talk to him and he’ll start following behind.

Take the west passage through the containers and you’ll get another Double Battle.

The second confrontation / Pokémon Unbound
The second confrontation

Once these goons are finished with, continue along the passage until you reach the western side of the warehouse.

Follow the path down, and you’ll notice three passages leading east.

The first passage / Pokémon Unbound
The first passage

Follow the first passage and you’ll find a dead end – and a Pokémon.

Time to catch a Mimikyu / Pokémon Unbound
Time to catch a Mimikyu

You’ll be drawn into a battle with a Mimikyu, and you’ll be able to catch it as well.

Pokémon Encounter
The three passages - the correct one to take to go forward is the middle one / Pokémon Unbound
The three passages – the correct one to take to go forward is the middle one

If you go along the bottom passage, you’ll be hit with an optional Double Battle. Take the middle passage first if you want to avoid it.

Narrowly avoiding a battle / Pokémon Unbound
Narrowly avoiding a battle

You’ll pass the ambush and head east, straight into a Double Battle you can’t avoid.

The penultimate Double Battle / Pokémon Unbound
The penultimate Double Battle

Once you defeat that pair of goons, you’re free to make your escape from this floor of this warehouse.

The boulder is the way out / Pokémon Unbound
The boulder is the way out

Walk east and you’ll see that you can now push the boulder from the other side, freeing up the way to the entrance.

Kidnapper Showdown

The final battle / Pokémon Unbound
The final battle

As soon as you go upstairs, Swizer and Bullo are waiting for you.

They’re not happy you managed to get this far, and want to take care of you personally.

Kidnapper Double Battle
Burglar Swizer and Black Ferrothorn Bullo
Freedom at last / Pokémon Unbound
Freedom at last

Should you be able to defeat them, they leave with their tails between their legs, and allow you to take the landlord home.

The landlord is grateful / Pokémon Unbound
The landlord is grateful

As payment for rescuing him and his Skitty, he tells you that he’ll allow the old man in Epidimy Town to move into the upstairs apartment free of charge.

The old man can’t believe his luck / Pokémon Unbound
The old man can’t believe his luck

Fly back to Epidimy Town to give the old man the good news. He heads to his new apartment immediately.

Your very valuable reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your very valuable reward

Speak to him in Seaport City and he’ll give you the Icium Z, which upgrades Ice moves to Z-Moves.

The mighty Subzero Slammer / Pokémon Unbound
The mighty Subzero Slammer

If you’ve got that Alolan Ninetales, give it the Icium Z to hold and it will turn into an absolute weapon against Dragon-, Flying-, Grass- and Ground-type Pokémon – and also a lot of other types, considering the power of Subzero Slammer.

The East Warehouse / Pokémon Unbound
The East Warehouse

There’s one more warehouse you need to investigate, on the docks this time.

Townsfolk have mentioned that they’ve seen a Science Society Scientist go in, and it might be the same one that stole the Electivire.

Seaport East Warehouse

(Click for full-size)
Seaport East Warehouse map
Points of Interest
Scientist and Electivire
Warehouse Entrance

Zygarde Cell
Dubious Disc
TM99 Wild Charge
Max Revive
The location of the password / Pokémon Unbound
The location of the password

You’ll need a password to get in. And by following a tip you can get from a Scientist in town, it’s scrawled on the back of some crates here (screenshotted above).

Enter the password – 5711 – and the door will open.

The password entered / Pokémon Unbound
The password entered

Make your way downstairs to the storage floor, where the Scientist and the Electivire await.

The way downstairs / Pokémon Unbound
The way downstairs

Walk south until you see a turning to the west – this is the way you need to go.

Keep going south / Pokémon Unbound
Keep going south

You’ll see a ladder on the side of a container – take that and it will lead you straight to the Scientist and her mad experiments.

Climb the container / Pokémon Unbound
Climb the container

Rescuing the Electivire

The lair of the Scientist / Pokémon Unbound
The lair of the Scientist

The Scientist is apparently pleased you found her, and sets the Electivire on you.

Electivire Gauntlet
Pokemon Fight
(level scales)
Dynamax Pokemon Fight
(Double Battle)
Dynamax Electivire
(level scales)
Science Society Scientist
The Dynamax is successful / Pokémon Unbound
The Dynamax is successful

Once you beat it, it’s not over – she’s figured out a way to Dynamax it, and you’ll have to fight a Max Battle with the Electivire.

It’ll be a Double Battle, and the three-part shield it throws up at different points is a little frustrating.

The Scientist wants to handle you herself / Pokémon Unbound
The Scientist wants to handle you herself

If you manage to beat it, the Scientist will square up to you herself and battle you with her team of Pokémon.

Compared to the Dynamax Electivire though, she’s a bit of a pushover.

Finally, the Electivire can go home / Pokémon Unbound
Finally, the Electivire can go home

With its captor finally defeated for good, the Electivire wants to return to its Trainer in Epidimy Town.

Your reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward

Make space in your party when you get there – the Electivire’s happy owner will give you a Pokémon Egg containing a lv. 1 Elekid.

You’ll also get an Electirizer, a Power Weight, and a Gold Bottle Cap.

Sailing to East Borrius

The Ferry / Pokémon Unbound
The Ferry

With all the business in Seaport City taken care of, it’s finally time to take that boat ride.

Go to the ferry terminal on the southern pier, near where you picked up the Super Rod.

Bad news / Pokémon Unbound
Bad news

Jax and Arthur are already here, and apparently there’s engine trouble.

They’re not happy at the inconvenience.

An alternative form of transport / Pokémon Unbound
An alternative form of transport

Luckily, the S.S. Marine is also going to East Borrius, and the helpful Sailor at the desk gives the three of you tickets.

Ticket to ride / Pokémon Unbound
Ticket to ride

Jax hands you one of the tickets and tells you to meet them on the north pier.

Taking the boat east / Pokémon Unbound
Taking the boat east

Make sure you’ve done everything you can in Seaport City for now, and head to the S.S. Marine – it’s time to go to East Borrius.

Crossing the sea / Pokémon Unbound
Crossing the sea

It doesn’t take long for the S.S. Marine to reach its destination – the dock at Polder Town.

You arrive at the dock, and Jax and Arthur discuss next steps. You’re interrupted though by an ominous thundering in the distance – Crystal Peak, where Aklove is trying to fire the Ultimate Weapon.

Crystal Peak / Pokémon Unbound
Crystal Peak
Your next objective at the docks / Pokémon Unbound
Your next objective at the docks

You’ll need Waterfall to even get to Crystal Peak, and that means you’ll need to beat the Polder Gym first.

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